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Everything posted by kiana

  1. So last year about midyear my elbow started hurting and I went to the orthopedic/sports doctor, and they gave me a cortisone shot. They didn't really give me any rehab program (honestly they just told me to go back to doing whatever I felt like), but Dr Google did -- I followed it and it was pretty much painfree until I re-tweaked it a week ago shoveling a ditch. I'm actually not sure if I re-tweaked the same injury or injured something else because there's moderate pain on the outside of the elbow and severe pain on the inside (more of a golfer's elbow location). It's also slightly warm to the touch but only on the inside of the elbow. Of course I immediately quit all exercises that used it, but it's been steadily increasing in pain to the point where I can't lift a book or a glass of water in that hand. I can't even wear a long-sleeved shirt because the fabric brushing against it causes excessive pain. I tried one of the braces that goes below the elbow and within 20 minutes the pain was excruciating and I couldn't even close my fingers, so I decided that was a bad idea. It's only dented by maximal dosage of NSAIDs. I called a few days ago but because of holidays they can't get me in for another 2 weeks, and there isn't really another local orthopedic clinic. So here's questions: 1) OTC remedies? I'm icing it and taking NSAIDs but if you have any weird ideas I'll give it a shot. I'm doing my best to avoid using it in any way at this point. 2) Is this something that urgent care could do something for, or would they just x-ray it, tell me it's not broken (I'm 99.99% sure it's not, anyway, I didn't DO anything that would have broken it) and to make an appointment with the doctor?
  2. If you're underweight (especially if you've been losing weight rapidly due to stress-related undereating) that can do a real number on your hair. As I recall hair tends to depend on what your nutrition was 3 months ago -- so if you've only recently gotten a handle on the undereating, it may take a couple of months to resolve. The new sprouts that your hairdresser is seeing are a very good sign.
  3. I'll buy that :D I've been so frustrated lately with looking for myself that sometimes I forget that people are less likely to vanity-size their kids. I'd still order 1-2 and see how they fit before ordering a whole bunch.
  4. Try them on, they're supposed to be inches but vanity sizing is such an issue that often the size charts lie. I've measured jeans that are supposedly a 28 waist and they sag because they're really a 32. Once you find a brand/sizing that you like you're usually relatively safe.
  5. t'd be over a hundred for me because I haven't used any deductible yet, so I'd google "how to buddy tape pinky toe" and do it myself. I would try and wear shoes simply because if I accidentally kicked something while it was broken, I would scream bloody murder and any kids around would probably learn a few new words.
  6. Ask the bridge club, they vary and some are more beginner-friendly than others. Many established clubs have a beginner's night which is where he should start. It's an awesome game although sadly not as many people play as formerly. If there isn't a local friendly club, he'll need a regular group of 4+ (it is best if there are even numbers on any given night, although you can muck around with it otherwise) who are all willing to learn. The ACBL has free learn-to-play-bridge software -- http://www.acbl.org/learn_page/learn-to-play-bridge-software/
  7. It's going to depend a lot on the geometry course. Algebra 1 is integrated into a lot now to reduce forgetting.
  8. Haha, these are my favorite types of recipes
  9. Genetics? She should be able to handle it if she handled microbiology. Plant biology? Zoology? Ecology? Oceanography? Astronomy? Meteorology? Evolution? Non-majors biochemistry? I mostly went down the courselist from my undergraduate and picked out the ones that were mostly taken by non-majors, or the bio ones that didn't require as much math/chemistry. I can find the textbooks they use for any of them if you're interested.
  10. I had siblings and that helped. I never did find other kids that I fit in with, I always fit in better with adults. I didn't learn to adapt myself to fit in until graduate school, really. Most of my good friends I've found online on various message boards. I also developed some other interests which helped me connect to friends (martial arts was a big one). I think it would have been majorly ameliorated if I'd gone to a better school for undergrad but I had some other issues that precluded that happening. My brother found many awesome friends at his Ivy League school.
  11. Sent your quote to my mother, who doesn't have an account here. She wants to reply and says: "You cannot make your child "normal" or "average." Find adults for peers. (Sooner or later she will grow up and still won't have many peers. Sorry.)"
  12. Well, I know that I always did have to choose between being myself and being liked. Nobody else gave a rip about greek mythology or latin etymology or the history of mathematics or the genetics of chickens or anything else I was interested in. btw, nice wyandotte :)
  13. I would actually strongly recommend getting halfway through the algebra 1 class you intend to use (tabletclass?) and then starting a new thread at that time. Things may change between now and then -- or something new may be published -- and it may alter your decision.
  14. I agree with the MM advice. It's a lot easier to jump into mid-stream and a lot easier for an American-educated parent to teach imo.
  15. Power Basics or AGS. They are designed to give bare minimum high school credit for kids who are struggling in math and possibly other areas as well. As I said before, PS awards credit for these, and I would have absolutely no issue doing so.
  16. Why was Fibonacci scared of 5? Because 5 8 13.
  17. I bake chicken dark meat a lot. I rub it with cayenne, ginger, garlic powder, ground mustard, salt, and pepper. Then I put it in the baking dish and douse the whole thing with soy sauce and bake it until done.
  18. Myfitnesspal was a life-changer for me, FWIW. I don't track there anymore but it was really, really helpful for getting started. Congrats :)
  19. Look into something like the Power Basics curriculum. If the PS can award a credit for it, so can you. They're really basic but should provide enough of a base that hopefully he can make it into intermediate algebra instead of beginning. They're designed for struggling kids in PS.
  20. Because of the +x^2 in the bottom and the +x in the top. When you cross out something from the top and the bottom, what you are *really* doing is dividing every term in the top and the bottom by (x+2). Let me give you a numerical example. Suppose you have (10 + 4) / (20 + 4). Is it legal to cross out the 4's from the top and the bottom to get 10/20 = 1/2? Of course not, and we all know that when it's numbers. To simplify THAT fraction, we would have to do the addition (that's what they're doing when they expand and combine) and then look for common factors. When we do that, we get 14/24, which have a common factor of 2, and then divide the top and bottom by 2 to get 7/12. The algebra works the same way. We can't divide/cancel/"cross out" unless it's a factor of EVERY term in the top and bottom.
  21. You know, most universities that have PE will let a student satisfy their requirements with something like fitness walking. If the kid is absolutely and totally uninterested in any sort of physical activity, I'd just log daily walks and give credit for fitness walking. Very easy to count minutes, very easy to write a course description for. But I'd really try to find SOME kind of physical activity that they could enjoy. Nature activities, yoga, rollerblading, martial arts ... even video games like dance dance revolution or whatever it is (being used in some high school PE classes as well!)
  22. Holy cow, I am so lucky that my NP doesn't do this. The whole *point* of a wellness visit ought to be that you can address minor concerns before they become major concerns.
  23. If you aren't already, space out your consumption through the day. Also, possibly try smaller portions of them for now while your system adjusts. When I started eating more of these vegetables I gradually increased the amount. It takes more than a pound at a time now to give me noticeable gas but when I started 1/4 pound gave me gas.
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