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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. So if you attend an event that is pot-luck... Everybody brings a dish... And when it is over there is still a significant portion of the dish you brought left over, do you take the food home with you? I went to a baby shower yesterday and I made this huge pasta salad. They ate about half of it so I thought I would take the rest home to my family. Then another random guest at the party, a woman I work with but don't know very well, says to me "I liked the pasta salad you made so I am going to take the rest home to my family. I'll wash your bowl and bring it back on Monday." I just stood there with my jaw hanging open. I didn't know what to say. I guess it is no big deal? Maybe I should be flattered? But it just seemed odd to me. :001_huh:
  2. We are huge techno geeks here and use computers and iPads all the time for all kinds of stuff. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!! :D
  3. We only buy for the kids and we spend about $1000.
  4. Almost not at all. I have fond memories and I am always happy to hear that the sports teams are doing well but I don't follow the teams. It makes me sad to see what has become of the state economically but I don't really follow that very much either. Some of my habits or thought processes derived from living in the Detroit area I suppose. But I don't really identify as a Michigander. I don't have a deep and abiding loyalty to the state. Now that I live abroad I am more likely to identify as an American.
  5. Nope. It is a personality thing. I had two that hated them but my baby girl is happy as a lark and I didn't "train" any of them. I am not even really sure what that means? :001_huh:
  6. I get it. My BFF has been to my baptist church many times and we have taken communion together but when I go to her Lutheran church I am not allowed. It shouldn't be a big deal to me but it still hurts.
  7. It completely changed my thinking. I was a unit studies person before it and not happy but I couldn't figure out why. Then I read WTM. And it all fell into place. :D
  8. My dh, my mom, and my aunt. Honestly, when it all got really bad all I wanted was my mommy. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Thank you so much!!! I am off to check out all these resources...
  10. IF YOU ARE NOT PRO-LIFE THEN THIS THREAD PROBABLY WON'T INTEREST YOU I am not posting to discuss or argue. I am JUST looking for resources. I am teaching a high school class right now at my school called "Values and Decision-Making" and the next chapter is on the abortion issue and defending pro-life (this is a christian school that is very strong in their pro-life stance). So I am looking for the best resources I can find on the pro-life argument... Video clips, websites, articles, talking points... Whatever. I have some I have collected but I am looking for some really great ones I don't have that really pack a punch. This school does NOT teach that abortion is an equally valid choice as carrying the baby to term so please do not argue that we should be. It is not going to happen. But if you have a good pro-life resource I would really appreciate it. :D
  11. I just had flashbacks of my childhood... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! If you are looking for me I will be curled in the fetal position in a corner .....
  12. Well my kids lived in Michigan, North Carolina and now Malaysia and I doubt our moving days are over. They have actually gained a lot from it so far. New places, new people, etc., doesn't "throw" them. They adapt really well and are always open to new ideas. I think it has been great for our whole family. I want my kids to always be open to new experiences and not to let change scare them. It is a big world out there and I want them to see as much as they can.
  13. Thank you for all your awesome advice. It gives me a lot to think about. I have to make a decision in the next three months so stay tuned...:D
  14. 1995... Got engaged in Feb, turned 25 in Aug, called the wedding off in Oct, then met my dh just days before the year was over, Dec 29 to be exact. Weird year.
  15. ... or whatever the proper term is... As some of you know I have three children: one birth child, two adopted. One child was adopted from Korea the other is Indian. If you, too, have children of various ethnicities other than your own... Do you feel an obligation or a desire to raise them in a place of great diversity? Gosh I am having trouble putting this into words.... what I mean is this: I was raised in middle income, white bread america. My town was all white. My school was all white. My church was all white. The areas that I lived in as an adult were racially mixed as far as blacks and whites go (with some middle eastern as well). But not much besides that. If we were to move back to where we lived before, our two adopted children would stick out like a sore thumb. Here they blend in beautifully as the island is 1/3 asian, 1/3 indian and 1/3 malay with a large expat community as well. My adopted children have lots of friends who look like they do but they have friends of other races as well. And so does my one birth child. Also, both adopted children are learning their native language (one more than the other). BUT We are at a crossroad. This is our third year here. My oldest will start high school next year. We would like his high school experience to have some consistency so wherever we are in August 2012 is where we need to stay for 4 more years. So we need to decide if we will stay here in Malaysia for 4 more years or go elsewhere. Why go elsewhere? Primarily it is money. We like our life here for the most part but we don't make diddly squat and college tuition looms large. Also, we have church issues in that there are NO CHURCHES on this island that are anything close to our denomination. I feel like I am withering away spiritually. We may stay anyways. We may go to a different country. We may go home to the U.S. All of them are attractive options but all for different reasons. But, one thing that just keeps haunting my mind is the idea of taking my children out of a diverse area and putting them into a place where they will face a lot of racism and really just feel out of place. So how about you? Do you feel the need to provide a diverse area for your kids to grow up? Do you think having others around that "look like they do" is important?
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