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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Seriously? This guy thinks we should still own slaves? And people buy his materials? I've looked at Omnibus somewhat and it seemed like a good, rigorous curriculum even though I am not currently using it. I am suprised he has such a following if he is openly pro-slavery. Crazy.
  2. I left my 13yo at home with my 7yo for about an hour in the day time for the first time this summer. That's about all I am comfortable with right now.
  3. Is this the same Douglas Wilson that worked on the Omnibus series?
  4. Even though milk is so expensive here, ice cream is even worse. So if I can get my hands on an ice cream machine then I am going to try it!!! thank ladies!!!
  5. Ice cream is so expensive here it is ludicrous. And we love ice cream. So i am contemplating learning to make home made ice cream. Is it difficult? Do you have a machine you can recommend? Do I need a machine?
  6. Before we moved I had a book sale and sold about 700 books. I made a lot of money!!! I agree with the other posters, unless it is something me or my kids absolutely love and read over and over again, I get rid of it. I also got rid of most non-fiction, reference type books. If you can find the answer on the Internet then I get rid of the book. I don't need a book on ants for my kids. They can look it up! I also get a lot of books on kindle now. I am down to only two bookshelves and most of those are favorite picture books and a few series I waiting for my kids to finish (then they are gone too).
  7. I am not sure yet. They have really nice, elaborate pet stores here but I am not sure where the birds came from originally. If we decide to go through with it, that is the first question I will ask. Although I am a little scared from all the negative reviews here! My favorite pet is a cat but baby girl is allergic. I hate dogs with a fiery passion. And pets like fish and turtles, etc. just seem so useless. And I love going to aviaries. We love to play with our neighbor's bird. But if they are that much of a nightmare then I am going to think about this a little longer. Good thing I asked!
  8. Before we buy I would research which birds I can transport back to the U.S. You can take certain pets back and forth between countries.
  9. It's so interesting to read how many people dislike birds as pets. I feel the same way about dogs! Can't stand them! I may have to look into this bird thing a little more if they are awful pets...
  10. Because I live on a small island off the coast of mainland Malaysia, we have no dairy farms. All dairy products are imported mostly from Australia and New Zealand.
  11. It is $12 U.S. Dollars per gallon here. No that is not a typo. All dairy products are brutally expensive here.
  12. I have never owned a bird. I don't know the first thing about them except that we want one. What is a good starter bird for newbies that is colorful/pretty, fairly easy to care for, and FUN???
  13. What part of Malaysia is she in? I would love to talk to her. She can come visit me. There are white people everywhere here! :tongue_smilie:
  14. Oh my, the char kway teow at the stall across the street is heavenly. And the Nasi kandars... What would I do without those? And the lahksa? And the Nasi lemak? Ok now I am hungry.
  15. Same here. They will hand you anything. Xanax? Here you go! Darvocet? Here you go! It's really weird. :tongue_smilie:
  16. :iagree: I said it to my own mom once when I was little and she simply replied "I'll help you pack".
  17. Since everyone uses mostly cash here, and since we get paid once a month, we use the envelope system.
  18. Well the salt and vinegar chips are gone and now this thread has made me hungry!
  19. That is really interesting to me. Can I ask why? I feel right now that if I left Malaysia and went back to the U.S. I would really miss it.
  20. What is that one food that you just can't resist? The one that always wrecks your diet? The one that, if you have a bag or box or can or jar or whatever of it in the house, you can barely resist eating the whole thing (and you often don't resist)? I ask this as I sit here eating an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. HELP ME!!!
  21. Most people air dry their clothes here too. But me? I flew into Malaysia on a Tuesday night and Wednesday morning my very first purchase was a clothes dryer. :D My electric bill is through the roof because of it but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
  22. YARD SALES!!! yes I totally miss those! And what is this "toilet paper" of which you speak? :D I don't recall what that is! As far as contentment goes... I am totally content. Although I miss Target, there are so many things about Malaysia I would miss if I left here!!! But I do miss Target. Really. I'm not kidding. :tongue_smilie:
  23. ugh. I am so with you. Both of my boys learned to read early and easily. They are excellent readers. I am an avid reader and always have been. But they have no interest in reading for pleasure. I LITERALLY have to bribe them to read. I don't get it.
  24. what do you miss the most? We were on vacation this week and met some nice people from London. When they found out we were Americans but were living in Malaysia they asked us what we miss the most about America? Not like our family or friends... but what we miss about being in America itself. So I thought about it and thought and thought... I miss Target. A lot. And Mexican restaurants (I'd take Taco Bell right now if I could get it). And I miss customer service. Malaysians have ZERO concept of good customer service or even adequate customer service. I love Malaysia and I love living here but there are definitely some things I miss. What about you?
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