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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I start Day 3 of dejunking my dining room today. It looked like something out of Hoarders. It still does, quite frankly. My husband spent the past 2 days on the "playroom" (dumping goes on there, not playing), has made 2 trips to the dump (because our four curb cans were filled up and he didn't want to stop & wait for trash pickup on Tuesday), and 4 trips with recycling. He's at work today, so I'm hoping to get the dining room finished before he gets home in the morning. Good grief.
  2. As someone who has been in that place and is, in fact, coming up on the third anniversary of the discovery, I can tell you what I've done: Feel it. Know that it's a memory of a past hurt, let it come. Tell your husband that you're in this place, that you understand it's not a mark of where your relationship is now, but it's how you feel at this milestone and he will have to understand and give you some leeway while you process. Communication has been the key for us. Without that, my husband would react and be defensive and annoyed that I was "randomly" dredging up the past that we've pretty solidly moved past during the rest of the year. Now, he understands that I'm not so much dredging, but the milestone (in our case, election day) triggers those memories and feelings. And if you want to talk, and feel comfortable, PM me. :grouphug:
  3. Yup, we kicked them to the curb 3 years ago and got high speed DSL through Verizon (which is faster and less temperamental* than Comcast ever was), for about half the cost of Comcast's internet-only rate. *At least quarterly, our cable internet would degrade, bounce, then be completely down. It would take several calls and often multiple visits before they would find "mysterious" causes for the failure, always on their facilities. I had to teach one of the techs they sent how to do basic network troubleshooting. Comparatively, we have had Verizon service for 13 years, have never lost phone service, even in a hurricane and, on the rare occasions we have had service degradation, the techs are knowledgeable and find/fix the problem within an hour.
  4. During lacrosse season, mine have a mid-afternoon snack, then a burrito before practice, then we eat supper when we get home around 8. I keep Evol or Gluten Freeda burritos in the freezer during the season because we're on the field 5 nights a week. On game days, they eat egg and English muffin sandwiches with a cup of tea on the way to the field, and fruit between games. If there are more than two games, I make granola bars and date balls (like Lara bars), and they graze on those during breaks.
  5. I would half cook the pasta, fry up the bacon, add the pasta to the skillet, nearly cover with milk and finish cooking it in that, then toss in the peas and heat through. The pasta will take up the milk and the milk & starch combine to make a lovely, creamy sauce. It works with chicken & spinach, sausage and kale, ham & peas...
  6. Yes, inasmuch as I want them to have the tools and security to choose the path that's right for them, in all seasons of their lives. Different seasons of my life have brought different situations that were right for our family. I would hate for them to feel trapped in any one option. (I want the same for my sons.) I voted that I'm fine with either path.
  7. The apps you're talking about are software. They are just light and built to run on mobile platforms. The only thing I can think of that would be comparable are Google apps that, I think, run in Chrome. They might be inclined to expand their app offering there since they now own Android Market (renamed Google Play). They do have apps for education, etc, but they are more enterprise apps than little widgets. So, I'd google "google apps" and take a browse there.
  8. Yay!!!! Because that was SERIOUSLY a bad couple of days. Whew. I'm sure the dog will find a great home that is a fit for him. :grouphug:
  9. Haramaki. I have some from Etsy that I love for layering in the winter, and using under tops that show more than I like when teaching fitness classes. My tall friends all love New York Co because their shirts are long enough. I would second Old Navy tanks, too. They're like dresses on me (I'm 5'0"). Gap "my favorite tee" seem "long enough", inasmuch as they sort of scrunch up at my hips but don't hug under the bum.
  10. Right. Because when you duplex, it prints page 1 on one side, page 2 on the other, and so forth. When you print multiple copies of page 1, it prints them all on the front. Some printer do have a "print on both sides" setting, different from duplexing.
  11. Huh. That's a good question. There is quite a bit of "multitasking" that goes on within my house. For instance, if I move laundry along while everyone is working on a piece of school work, am I focused on two tasks, on none at all? Of course, the same thing is true when I'm at work; when I open tomorrow, I'll turn the computers on, locker room lights, fans, make coffee, touch up the August schedule, but then I'll check my email, do some lesson planning, etc. At the point when I've made the coffee, my "task" is pretty much to be parked at the desk and greet the members as them come in, and respond to needs as they present themselves. I can't really say that I spend a lot of my paid work time "on task", then either... Interesting tought to ponder.
  12. Yes. I am not a fixed being; I struggle, I learn, I grow. My way of being changes in the process. I am a much different mother - and person - than I was when my eldest daughter (now 23) was young. As I often tell my children: achievement is when you come to something difficult, and do it anyway.
  13. Ya know... You could really go for the theme here, and use green painter's rolls for some grassy area, drywall seam tape for baselines... It could turn out very cool. Or very "crying home owners on Trading Spaces", I guess. :D
  14. I have those kids, too. My almost 8yos still use their 5pt harnesses in their boosters. Mine usually have snacks between meals. I keep things like muffins, fruit, homemade granola bars, cheese and crackers around, and about halfway between meals, they'll grab something.
  15. I am having the same conversation with mine right now! :lol:
  16. Me, too. I only see the text of the newest one, unless I expand all the back and forth above it. Weird.
  17. You can simmer onion in honey until its translucent, let it cool, then strain it (or don't). Take the honey by the spoonful. It's a decent cough suppressant. I guess the question, though, is where the cough is coming from. Drainage? Lungs affected? That will help determine what the best bet for dealing with it is. Garlic and eucalyptus rubbed into the bottom of the feet, with socks over it, can help clear everything out (but you end up with garlic eucalyptus dragon breath).
  18. Huh. I just ordered An HDMI cable and a pack of black warrior pencils for a whopping total of $7-something... Prime. I haven't seen anything marked add-on. I wonder if it's because not enough people were biting at the "if you take slow delivery, we'll give you music credits" thing.
  19. No. I think there is such a thing as "too big", where the crowd is so big there is a certain level of anonymity that happens, which leads to things like this. I don't know... The "perceived level of personal accountability", if you will. Not learning about "parts" and "acts" at an inappropriate age on the school bus is reason #354 that we homeschool. I would be absolutely livid if that conversation was happening because of shoddy supervision in a setting dedicated to spiritual formation. Livid. And I'm one of the flag-flying liberals on the board, so...
  20. No, it drives me crazy. And it IS illegal in MD. My E-ZPass is velcroed to the windshield just below the mirror mount. I can't see it from the driver's seat and can only see the bottom of it from the passenger seat, and I sit further back on the passenger seat.
  21. Oh. No. Uh-uh. Nor would I get a pap smear at a spa, even though it's not any higher on the skill level than most spa offerings. Just no. It's clever, though. Higher profit margin services to offset liability insurance, divert attention from waiting room time, and make the entire experience a more pleasant one (which we know makes people less likely to sue)... But, still, no.
  22. Me, too. And, unlike many who've weighed in, the more expensive it is, the more I look for a used option because I don't want to invest in a pricey new program that may not work for us, and I generally don't have a way to look before I buy. (Though thank goodness more publishers/sellers are putting samples out there!) I haven't experienced any false representation buying used. With the exception of this board, venues I use (eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Abe Books) have very tight description definitions, so I expect that what I get will be as described, or the venue will require the seller make it good. I have two purchases from our FS board on their way to me. It makes me happy to take clutter out of other people's lives, or to bless someone else with things that are cluttering up mine. :)
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