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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :iagree: The everyone wins philosophy gets on my nerves. But I'm a pretty competitive person. :D
  2. My ds 7 just made his first batch of homemade salsa and it is awesome!!! He will be a great chef some day. And he had to get glasses and he was bummed. But when we got them he looked so cute in them that even he was happy. :D
  3. For you: Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics by Liping Ma (I am using this as math PD this year for my entire elementary staff). For the kids: Kitchen Table Math books 1,2,3 from the AOPS company, also anything by Edward Zaccaro, Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems
  4. I have that friend too! I nicknamed her "Calamity Jane" in my head. It helps me endure the complaining. :D
  5. Me either. My kids go for vaccines when they need them as babies, toddlers, etc. After that we go when they are sick. None of them have any significant issues though so it just hasnt been necessary.
  6. I would add an A to Ann and make it Anna-Caron as a first name. :D
  7. :iagree::iagree::iagree: We got married when I was 26 and he was 28. He'd been married before. I certainly have a past. As far as the "need" to know every detail... my mom always told me "Don't ask the question unless you REALLY want the answer." I don't want to know every detail of his past so I don't ask and vice versa. Ignorance CAN be bliss sometimes. ;)
  8. So that's not you in your avatar? :tongue_smilie: Don't laugh...I am a visual person so I associate the members of this board with their avatars moreso than their board names (it is also why I hate it when people change their avatars...totally bumfuzzles me!). After a while you become your avatar in my brain. So in my brain, Audrey is this wild, green-haired, amazon-princess-type chick. :D OK back to the topic at hand... I'm not fat (although maybe we should define "FAT"?) but I could stand to lose about 10 pounds. The problem is I have lost that weight before and while my body is thinner my face also has more wrinkles!!!! No thank you. I'll be a little plump rather than wrinkled any day. I think you can be overweight and still know how to work it!
  9. Yep. People love to complain. Check this out: :D puts things in perspective for me.
  10. :iagree: I had to think about it for a second... Do I know his password? And then I realized we don't know each other's and it has never even crossed my mind to ask. :001_huh:
  11. :iagree: I have been teaching in public and private schools and co-ops for 16 years in a variety of settings (all different income levels, all diffent ethnicities, secular, religious, you name it... I've taught it) and I can say with confidence that about 70% of teachers in any setting are not very good at teaching. I agree that homeschoolers often struggle to adapt to classroom dynamcis at first. But they all eventually get it. Some sooner. Some later. And I think those group dynamics are unique to classrooms (versus boy scouts or sports, etc). So learning in a classroom setting is a valuable experience "in general." But I definitely do not agree that co-ops or classrooms are always a valuable experience. It takes a lot of skill to LEAD a class... A skill the majority of teachers sadly lack.
  12. Well in the high school class I teach I typically say "Zip it or you're out". :D.
  13. I have said much worse than that to high school students over the last 16 years. :tongue_smilie:
  14. I guess he never watched The Notebook? :tongue_smilie: Seriously, it is time to get out the big hook and pull him off the stage.
  15. I have some of each. I like the look of white better but my teeth with white fillings are far more sensitive now than they were when they had silver fillings.
  16. My parents trusted me way too much and let me "make my own decisions" at too young an age. Yeah, with the decisions I made I am lucky to be alive, lucky I didn't get pregnant or contract a disease. :glare: Their marriage was a total disaster and my mom was too depressed and trapped to parent effectively and my dad was a jerk. The one thing my mom did well was make sure I got a college degree so I would never be "stuck" like she was. I parent totally different than they did.
  17. We have "help" now. She lives with us during the week and goes home on the weekends. She is pretty much the boss around here. :D We love her and she loves us and we do things with her family at her home and at ours. We celebrate holidays and birthdays together. She had a big dinner at her home with both of our families for my birthday last month and it was wonderful! We took her on vacation with us this summer too. It was her first time out of Malaysia. I feel so blessed to have her in our lives. We can't live without her.
  18. My oldest ds says "what the flagnog?" My dh says "whiskey tango foxtrot?" While I do not often swear, when I do it is the real thing and you know I am VERY angry. :tongue_smilie:
  19. My kids picked up "what the flagnog?" from watching that Monsters vs. Aliens movie. :glare: My dh, however, says "whiskey tango foxtrot?" which actually makes me laugh. :tongue_smilie: I think the teacher probably should have been a little more reserved in her response. There are ways to get your point across without resorting to shock value.
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