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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Chicken and vegetable stirfry.
  2. Sauerkraut that's been sitting in the fridge forever. Pork roast that's been sitting in the freezer forever (already cooked and chopped). Milk that's really close to turning.
  3. One of my students graduated last year. She was only 6 years younger than your mom. Math was a struggle for her (algebra was not required for high school then and she had not had it) but she managed to make it through. Her grandkids were there at her graduation to cheer her on.
  4. We supposedly have statewide minimum standards, and yet I still have students who transfer in from a couple of specific colleges who have a passing grade recorded in college algebra and yet cannot add fractions, let alone solve quadratic equations. I don't know what they're doing over there, but legally we can't refuse to accept their courses because we have statewide minimum standards. I don't think it's going to do anything other than add a level of paperwork to universities and stifle the ones who really are doing something out of the box in a good way.
  5. There are two things generally called IF -- one would be something like the 5:2 style diet (doesn't work for me) and the other just involves confining all eating to a certain window of time. I've seen 4-8 hours frequently and windows outside of that more rarely. I'm not doing it anymore because I'm done losing weight but it worked great, I'd be done eating by 8pm and not eat again until noon the next day. I just didn't feel hungry in the morning but I was full at bedtime.
  6. It's absolutely ridiculous. In some brands (like those) I'm at 4/6 and ... yeah my mother's size 12s from 40 years ago fit just fine as well.
  7. I think sizes are one of the weirdest things. Like stuff that fits one part is too small elsewhere unless you actually pay to have it tailored. re: hungry, if you get hungry at night would intermittent fasting work for you? For years I would wake up in the night and be unable to sleep if I hadn't eaten enough, so I started postponing breakfast and having a light/moderate lunch and a hearty dinner so I could go to bed happy and full and sleep well. It worked quite well for losing weight. I usually wasn't hungry for breakfast because I'd had so much the night before.
  8. Yes indeed. One reason (personally, for me) is when you are losing, you have a goal. You get to see progress towards your goal every time a pound comes off. When you are just trying to not gain, 'yay, another day of not going back over x weight' just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  9. Healthy weight range really is based off statistical averages, and there's not going to be an answer to 'what is MY ideal weight' -- and honestly there's probably going to be a range where you'd be perfectly healthy anywhere within that range. If you're within the normal range, you're probably not at seriously increased risk for obesity-related or underweight-related illnesses unless there's something else odd going on (massive muscle loss due to illness, for example). If you want some double-checks, consider checking your waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio, or getting your bodyfat percentage checked to see whether you're in recommended ranges on those. I go more by what I want my bodyfat percentage to be than what I want my weight to be.
  10. For some reason the only veggies that I like out of cans are corn, beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms. I do have a lot of cans of green beans (they were 50/can a while back) that I use as emergency meal fixins, and tomatoes and mushrooms mostly go as ingredients. I live off frozen veggies (probably 2 lbs a day for just me). I don't mind fresh but around here they're more expensive and more likely to go off.
  11. Right now your poll is kicking me out if I don't vote there's *something* that I can't stand, so maybe there should be a none option?
  12. Huh I missed this thread, but this type of eating worked really well for me for losing my weight. I had to alter it when I hit the weight I wanted to be as I found I couldn't fit enough food in to stop losing. I'd skip breakfast, have a late, light lunch, a hearty dinner, snacks if I wanted them, and go to bed full and happy.
  13. Found a cottage cheese container of frosting in the freezer. This clearly required a cake be baked to use it up.
  14. Yeah, I had it last winter (ended up at the ER, was kinda embarrassed about it) and it did take several weeks to go away.
  15. I found a really nice 32DDD that wasn't that expensive at a L'eggs/Hanes/Bali outlet recently. They only had four styles to try on but thankfully one of them was just perfect for me.
  16. I think it's really nifty how your arms and face have tightened up :) I had someone who was doing one of the electricity MLM things -- he was a friend from college and he wanted to 'meet me' but didn't want to tell me what for. I finally figured out what it was and told him I wasn't interested, and he wanted to argue with me over facebook. That really had me ticked off.
  17. I would eat them without hesitation. At worst, the texture might have degraded a bit.
  18. Oh well, if you just keep doing the challenge you'll get to the bottom eventually :D
  19. I thought it wasn't doing anything until I skipped it. If you skip it and can't tell the difference, it's probably not doing anything for you. Some people with arthritis in the hands get relief from wearing fingerless gloves on a routine basis to keep their hands warm and mobile. YMMV.
  20. I do this all the time. I do highly recommend making sure you cover it so the top doesn't get gross and dry.
  21. Bumping in case any of the morning crowd has any other suggestions.
  22. Yeah, the ER would run me at least a thousand bucks (my insurance has a crappy deductible) and I can put up with a LOT of pain for a thousand bucks.
  23. For the rice, I'd cook half a cup or so and see if it tastes rancid. It's pretty obvious.
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