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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Let him stand. That's what I did with both of my boys. Throw some cheerios in the potty and have him aim for them. :D
  2. Me too! I turned 40 last year and I was terrified I would get one of those over the hill parties. I did a blog post called "40 Reasons Why 40 is FABULOUS" and the WTM ladies helped me come up with the list. That's what I would write on her "tombstones".
  3. I did not when I was in school but we do now. We call them "lock-down" drills and we use a special siren to announce it.
  4. Potty train him. My dd started taking her diaper off constantly, day and night. Many people told us this was s sign she was ready to potyy train. So we potty trained her (well, my nanny did it). Worked like a charm!
  5. The harvesting thing and it is a western hemisphere tradition. On this side of the world most of the schools start the new year in January.
  6. Great info! What about online classes for homeschoolers? I taught high school English (including AP) for 11 years before I became a principal. I never investigated this option because I assumed the pay was too low but now I am not sure why I thought that? I don't actually know what the pay is. :tongue_smilie:
  7. Whew! Ok so it is too early to panic. I will wait until his appointment in December Before I panic. It just struck me yesterday that all his friends seem to haves their front teeth back again except him. But as long as it isn't abnormal then I won't worry. Thanks!
  8. I want to do some side work to earn extra money for a trip we want to go on. I thought I would look into teaching an online class. Have any of you done that? Info? Advice? How much do they pay? TIA!!!
  9. Ds 7yo lost his two front teeth about 4 months ago and they have not even BEGUN to poke back through. Not a sign of them. Is this normal?
  10. I loved the beautiful homeschool classrooms on the previous thread so... If you have one or know of a website that has a beautiful, drool-worthy, make-me-jealous homeschool classroom, I want to see it. I have never been lucky enough to have such a space but a girl can dream right? :D. Whether or not I have one I still like looking at them so SHARE!!!
  11. At my school we give detention to middle and high school students only and it is served for 3 hours on Saturday morning and the kids do manual labor... Rake leaves, pick up trash, etc. It is a consequence given for repeated breaking of school rules... Not the first offense. So you would get that detention if you were late 3 times, for example.
  12. For real. Gosh I hate it when people get their stereotypes mixed up. What's that saying about any publicity is good publicity? :D
  13. :iagree: Typically I follow a "live and let live" policy when it comes to people I know IRL and their parenting. I figure nobody's perfect. BUT If someone I knew IRL told me they were following the Pearl's discipline advice I would most likely go berserk and if I could not convince them to stop I would not be friends with them... I may even report them to CPS. Yes, that is how strongly I feel about using physical punishment on an infant.
  14. I'm not sure where yours are but mine are often lost when i type on my ipad. just can't seem to get the hang of this new-fangled touch screen!
  15. 1. He is adopted. 2. He has ADD. 3. He is an awesome dad! Loves to play and tickle and wrestle with the kids. 4. Everyone loves him. Seriously. My brother nicknamed him "Johnny-make-a-friend" because everywhere we go he can make a new friend instantly. 5. He can build a house or a car from the ground up. He knows everything about cars and construction. 6. He makes me coffee EVERY MORNING. 7. He pumps gas for our car ALWAYS. Seriously, I have not pumped gas in 15 years. I'm not even sure I remember how. 8. He cleans up all gross things... poop, vomit, garbage, etc. I have a weak stomach and so he doesn't make me do it. 9. He knows me. Really knows me. Inside and out. 10. He is my biggest fan.
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