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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :rant: This island is 30% malay (muslim), 30% indian (hindu/christian), 30% chinese (buddhist/christian) and 10% expats (christian/other). Our staff is about 50% expats and 50% national staff (meaning local hires). I just left a meeting where we are trying to clear up various policies regarding holidays, leave days, etc. It is IMPOSSIBLE to create one that everyone can agree with. Each cultural group wants all of their holidays honored. ALL of them. If we do that we will never be in school! Then there was this huge discussion over whether or not an indian who is christian and not hindu should be allowed to take off for deepavali which is a hindu religious celebration. That lead to a big angry discussion of which holidays are religious and which are cultural and who should be allowed to take off for which ones. blah blah blah... I felt like my head was going to explode. In order to accomodate all the various holidays in the december/january time frame this year, we ended up with 6 WEEKS of time off which made us start earlier and go later to get our days in. One of my favorite ones is my son's piano teacher canceling his lesson because it was hari raya (a muslim holiday)... he is chinese and christian. :glare: But honestly, it is no wonder that people choose to stick with their "people"... people that look like them and act like them and value the same things they value, etc. Because when we try to mesh all our own cultures into one bowl we don't end up with a "melting pot" or a "mixed salad"... more like a recipe that doesn't taste right to anyone. We all try to respect each other's cultures here but the truth is we all prefer our own and will fight for it if necessary. Sometimes I wonder if "diversity" and "multiculturalism" is something people SAY they want ...they SAY it is a great thing... but they don't really mean it. OK rant over.
  2. From shower to out the door for work every morning it takes me 45 minutes. That is shower, wash hair, blow dry, style, make-up, dress clothes and accessories.
  3. I did a summer exchange in Mexico many years ago. I had to provide a vax record. When we moved here we had to provide vax records but I don't know if there was a religious exemption. However, in order to get our adopted daughter an immigrant visa INTO the U.S. We HAVE to vaccinate her. How's that irony?:D I assume there is no way to choose your own country? It might be an issue for getting her travel visa and then it might be another issue for the language school too. You'll have to check with both. My experience is that most places don't give a rip about your religious convictions. They'll tell you get the shots or don't come. I hope it works out for her. I had an amazing experience.
  4. :iagree: When I lived in the snowy north and had to dress up for work I would wear tights with cute knee high boots when I wore skirts.
  5. My dh DID go and ask for my father's blessing before he proposed AND my father DID walk me down the aisle. And he lifted my veil, kissed me on the forehead and passed my hand to my husband. When the pastor said "who gives this woman to be married?" my father answered "Her mother and I and those who love her." I thought it was beautiful and I don't regret a moment of it and I would do it exactly the same way again. :D And anyone who knows me would laugh at the idea of me being a meek, little submissive wife.
  6. There was a thread about this a while back and if I remember correctly the idea was that the CC referred to specifically Christians praying because , as a Christian, they wouldn't ask someone to pray to a God they don't believe in. It is akin to asking someone to commit idolatry... One of the "big ten". :D So after that I noticed some people putting "prayers, positive thoughts, etc." in their titles instead.
  7. Then apparently all of Malaysia has been homeschooled since NO ONE here understands standing in line!
  8. Well as far as someone I PERSONALLY know? My grandmother had her 12th child at age 47. She probably would have had more but my grandfather died a year later.
  9. How could I forget? When we adopted our daughter we changed the words and sang "oh baby Natalie..natalie...Natalie...you are the one for me, one for me, one for me..." :lol::lol::lol:
  10. :iagree: Great literature is full of biblical allusions. When I taught AP English I had several students who had a tough time with it because they had never heard any of the usual bible stories. I think veggie tales is a cute way to introduce stories to kids that they will need to be familiar with to be a culturally literate adult. They don't have to "believe" them but they should know them. And my personal favorite veggie tale song... Pizza Angel. :D
  11. Me too. And I wrote a review on amazon. First time I have ever done that!
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