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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I am definitely an absolutist and God is my measuring stick. If He says it is wrong then it is wrong and "culture" or time period pays no part in it for me. Stealing is always wrong. Lying is always wrong. Etc. Just because a lot of people in a particular culture decide that it is ok to do something doesn't mean it is. That is statistical morality and it can be dangerous. That is why God and only God is my standard for morality.
  2. I, too, would love some ideas! I was supposed to go to Bangkok for a conference but it was canceled due to all the flooding. So now I will be home for Reformaton day after all and I want to do something special with my family to commemorate that awesome moment in history!!!!
  3. My ds is very intelligent and can speak in a mature fashion with adults on deeper subjects like theology. But socially he is naive and a bit immature. It's hard sometimes because I want him to act as old as he thinks but really, he is just a 13 yo boy. :D
  4. 2 potted plants with beautiful red flowers (silk :D). That's it. Clutter makes me twitch. :tongue_smilie:
  5. 6:15am because I want coffee time with my dh before the rest of the crew gets up at 7am.
  6. :iagree: They cancel AWANA here for all sorts of things including non-Christian holidays! You just roll with it.
  7. I love Malaysia and I also complain about it. I love America and I also complain about it. I am an equal opportunity complainer/praiser. :D
  8. We use it for far more than just eReading. The educational uses are unlimited. It truly is amazing!
  9. We are starting with the iPad 2 for the roll out then moving to iPad 3 when it comes out... 32 gig I think. That is more than enough. The on screen keyboard is easy to use but kids are welcome to use an external keyboard as well. Many of the covers come with a keyboard... I like the clam case the best. And the whole cover thing is part of the fun. The kids pick their own and it's part of their "identity". In a school with uniforms, they don't get that opportunity often.
  10. The Asian mothers i see every day do not work, usually have only 1 or 2 children and they LIVE for that child. Their entire identity is wrapped up in the success or failure of their child. We had to expell a boy for cheating and his mother became distraught and nearly suicidal over the "shame" of it all. It is all on the mothers. The fathers work, often in other countries, and the entirety of child rearing is on the mom. The social pressure in the circle of Asian moms at our school is INTENSE. You should see them standing in a circle comparing their children's report cards. It is crazy.
  11. Got the bowl back but it was empty. Bummer. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Not a gimmick. My school requires iPads for all high school students as well. We have no physical textbooks. All of them are online, interactive textbooks now. No more heavy back packs for the kids and we have a wealth of resources at our fingertips. It saves money and trees and it is the 21st century... Technology is the name of the game. All the good international schools in SE Asia area going 1 to 1 either with laptops or iPads. If you are interested in the whys behind the choice you can read here: http://www.dalat.org/j2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=669&Itemid=495
  13. This is me too... reading, walks, talks, watching movies together, board games, etc. But I don't "pretend" play. Although I HAVE been known to indulge in a little nerf gun war now and then. :)
  14. After reading all the replies, I am going to assume it was a cultural thing then. She is a Chinese woman and although I have learned a lot about the different cultures here, something new always creeps up on me! Next time I am bringing a box and I am going to load up on leftovers since it is culturally acceptable. :lol: I am going to work in an hour. I wonder if I will get my bowl back? :tongue_smilie:
  15. I had asked the mom to be if she wanted it but there was so much food so I thought cool, easy dinner for us tonight! Then I see that women walking off with my pasta salad...
  16. My ds is doing level 1 Spanish and he is learning a lot of phrases but is NOT picking up on the grammar at all. He needs a more direct approach for that.
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