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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. My staff here gave me a shower for my daughter who was baby #3. ENJOY IT!
  2. That tiny little store in Ampang is still there!!! That is THE place to get rare American items. We live about 4 hours from KL (on the island) but if we or anyone from here goes to KL everyone starts making a list for them. We call it being a pack mule and everyone gets a turn! :D
  3. I feel the same way about the clothes here. Except the problem here is that clothes come covered in marketing... everything has Winnie the Pooh or a Disney Princess on it. EVERYTHING. You can find a pretty "Laura Ashley" type dress for your daughter but smack on the front of it is Barbie's face! :glare:
  4. Excellent new acronym... it can replace "Am I the only one who..." and "Does anyone else think that..." threads!
  5. Exactly. My kids aren't picky thank goodness or the bill would be worse. They are pretty content to eat at the local stalls most of the time. But the one night they begged me for tacos... HOLY MOLY... that was an expensive dinner! I won't even mention how much it cost to buy the cheddar cheese and sour cream! :tongue_smilie:
  6. We DO buy local all the time. We buy fruits, veggies, chicken, bread, etc.... all local. But there is just not a local equivalent of Cheerios (none that my kids would eat) and some items (like black beans and pinto beans) are not grown locally so you have to buy them canned. I can only get corn on the cob and I do not have the time to hand slice it all off the cob to put it in a recipe. We can only eat Indian food so many times a week before my kids want me to cook a "western" meal. And this IS the grocery store that the locals shop at (when they buy these kinds of items).
  7. Our grocery bill here is out of control! I come home fuming each week at the cost of things. But part of me is wondering if maybe I have just forgotten how much things actually cost in America? So here is a list of a few items and their price (in U.S. dollars). Can you tell me how much they are at your grocery store? Honey Nut Cheerios- $8 1 package of baby wipes- $3.50 1 container of coffee- $4.50 1 gallon of milk- $12 1 can of black beans- $3 1 bottle of ranch dressing- $5 1 can of corn- $1.50 1 package of taco seasoning- $3 1 can of diced tomatoes- $3 1 jar of Jiffy peanut butter- $4 1 small jar of smuckers strawberry jam- $3 1 pound of grouond beef- $10 So how do these compare with what you pay? Am I paying a lot or am I being a big baby? :D
  8. Your daughter needs to speak .to her teacher and the other girl needs serious disciplinary action. At my school she would be expelled and so would your daughter if she doesn't tell the truth about what happened. Poor thing.
  9. Oh gosh I was much worse at that age. I worked a lot, went to school full-time, went out with friends. I'm not sure if I remember sleeping at all! :tongue_smilie:
  10. I've been doing it just about every day since 1994 so I guess I am used to it. I don't even think about it. Bt don't ask me to sing in front of a group. I would faint.
  11. Everywhere you go here in Malaysia there are waxing centers. It is extremely common among the younger Chinese generation and the westerners on the island but not so much with the Indians and Malays. And it is cheap and fast. All you need is 40 bucks and 15 minutes once a month. Don't ask how I know. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Our favorites: Romeo and Juliet- I like the Zeferrelli version the best but the one with DiCaprio in it is definitely interesting. Hamlet- I love the Mel Gibson version Othello- The Laurence Fishburne/Kenneth Branagh version is awesome! "O" is good too but I miss the language of Shakespeare in that one. Much Ado About Nothing with Branagh is excellent as well (Michael Keaton is hilarious)
  13. Well I don't anymore but I used to for several years. I was a full time high school teacher and I worked from 8am-4pm. Hubby was in management with WalMart and he worked 5pm-1am. We split everything (household duties and homeschooling) down the middle.
  14. I did. And I have achieved them. I became a teacher (which is what I always wanted to do) then became a principal at 38yo (the next step). Now I am just thinking about what I might want to do next....
  15. I read all three books in less than a week. I loved them. Although I liked books 1 and 2 better than book 3. It has caused some great discussion with my ds who read them too.... about the nature of man...how far are we, really, from something like that considering our obsession with reality TV and public humiliation of the contestants? He brought that up while watching "Wipeout" which we watch frequently and laugh our fool heads off. He turns to me and says "Wow, add some weapons and this could be The Hunger Games." :001_huh:
  16. My children are American, Indian, and Korean. Everywhere we go we get lots of stares but we also get lots of support. People are fascinated and they ALWAYS comment on what a beautiful family we have. I call us the rainbow family. :D
  17. Honestly, it aggravated the living daylights out of me. The panda had no idea he was adopted (which is kind of funny since his dad is a bird!) and he is living a pretty happy life. Then he finds out he is adopted and SUDDENLY he "doesn't know who he is" and "has to find out where he really belongs" etc, etc, etc. My ds knows he is adopted and has known from the beginning. Thankfully it seemed to go right over his head (he is 7yo). But the whole premise that just because you are adopted AUTOMATICALLY means you "don't know who you are" and "don't know where you belong" really bugged me. Like it is planting seeds of discontent, ya know? My dh is adopted, I am adopted, his sister is adopted. Adoption runs pretty thick in this family so it definitely stood out to us. The rest of the movie is good but we won't be watching it again.
  18. I did not get any of mine at school and never even heard of that until I read your responses.
  19. Yes it is done completely on the computer but your child only needs "mouse" skills and it is all audio so he will wear headphones to take it. I am in charge of MAP testing for grades k-9 at my school so I am happy to answer your questions.
  20. It is not a modesty issue for me. But my mom always told me that if someone can see your panty lines then your pants are too tight. It is more of a fashion issue than a modesty issue. OTOH... I don't want to see someone's "whale's tail" either. Blech.
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