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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. We don't have separate allowances but we do have set amounts for entertainment and charitable giving for each month for the family as a whole.
  2. It is pretty much the only thing they drink. Have you tried bottle water and not tap? We have an absopure machine and having ice cold water readily available makes them more likely to drink it.
  3. I, too, love listening to Piper as well as MacArthur, Washer, Begg, and Mark Driscoll.
  4. We leave in about 6 hours to go to the Perhentian Islands for a quick vacation before school starts. I can't wait!!!
  5. My school has a fairly challenging jungle gym with monkey bars but it is on a padded surface. However, the one injury we had last year, a 5yo girl received a compound fracture of her lower arm when she fell off one of those little tykes plastic climbing things. She fell about two feet... That's it and SNAP ... both bones in her lower arm broke. But in the two years I have been here no one has been seriously injured on the big structure. So I you just never can tell.
  6. 90 degrees with 90% humidity, heat index of 115 ... 365 days a year. :D
  7. LEGITIMATE RESOURCES: The biggest job search engine for teaching overseas is TIE...you will have to subscribe which requires a fee of $39 but it is the biggest: http://www.tieonline.com/ If you are interested in working in a christian school you can look here (it is free): http://missionteach.com/ Here is a list of international schools on the U.S. government website. You can search by continent and get direct links to the schools themselves: http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/c1684.htm You can also look into Department of Defense schools here: http://www.dodea.edu Best of luck!
  8. I do say it with a long e. Ok mine is when people say "kinny garden" instead of kin-der-gar-ten
  9. Many Bangladesh people come to Malaysia for a better life. They do not have anything good to say about the country. And Singapore... You want to talk about an expensive place to live? Wow, the cost of living there is outrageous! Thailand and Malaysia are both great places although Malaysia's government is more stable. I don't know much about Chanai other than legendary roti!
  10. Well i would be happy to answer any questions you have about living in Malaysia. I have also spent time in Singapore and have friends who live there and I have contacts in Thailand if you want more anecdotal info about living there. I will be in Bangkok in October. And FWIW I agree with you.
  11. Me too! The kids loved it. The cubs were growling and one of them was trying to go after a bird!
  12. So we go to the local zoo and they have lions there. In talking with some of the zoo workers they let it slip that 4 lion cubs had recently been born. We asked if we could see them and they said no. We were a little bummed. But a few minutes later one of the workers told us to go sit on some benches and wait. We were confused???? Ten minutes later two workers came out holding the lion clubs and PLUNKED THEM DOWN IN OUR LAPS!!! When we said we wanted to "see" the lion clubs we meant like, behind the bars, ya know? :lol::lol::lol: Instead, we are holding these cubs in our laps and they were the size of a full grown basset hound. They were wiggling and snarling and playing. We were totally thrilled and a little scared all at the same time!! They wouldn't let us take pics because they would get in trouble. Only in Malaysia...sheesh! But wow... what an amazing thing! I just had to share...
  13. It's always sunny and 75 degrees in Denial!!! :lol: I think "facing" your problems can be overrated. Sometimes things just suck and there is nothing you can do about it so I do what a PP said... I just get over it. I force myself to concentrate on the good in my life and do my best to pretend like the bad just isn't happening. Otherwise I would go insane.
  14. Just slip out the back jack Make a new plan Stan No need to be coy Roy Just get yourself free :D I agree with pp. We just canceled cable and that was that. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
  15. I only wear jeans when we go to the movies because the a/c is turned up so high I freeze. Other than that I am in shorts or skirts every day of the year.
  16. I dress up for work every day. My dh and both boys wear uniforms every day except weekends. Then of course there are church clothes. So ironing is a daily event here. Just not by me. :D
  17. I'm not a big fan of clothes with any big logos, Disney or otherwise, but toys with logos don't bother me. My little princess has a pink chair with Disney princesses on it and a pink backpack with hello kitty on it.
  18. I waited 12 years to have a daughter and now that she is here you can bet your sweet bippy she will have pink, frilly, princess-y stuff!!! I won't buy skanky Bratz dolls but a Cinderella tiara? You betcha. :D
  19. Unless you cook your own food, it is pretty hard to find food cooked locally that is NOT spicy here. We LOVE spicy food... the hotter the better. :D But many of our new staff members do not like spicy food at all so I guess they will be cooking a lot. How about you? Do you like spicy food?
  20. I don't ever even look at a weather report here because it says the same thing.... 90 degrees, 90% humidity... Every day of the year. Being a TV weatherman has to be the easiest job ever here. Of course I love the heat so it doesn't bother me. If I lived in Seattle I would be suicidal so I feel for all of you who are missing summer.
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