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Everything posted by Caraway

  1. I think it is because around here teachers decide that every *difficult* child should be medicated.
  2. Spitting in our house meant that "they must have a bad taste in their mouth" and lead to immediate teeth brushing.
  3. Honestly? I would put you all on a very strict elimination diet, and see who/what gets better. If you get better, than you know what you have to do... even if they test you and confirm something you are still going to have to change your diet. I would spend my time and $500 on some allergen free brownies. :tongue_smilie:
  4. This is amazing to me... if only from an administrative stance. The sheer scope, and .... precision.
  5. I think this one is pretty simple and looks like Christopher Robin. :001_smile: http://www.weewonderfuls.com/store/make-a-long-1.html
  6. My just turned 7 yo boy is the same way. He LOVES to read on the Kindle because you can change the font size.
  7. I would EMAIL him back and say "Thanks for the response. I will be repackaging the supplies and mailing them back for a refund. Do I need an RMA number?" I would also print out the sample page before it is pulled from the website. Did you pay with a credit card? If he balks or refuses my next email would be "I feel that you falsely represented the product that I was buying. If you are unable to allow me to return the product for a full refund I will have no choice but to call my credit card company so that they can stop the payment."
  8. :iagree: As my father would say "Experts built the Titanic, amateurs built the Ark."
  9. I think that everyone should know one knock out dish. Something they are comfortable cooking, is fairly easy, and seems really impressive. Mine is lasagna.
  10. Bosch. We remodeled our entire downstairs and the only thing we kept was my beloved Bosch.
  11. :iagree: :iagree: Do NOT explain. Just say no.
  12. I couldn't easily tell what area you are in, and prices are somewhat different depending on where you are working... But, your prices are super low. I don't see how your prices are allowing you to cover your own time and expenses, let alone make a profit. It appears that if I was your client I could have a hi-res disc, plus session, plus prints, for about $300. There is NO way that I would go less than this price. Have you checked out http://www.clickinmoms.com/ ??? It is about $8 per month, but you can join for a single month. I have learned SO much on those forums.
  13. I agree that HSing is hard, that was my point. Perhaps your pyramid isn't homeschooling. I am not an elite athlete, a world famous knitter, or even the best pie baker in my city. My point was that doing something for the long haul, requires a certain zeal. And that you can't expect everyone who starts to be holding hands at the finish line, because lots of people just don't have it in them. You don't see me lining up to climb Everest, or to do the job my husband does. Those are not my pyramid to pursue. :tongue_smilie: I won't be the top of the homeschooling pyramid. But I will be there with the other ragged survivors who have made it to see the finish line. We all have our own paths to walk, but we, who want to follow through with homeschooling, shouldn't be admiring or duplicating the paths of those who are going to school. Or who are mixing and matching. If you want to be a gifted piano player you don't spend all of your time practicing the guitar.
  14. The closer you get to the top the fewer people there are there with you. There are a lot of "worker bees" for every CEO. A lot of "weekend warriors" for every Olympic champion. Achievement is a pyramid and there will always be a lot more "dabblers" at the bottom compared to the few "true achievers" at the top. The closer you get to the top the more had work is required. It is easy to be a the bottom, it is hard to be at the top. People say that they have stopped homeschooling for x reason, or y reason - but I believe that for 99% they have stopped because it is too hard. It may be because someone lost a job, or there was a move, or a baby. Yet none of those things require that homeschooling be abandoned. They quit because it was too hard. They aren't prepared to put in the work to get to the top of being a homeschooler. The rest is just window dressing, or a way to feel better, and the rest of us go along with it because we don't want to be mean. You say you have been called to do this job. If you have then you should be ready to work. Focus, and get the job done. Consider yourself an elite athlete. When I was first beginning to consider homeschooling I caught a lot of flak from my peers about how much my child was missing by not attending preschool. I took the bait, and went to observe the miracle of preschool. I was horrified. Sometimes when those same people are telling me how great their current situation is I remind myself of that preschool, and of how I would never do that to my children. I have seen their opportunities, I probably know more about their opportunities than they do, and I still pick mine. Perhaps you need to observe a local high school? I think that being a homeschooler has been somewhat fad-ish and the fun is wearing off. :tongue_smilie:
  15. Rice would depend on your reasons of avoidance. For example, someone merely trying to avoid gluten would be fine eating rice. But if you are trying to do "no grains", "low carb", "low sugar", etc, skip the rice. Have you checked out Mark's Daily Apple? His site/blog also has a very active forum. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/
  16. Is she struggling to find foods to eat that are GF? Or is she not hungry? I find when I am GF that (especially when I cut out GF "junk" foods) that some weeks I am just not that hungry. Other weeks I could eat everything in sight. I think that without all the processed cr@p in my diet my body returns to a more natural feast/famine cycle.
  17. Does that price include a group rate at the hotel? If booking a block of rooms you should be getting a discount. Perhaps you could find a B&B who would rent you the whole place for cheaper?
  18. Don't know where you are, but in CA you can turn someone in for dangerous driving. I know a number of people who have used this to get the licenses of elderly relatives revoked.
  19. This would drive me insane (and it does!). To me this is making MORE work, as it would be just as easy to set the can in the recycling. I am not a servant. We do what we call "one-touching" around here, when we are on top of things. The idea is that it is easier to only touch things ONCE. So, drinking the soda, setting it on the counter, later picking it up and putting it in the recycling is touching it TWICE. Or THREE times if you move the empty can to cram more dirty dishes next to the sink. Empty can leaves hand into recycling is one-touching.
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