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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :iagree::iagree::iagree: We are currently doing home church because all of the churches on this island are of a denomination whose teachings I disagree with. We would rather stay home and teach them ourselves than sit under teaching we disagree with.
  2. They don't have those here either but I carry the liquid with me everywhere because just aren't really labeled well. :glare: It isn't illegal to have epipens, they are just not available. They don't sell them here. So it would have gotten through customs either way, the question is whether I would have had to pay a hefty fee. But it got through without a hitch! I am very blessed!! .
  3. I know, right? Those people who go on other boards and bash this place have some serious issues. This is one outstanding group of people.
  4. Ok, I know that sounds weird, but if you have read any of my previous posts on my son's peanut allergy and the fact that epipens are not available in this country, then you know why I am so excited!! Not only that... But guess how I go them? That's right... A fellow WTMer mailed them to me. :D. I don't know if she wants to be named so I am respecting that, but it's just one more way in which this is an amazing place. I wonder if SWB ever thought that starting a homeschooling forum could one day save a child's life? Thank you, secret friend, for your generosity. :grouphug: . .
  5. I ALWAYS took my kids when we were in the states. I think it is important for them to see it in action.
  6. This week... Started Reading: The Hole in our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung Still reading: Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose Completed: 37. Romeo and Juliet 36. The Night Circus 35. Alone With God 34. What Angel's Fear: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery 33. The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 32. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy 31. Frankenstein 30. The Lotus and the Cross 29. Desiring God 28. Blood Feud: The Hatfields and the McCoys 27. Among the Gods 26. The Deadliest Monster 25. Faith of My Fathers 24. A Good American 23. They Say/I Say:The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing 22. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 21. Insurgent 20. Stand: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints 19. The Strength of His Hands 18. The Meaning of Marriage 17. Funny in Farsi 16. The Constantine Codex 15. What the Dog Saw 14. What is the Mission of the Church?: Making Sense of Social Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission 13. Gods and Kings 12. A Skeleton in God's Closet 11. My Hands Came Away Red 10. The Omnivore's Dilemma 9. Dead Heat 8. Redeeming Love 7. Family Driven Faith: What it Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God 6. Organized Simplicity 5. Year of Wonders 4. The Holiness of God 3. The Paris Wife 2. The Peach Keeper 1. Relic
  7. :iagree: I was going to say that God is sovereign. And also, that Nutella tastes good on pretty much everything. :D .
  8. That time does NOT heal all pain. You just get a higher tolerance for pain. .
  9. :iagree: I am a very well-educated person. However, referring back to my earlier post about my oldest ds, he was our first child. He was also the first grandchild on both sides of the family. We were the first in our group of friends to have children. I taught high school, not elementary. Ds did not go to preschool until age 3 so there was very little interaction with other children. So really, I had VERY little idea of what "typical" looked like in a 3yo. I knew he was a handful but I didn't know that his behaviors were so atypical until someone with a lot more experience with children pointed them out to me. And as Bill has pointed out, I was instantly offended. But I was foolish. There is NOTHING WRONG with listening to the advice and concerns of others. It may turn out that they are completely off-base. But you could also get some really helpful ideas you may not have considered. Everyone needs to stop being so easily offended. Even as a mother you DON'T know EVERYTHING. And some people really are just concerned. Is that such a crime? .
  10. :iagree: I just finished a masters degree online and wow, I loved it. I would have loved being homeschooled. .
  11. Well, with the time difference, I will be sleeping through most of it. When the results roll in I will be at work.
  12. When my ds was 3yo, a babysitter (who was a woman older than me with kids older than mine) mentioned that my ds showed a lot of signs of sensory integration dysfunction. I had never heard of that. I just thought he was a "handful." I got very defensive and I stopped calling her to babysit. Two years later, after my ds was kicked out of two different preschools for his behavior, I stumbled across "The Out of Sync Child" at a bookstore which is all about SID. When I read the description I realized instantly that it was describing my ds and I remembered what that babysitter had said. I sat in the aisle at Barnes and Noble and cried. To this day I wish... 1. I could apologize to her 2. I could have those two years back and get earlier intervention for my ds Just another perspective for you. :grouphug: .
  13. Well we bought a used iPad that our 8yo and 3yo share. So I guess 3yo?
  14. I would never allow any of the teachers who work for me to chew gum in class. It is very unprofessional. They can have a cup of water, no problem. But gum chewing looks terrible... Especially when we don't allow the kids to chew gum. .
  15. Ds (14yo) got a scholarship to take courses in film-making at Lights Film School starting in January. This is his passion and his future so we are pretty excited! :D
  16. That is why a 21st century skill, and one we cover thoroughly in our curriculum, is research skills in a digital age... How to tell credible sources from non-credible... How to properly cite a digital source, etc. I just finished a master's degree and all my books and all of my research was online. All the big journals are digitized and searchable. I can't imagine trying to do a 20-page research paper from just books. All of our high school kids have an iPad and all of our novels for English class come through iBooks or the kindle app. Our kids have access to hundreds of scholarly journals online through our school for research. All of our textbooks are digital. The kids type their essays right into Notability then send it to the teacher who can make corrections in Notability and send it back. No more wasted paper. No more heavy backpacks! It's not really that scary. :D But we do still have books in our library and we are always buying new ones. Do I think books are going away? No. But if you look up stats on ebook purchasing vs. physical books, it is evident that ebooks are the present and the future. .
  17. Either one of us would know what to do. We are both equally aware of finances, insurance, running of the house, etc. We also both work full time and would be able to survive financially. .
  18. Heck no. Go for it!!! I am 42 and I would wear it. .
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