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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. :iagree: As a principal, I do not punish my elementary students for being tardy. I will, however, call their parents on the carpet for repeated instances. I told one parent if they can't get their kid to school on time then they should find another school. Maybe coaches should do the same.
  2. yeah. This is where it fell apart for me. I joined many years ago when I first started homeschooling because it was pitched to me as a type of homeschooling legal insurance. It took me a while to figure out that it is not. So I don't join any more just because it is not a good deal financially.
  3. Exactly but with one clarification (and this is often the sticking point)... As you mentioned, we all struggle with overcoming our sinful natures. But to be openly and unrepentantly gay (as in you don't think you are doing anything wrong, gay and proud, etc) is where the division comes in. I would feel the same about someone who is openly and unrepentantly committing adultery, etc. I would still love them and continue praying for them, for the strength to overcome. Just as I pray for strength to overcome my own sinful nature.
  4. I believe homosexual behavior is a sin. I do NOT believe it is a "worse" sin than other sins. This often separates me from my fellow believers who seem to think that homosexual behavior is the worst sin there is. I don't get that mindset. Yes I would still be friends with someone who is a homosexual (I am currently and I have family members who are gay).
  5. Excellent suggestions! I didnt even think of BJU or Videotext... off to google...
  6. I set my alarm to 6am. Then I get up and have a cup of coffee. :D
  7. That is the kind of church I was raised in. I left the church at 18 and refused to go to ANY church until I was 32 years old. That's how traumatic it was for me. My mother and both brothers STILL will not go to church because of it and it has been 23 years. Those cult leaders WILL be held responsible by God for leading people astray.
  8. I need to choose a geometry course for my ds. I am terrible at Geometry. So he needs a course that has a dvd or online component to teach him. He is a good independent learner but not with just a book. The poll choices are the ones I know of. Did I miss any? Which one do you like best?
  9. It has norms up to 11th grade for math. As far as guessing is concerned... I suppose they would have to be a really good and really consistently good guesser. The test adapts to each child. So it gives them an age-appropriate question and if they get it right then it gives them something slightly more difficult and so on until the child hits a wall. Then it backs down in difficulty until it finds your child's range. We have been using them twice a year for three years and find them to be an accurate assessment of our students and their instructional readiness levels. I think they are far better than the ITBS or the MEAP.
  10. It makes no sense whatsoever. And it's rude. And hurtful. The colored bra thing last year was just dumb. But this is in very poor taste.
  11. Ok so obviously I missed the memo that we were supposed to insinuate that we were pregnant on our Facebook page? In the last few days there have been several of what seemed to be pregnancy announcements... Followed by many congratulations... Followed by the person getting a chuckle at the expense of all her well-wishers? Is this supposed to be funny? Facebook is really weird sometimes.
  12. Oh yeah. My oldest has no idea what a cassette tape is. My youngest will never know what a cd is. The has never been a time in their lives when we did not have Internet access, cell phones, etc. Such a different world.
  13. My friend does medical transcription out of her home. Another does medical billing. It is a quick certificate and very little interaction with people.
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