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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I think it is fantastic and plan to use it as part of our family devotions. I am also looking at the best way to incorporate it into our bible curriculum at my school. .
  2. I should also mention that I don't think all TV was that "innocent" when I was a kid, either. Sure, we watched Little House on the Prairie every week without fail. But we also watched Three's Company, Dynasty, Dukes of Hazzard and Mork and Mindy among others that were loaded with sexual innuendo. There are definitely very few shows I can watch with my kids now but I don't think that much of the TV I watched then was all that good quality, either. But somehow I still have these positive family memories attached to it. .
  3. It all started with this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVQQjoFlsiA&feature=youtube_gdata_player It is a fun compilation of theme songs from TV that Jimmy Fallon did on his show. Dh showed it to me and I knew every single one of them within a few notes. Then we began to reminisce which shows we loved when we were kids. I could remember so many of them and even what night many of them were on. The conclusion I came to was that I watched A LOT of television as a kid. The interesting thing though is that we only had one TV and we always watched TV together as a family. Many of my memories involve all of us watching our favorite shows together. We talk so much now about limiting TV and not letting our kids watch it and part of that is the quality of TV shows that are out now. But it just makes me wonder if watching TV together as a family is such a "terrible" thing to do after all. And it made me wonder if it was just my family and dh's family? Or did your family watch a lot of TV together too? ETA: I just thought about something. I wonder if it has something to do with age? When did the TV-is-bad-for-kids era begin? I am in my 40s and I wonder if those in their 30s watched less TV as kids than those of us who are older? .
  4. After all the years I have been working in education I can tell you that these policies, as ridiculous as many of them are, do not come out of the blue. They almost always come as a reaction to complaints from others. Groups complain that school lunches aren't healthy enough so the school tries to correct it which upsets other groups because they think the school is too controlling. Groups complain that they want schools to be safe for food allergy kids so schools try to control what is served for snacks. Other groups think this is a terrible idea. There is NO WAY to please everyone. At my school parents have the option of paying for the school snack or bringing their own from home (this applies to lunches as well). But we also don't guarantee an allergen-free school. You can't have it both ways. It's just one of the many things an administrator must negotiate while walking through the minefield of group education. .
  5. I thought of you this morning too. We've had stomach flu making the rounds at our house and everyone's been miserable. I just thought to myself, "at least this is only for a day. That poor woman has been doing this for weeks!" I really pray it eases up for you SOON. :grouphug:
  6. Well, I certainly wasn't trying to embarass us further but somehow I don't think this situation is unique to my school. I see this stuff every where in the states. So my post is more of plea (disguised as a rant as it was still fresh at that point) to Christians to PLEASE STOP DOING THIS. And I don't mind if non-Christians see it because I want them to know that those people do NOT represent the whole of Christianity. I want them to know that not all Christians think like that. That is my way of educating people on the topic. Reformation day would not work as we have Catholics both as students and on staff. I think that would be just as unpopular as Halloween. .
  7. We have smart boards in every classroom and you do not need to dim the lights or close the shades unless the window faces the smart board and causes a glare. We do often keep shades drawn and windows closed as we have A/C running at all times due to the heat here. As far as too much stuff... I am a clutter-free person but many of my teachers are into "anchor-charts" so there are posters everywhere, things hanging from the ceiling, etc. We do try to balance it though as our rooms are carpeted and the kids wear socks only in the classroom to keep the sound down. We also have reading cubbies with soft pillows, over-stuffed couches and the like. But I do wonder about overstimulation versus visually appealing. I wonder if there are any studies on it? .
  8. Well good morning! You ladies have been busy in my absence! :D I feel better today because you all have made me laugh and given me such great ideas to take to the next meeting! :tongue_smilie: Am I "scoffing" at my fellow Christians? Well, yeah, some of them. I do it because we have a serious mission, and it is about serious things, and no one will take us seriously if we say stupid things like hallelujah party and holy ghost weenie roast and Jesusween. And I gotta tell ya, I don't think God is impressed either. So come down on which ever side of the Halloween debate that you choose... But CHOOSE... And stand firm. And stop trying to have it all but pretending like you aren't. Be authentic. Please. .
  9. Definitely. And my secret desire to be an amazon princess with flowing green locks that exude "fear me" to anyone who looks at me. Hey! Maybe I can dress up like one at our Holy Ghost Weenie Roast! .
  10. If you promise to come visit me in Malaysia I will find some way to pull it off!
  11. Understand that I am really crabby at the moment when I say this but... Why can't people just SHUT UP AND MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS? Sheesh. And congratulations on your gift from God!
  12. I have loads of pics on ... FB... :lol: Seriously though, pm me if you want to be FB friends and you can catch up on all the fun happenings in Malaysia! .
  13. Oh my goodness. THANK YOU!!! I have not laughed that hard in a while and after this day I needed it. Wow. I feel so much better!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: .
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