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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Yeah, I agree with this. I would have hated math so much if it had been done this way.
  2. Ugh, my clinic just called me and (at my request) e-mailed me a scanned copy of all the lab work. I love this place and their hands-off approach.
  3. I have experience with this program and we like it well enough.
  4. Practice problems: The hoary old Schaum's outline has many fully worked examples and is extremely cheap.
  5. I think environmental science sounds like a brilliant early course for her. I am sure you already know this, but remember to keep a careful eye on drop deadlines so that if things are overwhelming she can take a W. There is nothing wrong with having a W at an early age, but a poor grade is more serious.
  6. I would go ahead and do it. Study skills is very hard to do poorly in if you turn all the stuff in. If she decides it is not for her, she can always just not take the math in the fall and change her mind. I would probably go for the extended format math class, though, given her age, and if necessary enrich with more work in other areas of mathematics or more challenging algebra problems (AOPS Intermediate would be a great source of much more challenging problems and topics to parallel a college algebra class). It is quite possible that she could handle the standard pace but you really don't want to be wrong about it for her early experiences, and math isn't her passion anyway.
  7. I had to do this a lot in graduate school. I just couldn't handle plowing forward. I'd go to the gym or something and take my frustration out on the weights, and usually after a workout I could handle some more math.
  8. After someone announces a proof of something major like this, there is always a period of time where other mathematicians review the proof. Sometimes the proof itself is incorrect, and sometimes it is mostly correct and everyone agrees that the work is mostly done but there are leaps or holes where the mathematician has assumed more than is proper (for example, Andrew Wiles needed a patch on his proof of Fermat's Theorem). It is not just doubt. It is part of the process of mathematics. It takes a long time even for very educated and clever mathematicians to work through a proof like this.
  9. Oh man, that sounds so challenging :/ Would she be open to overalls? Or wearing a tunic-type top over leggings? Alternatively, this might sound crazy, but can you find someone who's a decent seamstress and get a few pairs of pants custom-made? I know it sounds expensive, but it might be better than buying and returning clothes, and I bet she'd be super happy to be able to pick the fabrics.
  10. It is not only academically dishonest, but it can result in your admission being denied or you being required to repay financial aid under the grounds that it was obtained fraudulently. I would recommend most strongly against it.
  11. Yes. I was in this situation personally. I took several years off and worked full-time. Then I went to a CC part-time and got good grades for a year. Then I reapplied for admission. They asked me what happened, and I said "Well, I didn't go to class and I didn't do homework because I was a teenage moron." They laughed and approved me for admission as long as I took a study skills course (which was kinda pointless, I knew all that stuff, I just didn't do it) and everything was smooth sailing after that.
  12. cottage pie/shepherd's pie spaghetti and meatballs
  13. It is absolutely not how it is said nowadays. Honestly it is also something that our math ed professors would really get on a student for saying.
  14. I haven't torn my ACL, but I can tell you: 1) I had similar symptoms (including the immediate POP) and nothing was torn. I didn't get the MRI until 3 months later because of financial/insurance/job issues (I wore a knee brace) but when they did the MRI they couldn't find anything other than some swelling. They signed me up for physical therapy and that took care of the issue. 2) My MRI took place within a week of the original appointment.
  15. The biggest thing I'm seeing here is that with this, you HAVE to do laundry every 6 days, re-wear underwear, or go commando. Panties really don't take up a lot of space.
  16. I would tend to avoid jumping into precalculus by doing a 5cr class at a college. The pace will be VERY fast, and it puts him off-sequence for calculus. I would tend to avoid starting with calc 1 in the spring as this tends to end up with the weaker students who didn't place into calculus after high school and the students who already failed it once. Starting with calculus as a junior sounds good. You can make up your mind as junior year gets closer. Whether to repeat calculus at the university depends on a few things -- one of which would be "is it better taught there?" If the student is going to a university which truly excels in undergraduate math education and has a true honors track (harvard, mit, u chicago, ohio state, places like that) I would repeat the calculus, because it will help with the transition to a higher level of thinking. But if the student is going to a local state university with no honors track or is going to transfer from CC, and has done well in AP calculus with conceptual understanding as well as the stupid "how to plug stuff into a graphing calculator" that tends to be taught in some classes, then honestly I wouldn't.
  17. I agree that I wouldn't worry about it now. I would increase the pace on the lessons she is getting easily. I would also work through the summer. But I wouldn't stress, just keep chugging. For the record, I have heard it frequently said that Singapore math is supposed to be used a grade level behind. I asked my friends in Singapore about SM and they said "Huh? We used it in the grade it says". I guess this could vary in different parts, but it's a pretty small country. I think part of the issue is with Asian/American differences in how old we say someone is. They say first graders are 7 because they turn 7 during the school year. We say first graders are 6 because they begin the year at 6. Allowing for the differences in school years, the age cutoffs are pretty much the same.
  18. The algebra really should be used together. You have NOT covered everything in a standard algebra 1 class if you cover the first half of the VT modules. I actually really like their scope and sequence and agree with the rationale, BUT it's nonstandard. It's like hopping in and out of MUS. Even if they finish the trig modules, I would find it a bit problematic to grant a full credit for trigonometry AND precalculus. Trigonometry is currently a standard part of precalculus. Pick one or the other.
  19. Yay, I can feel justified for not doing something I was never going to do anyway.
  20. Agree with this 100%. Since you seem to be using MM with your other kids, I'd give her the placement test and look for holes.
  21. You'd probably have better luck just going for a specific low-carb slow-cooker cookbook. I found a couple on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Low-Carb-Slow-Cooker-Cookbook/dp/1569244286 http://www.amazon.com/200-Low-Carb-Slow-Cooker-Recipes/dp/1592330762/ref=pd_sim_14_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=51slBc1KzOL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR130%2C160_&refRID=15MYWT2H8RA01RCCEARQ
  22. Yep. But if, after that, the bills aren't paid, the hospital will settle. One of my relatives fell off a roof and hit his head while working minimum wage and uninsured. He had to be hauled off in an ambulance and the bill was not as high as hers, but at least triple his annual salary. He ended up paying $50/mo for a year and then the hospital wrote off the rest of the bill.
  23. Yep, especially when you're mostly doing it yourself to support someone else ... I think it's totally possible to be supportive and occasionally still have a "mom meal".
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