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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. 1. Not on purpose :D 2. Gaviscon is my best friend 3. This is Spiritual Emphasis Week at our school... Sort of like a revival... So I am pretty excited!
  2. I've seen this too and I think it is ridiculous to be honest as well as unbiblical. I would go to a different church. .
  3. A proper breakfast for me is trying not to spill my coffee as I walk out the door to work. :tongue_smilie: My kids get actual nutrition... Eggs, toast, oatmeal, etc. We do bigger breakfast meals on the weekend.
  4. I will happily look at your vacation pics and read any other thing you'd like to brag about here or on FB and be happy with you! :grouphug: .
  5. Exactly. If we were ALL outliers, they wouldn't be called outliers, KWIM? :tongue_smilie:
  6. That article is sad. She was obviously pressured into a marriage she didn't want by spiritual leaders she respected. She then spends 24 years convincing herself and the world that it was the right thing to do. Pastors should not abuse their spiritual authority. :glare:
  7. Do you HAVE to take a thread that is about a wonderful school destroyed by senseless violence and make it about you and your family and your beliefs? Can't we for once, just stay on topic and give this school a prayer or a moment of silence or a vibe or whatever it is you do? They have been faithfully serving that community for over 50 years and now their entire school was destroyed and they are nothing more than innocent victims. Please. No red herring arguments. No personal attacks. No slams against religion. How about just trying to picture in your head, the library books as they burned... The charred pieces of all your favorite children's books floating in the air...the destroyed classrooms with student work still hanging on what's left of the walls...and 500 children crying when they have no school to go to tomorrow. Try picturing that and you will understand that this post isn't about you. .
  8. :iagree: These weren't devout Muslims, who were deeply offended by the video, peacefully protesting. These were street thugs using it as an excuse to steal and destroy. If I were a Muslim I would be mortified by this. As an American Christian, I am heart-broken and just praying for peace in my own soul and that God forgives them. .
  9. In addition to the burning, and looting, and killing... These lunatics have completely destroyed an American school in Tunis. Tears just streamed down my face as I read about all of their library books burned, their computers stolen, busses torched... Everything just completely destroyed. I will never understand this. Never. http://www.tunisia-live.net/2012/09/17/director-of-american-school-in-tunis-recounts-day-of-looting-and-vandalism/ .
  10. I don't really care all that much about the dance but honestly, you are on a roll as this is the second post by you that I want to stand up and cheer about. Bravo. .
  11. He is the director for our entire campus so his phone rings incessantly and he always answers because it might be, and often is, urgent. Me on the other hand? :D. I can't even find my cell phone!
  12. Watched it. Loved it. Can't wait for it to come back on!
  13. We all eat MY meat loaf but I can be skeptical of others. :D
  14. So tell me what kind of dog is Otis? Just in case.... :tongue_smilie:
  15. We were JUST at the store where I bought it last weekend and I found myself wondering if he had outgrown it yet and if you needed me to mail you a bigger one. :D The kids are still begging for a dog like yours and asking when we are going back to see you all again. I told them I want to convince you all to come here for a visit too! Any chance? ;) Of course, my plan is to just move in to your little cottage so we can drink coffee and go shopping together all the time! .
  16. :iagree::iagree: Definitely! You HAVE to read that book!
  17. Agree in advance to only argue in private. Arguing in front of your children makes them feel insecure. Arguing in front of other people makes them feel uncomfortable and it's rude. My brother and his wife get in knock-down-drag-out arguments in front of people all the time and it is so tacky. Also, agree not to undermine one another in front of the children. And I totally agree with not letting your extended families have too much influence in your marriage.
  18. Yikes. That's quite a schedule. Have fun with it and come back and let us know you are alive now and then!!! .
  19. How many children and when (God willing) Who will handle the finances How will housework and childcare be divided Thoughts on discipline for children Religion issues Where you are willing to live and not live I know couples who have divorced for each of the above reasons so these seem like important topics to me. .
  20. I agree and I think the show is great (I am also biased! :D)
  21. Once Upon A Time Grimm Vampire Diaries Revenge Others on odd season times: Sherlock Downton Abbey We have to buy all of our shows on iTunes since none of them air here so we have to REALLY like it.
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