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Everything posted by Jerico

  1. The catalog makes the most sense. I'm combining my children for history. Right now we are in OT/AE. We don't do very much- just the cards and read from the Child's story bible. We also do some read alouds. We will add in more work and reading as they get older. I plan on cycling through it once with my eldest two and then again with my youngest two when my eldest moves to omnibus (if he is ready in 7th, if not, I may have him go through it with the younger ones but add in more reading and writing related to the cards) and then he can do omnibus 10th-12th. We will most likely not have the money for the online classes (we don't now for the self-paced classes) so I will teach omnibus- and I can probably adjust some of the work to their level.
  2. How much writing is in this program? The tiles are what is drawing me to this program. Do you have any ideas on how to make them "less flimsy." My son hates writing as it is so it would be nice to focus on spelling without having to make him write.
  3. Nope. They've started getting up even earlier. :confused1: :glare:
  4. How long have square plates been a fad? I'm asking because we got a set for our wedding over 8 years ago and usually we are years behind a fad (which would be why I'm asking how long they've been a fad ;) I don't mind them. We only have the small plates and the bowls (the large plates were enormous). I dislike the bowls but they do stack better than some other dishes we've had. I'd super cheap so I don't plan on buying any more but have considered it. Once the kids get a bit older we will need more dishes.
  5. I did. I failed the course and didn't have the money/time/ability to pay for an extension. So for me it was a waste of money- but I've learned for me that the best way for me to contribute to our family is to just try to save money at home. Whenever I try to do something in addition to what I'm already doing I fail miserably. But it was very flexible, I just couldn't balance everything in my life at that point.
  6. Yep, super easy. I'm not sure about the college thing since my kids are so young and we move often.
  7. I hated dressing up as a kid but I would use Halloween as an excuse to wear my pajamas and be a "baby." Lol. So, not dressing up.
  8. I'd rather die than have something like that thrown for me, or attend, even be invited to, or go to a store like that with anybody. Ever. While I don't think the bride's age is a problem, I think it is inappropriate for young unmarried bridesmaids.
  9. I did once and like you, cannot remember how. I also cannot remember why it got messed up. LOL
  10. Be nice to people who suck at directions. Life is hard enough when you can never figure out where you are going. And then every car trip turns into a fight because you get the whole family lost... But can't switch and drive because the only car is a stick shift and you can't even drive one. Gosh, I'm a mess aren't I?
  11. I really wanted to say blow up the car lol. We had major car problems the last year and its been draining. 4 major issues (like the entire engine being rebuilt amongst others). We finally just sold it as we could barely afford the car much less the incessant repairs. My husband took care of most of it- he is very assertive and he isn't going to e pushed over. So I voted to have your dad help. Hope it gets taken care of.
  12. I use mfp but I don't follow their percentages. The percentages they give me would make me feel terrible and not lose weight.
  13. Yeah, I think it's the caption. I take everything personally. (And I do mean everything). Something like that doesn't encourage me. I've really struggled losing weight since my third baby. He is 19 months and I'm still 15 pounds over my prepregnancy weight. I started going to a gym this week because working out at home with the children crawling all over me wasn't cutting it. The deal is that my husband not only has to watch the kids but he has to drop me off and pick me up because we Only have one car and I can't drive it (stick shift). So there is a lot of sacrifice on both of our parts to go workout in the evenings. And I will never ever look like that. And that's okay. I have no interest in posing in my underwear. I'd like to fit back into my old pants and bra. I'd like to be healthy and energetic. I think something like: work hard! Or no excuses! You've got this! You can do it! Chose health for your children! Anything actually encouraging for people struggling (not everyone who is "fat" is lazy!) because it is hard.
  14. We looked at both Louisville and St. Louis this past year- St. Louis seemed to have way more job postings online but he didn't find a job. I don't know anything about taking care of special needs but I'm assuming a large city would have more resources. Hope you find what you are looking for!
  15. My parents spent upwards of 200,000 dollars on my sisters education (for dance, which might get you a 10 year career). She works at whole foods and is in debt. I did sports in school and many weekends our family was separated. I try to keep all of that in mind when deciding what to do with our family. We haven't done any extra activities (minus swim lessons one summer) because we don't have money. We don't do a co-op either. Actually we have one car that I can't drive (stick shift) and my hubby takes it everyday so we really don't do anything. I'd like to get involved with something in the next 2 years. I want it to be very affordable. I'd hate to start something and then have to stop due to money concerns (which we don't make much now and we'd have to save up and buy a car to even do something like that). My kids are young- but I still think is there going to be a time when it does start to affect them? Hugs to all of you- we aren't alone but it still stinks sometimes.
  16. I got my tubes tied because I wanted to be done for physical and financial reasons. My baby was 3 months old. 15 months later I'm still happy with that decision and actually feel done more and more with the passing days. It's nice to move into a new phase of life.
  17. I got to use this in an actual conversation the other day... Without forcing it. It was awesome.
  18. It could be blood sugar which changes often through the day depending on what you are eating. Try keeping a food journal to see if there is any correlation. I had issues with dizziness this past summer- never resolved but went away anyways. Could it be hormonal? As I was having issues with that along with headaches and stomach aches.
  19. We didn't miss it. I got fed up with Netflix. First they doubled their prices and then less was available for streaming. Then I got bored of what they had. We have prime and they have a good selection. I also use Hulu online or CBS.com. We don't have cable- just bunny ears (PBS kids and CBS are really the only things that come through).
  20. Ooh, whales are my favorite animal! I'd love to See one someday! Adding to my official bucket list :)
  21. Just took off my tennis shoes for crocs. An old undershirt of my husbands. And maternity comfy pants. My baby is 19 months. Ahem.
  22. With this: what is technically allowed? And shouldn't it be a common curtesy to cash a check upon receiving it? I'm curious but I refuse my write my mom a check anonymize because it takes her forever to cash it and that drives me nuts- I think it's kinda rude.
  23. ^ survive is on my list too. Hunting season means a lot of (paid for) travel for my husband. We may or may not have a car that I can drive... So there I must put: - attempt to try to possibly learn how to drive a stick (again) - eat healthy - get some testing done (thyroid) and hopefully make progress in feeling less exhausted. Any weight loss will be a bonus but honestly, I'm getting tired of trying and failing. - track down the last miss marple book in the series and then move on to poirot :) - finally make the goodwill drop off that is cluttering up my basement :)
  24. After almost 19 months of being a zombie and even midnight 24 marathons (my last 2 both would be up for hours between 12ish and 3ish. Even after weaning), It took my husband 1 night to get the kid sleeping. I kid you not. I would get his help for sure. Hugs.
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