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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. Ds got just the basics at about age 9. Then around age 11 he got more details. He is now 13 and knows what he needs to know. If there's something he wants to know, he asks. We always answer every question he has with complete honesty. I specifically remember the day he asked what masturbation is. Yikes. But we told him the truth. What i do NOT agree with is "unloading the whole bale of hay" in one sitting. Give them what they need to know at the moment...give them more later... Don't make a big deal out of it and they won't.
  2. It really depends. How big is this other boy? Did he throw the ball intentionally trying to hit your son with it after the game was over? We teach our boys not to look for a fight but to be ready to defend themselves if necessary. So that is the question... Was it necessary?
  3. Twelfth Night Much Ado About Nothing Othello Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Taming of the Shrew
  4. I've been to WDW and Disneyland in Cali. I like them both but honestly, my favorite is Universal Studios. I've been to the one in Florida and Singapore and they are AWESOME.
  5. I don't cull because I haven't felt the need. I have blocked a few from my feed. If someone culled me? Honestly, I probably wouldn't notice.
  6. American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef. I will only watch reality shows that involve real talent like singing or dancing or cooking. But the ones where we act as voyeurs in the lives of narcissists? No thanks.
  7. It is illegal for ANYONE to own ANY kind of gun here. I wish I would have known that before I illegally smuggled my son's BB rifle into the country. I had no idea. Now it sits hidden in our closet and I don't know what to do with it!!! What's funny though, is how easily I got it into the country. I didn't know they are illegal so I didn't try to hide it. It was in its original box along with the rest of our stuff. They didn't even notice it.
  8. Well according to my stylist who just charged me the "long hair" rate for a highlight even though two months ago she charged me the "short hair" rate... If it is past your collar bone it is long. I wish she would have told me ahead of time. I would have had her cut a few inches off and save me some money. :tongue_smilie:
  9. What? I'm sorry, I was ignoring you. :lol::lol::lol: Nope. Definitely not you!!
  10. Can they still pm you? Do they know you have them on ignore? Just curious.
  11. Ugh. My dh puts Tabasco on everything. It's not a big deal... Except that it is. :tongue_smilie: Your quiche sounds delicious!
  12. I have one and am thinking of getting another one. I know what I want, I just don't know where on my body to place it.
  13. Yes and it helped counsel me right out of the wedding I was planning. Thank goodness! :D I also had it with my dh before we were married. I wasn't super impressed that time but I am still glad we went.
  14. My engagement and wedding rings join together as a set so technically I am wearing two rings but it looks like one.
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