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Everything posted by Caraway

  1. I read the book and enjoyed it. To some extent I think that Chua has gotten wrapped up in a media message that was not entirely her own. I think of my own father. He is an amazing man, and father, but when I tell stories about him, sometimes people REALLY don't get him. He comes across sounding different than he is... because you are hearing a part, and not knowing the whole. I think Chua is similar. Although, she is no wimpy mom. There were parts of the book that I really identified with as a homeschooler. There were other parts of her parenting style that I do not practice or believe to be healthy (like shaming). I would be happy to post more, if people are interested in discussing the book. ;)
  2. Just finished: 5. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (the book that goes along with the recent article about the superiority of Chinese mothers.) (previously finished) 4. The Sunne in Splendor 3. The Bridge at Valentine 2. A Christmas Carol: 1. Help For The Harried Homeschooler
  3. Okay, this week I finished: 4. The Sunne in Splendor (previously finished) 3. The Bridge at Valentine 2. A Christmas Carol: 1. Help For The Harried Homeschooler
  4. So far I have finished: The Bridge at Valentine: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0974530921/ref=oss_product A Christmas Carol: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Carol-Charles-Dickens/dp/0763631205/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1294282208&sr=1-3 Help For The Harried Homeschooler: http://www.amazon.com/Help-Harried-Homeschooler-Practical-Balancing/dp/0877887942/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1294282272&sr=8-1
  5. What book are you reading along with Sunne in Splendour? :bigear:
  6. I am really struggling with the fact that everyone seems to have three names, two of which keep changing. :001_huh: I am about 300 pages in, and occasionally I still go "wait, who???" I think I like the book, but it is making me feel like a real idiot.
  7. In my case we shop at a time when the store will be close to empty. I have two kids, (and thus two mini carts), and I watch my kids constantly. We work hard to stay out of the way. Certainly more so than the groups of mothers who stand in the middle of the aisle to gossip, and then glare if you try to get around them. However, someone standing in an aisle, passively aggressively waiting for my kids to notice them.... ??? I think that children have a right to be in public, particularly when they are behaving at least as well as the adults.
  8. I think that YOU were the really rude one. Those mini shopping carts are awful, but some kids love them (like mine). Trying to shop, with your own cart, AND three mini carts is a total nightmare. You spend the whole time trying to stay out of the way, while grabbing what you need before all hell breaks lose. The woman was probably frazzled. She just told you (probably in way of a clumsy apology) that a simple excuse me would have alerted her children that they needed to move. And you came back with a totally RUDE and SNARKY response. What is her job to teach her kids? That some people are really rude at the grocery store and they should constantly be on the lookout for them??? That even when someone doesn't say "excuse me" but merely stands there, very passive aggressively, they should quickly get out of the way???
  9. When annoyed I go with "Yeah, it's not for everyone."
  10. :smilielol5: I have lived in this house for 8 years, and I don't I think I have EVER, not once, seen the garbage man get out of his truck. There is no way he would ever get close enough to the can to notice a tip. My MIL leaves a 6 pack of beer on top of her garbage can. It always gets noticed.
  11. My son is in 2nd grade. I would like him to have a very good, strong foundation in math, even if it means moving slowly now. We tried Horizons, and RS, before settling on MUS. I believe that MUS is good for us, and not the problem. I think that the problem is between my son and I. We finished Alpha, and have been reviewing. In my fantasy world I would be able to shout out "8+7" at the grocery store and without thinking he would supply "15!" We weren't quite there, but I thought that we were getting close. Today we started Beta. Which begins with review of place value. Then we get to problems like "8+2", His answers go like this: "(long whiny pause) 11? 12? I can't do this. Its TOO hard. I hate this. I can't do this.... blah, blah, blah." :banghead: By the time we are done I am ready to dig my eyeballs out with a spork. I don't know what to do. If I continue with games and review, I sense that we could still be learning basic addition facts in 5 yrs. Should I drop him off at Kumon and go get coffee? Bribe him with Lego sets for learning the facts, or even for decent attitude? I am at a total loss. His little routine doesn't make the lesson end BTW, it just makes it take forever. And makes me want to drink heavily. Please help.
  12. Am I the only one who would have immediately gone to snark? Something along the lines of "Oh no, once a week we have YOU SUCK Day! I follow the kids around all day telling them why they aren't good enough, and then I steal their lunch money. After, I post about it on FB so that everyone can add their mean comments!" :tongue_smilie:
  13. Last year my daughter went as a mosquito and my son went as a bat. Of course I had to sew the bat costume because none of the store ones was accurate enough. The year before that my son wanted to be Peter Pan, from the specific edition that we had read. So of course I sent eons making a brown leaf covered outfit, and nobody knew who he was supposed to be. This year I talked my son down from "a gray whale covered in barnacles" which seemed beyond my skills, to an orca. My daughter is going to be Dorothy and we had to debate between the silver shoes (book, which she has heard) or red shoes (movie that she doesn't know exists.) My husband would like to know why our Halloween costumes seem to cost so much money and require so much work. Cost of homeschooling, baby.
  14. Thanks! I had been here before, but searching wrong. This will help!
  15. My ds7 inherited a vast collection of Lego. We have the instruction books, but the pieces and the books are not matched up. So. I feel like there are Lego resources that would help, but I can't find exactly what I am looking for on the internet. The kits are too old to be listed on the main Lego site. First question: Are there parts lists per kit? The newer/current kits seem to have a back page that list all the parts needed to make the kit. The older instructions just show which piece to add in each step - so you have to go page by painful page. :blink: Help!
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