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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I tend to agree, though I am a little awed by the Swanns. (I've also not been overly impressed with Calvert, but that's a whole different discussion) And now I will go to the incredibly shallow, cupcake punchy place and ask: What on earth possessed her to put that hair on the cover? Has she not had a photo taken since 1985?
  2. Can you post his contact info so the cupcake punchy hive can send him scamming tips? Because that's lame.
  3. I'm jimmi-clicking the refresh button here... starting to feel like the Jeopardy dork with the sticky buzzer.
  4. Holy cow! This are FABULOUS! I know what I'm doing this weekend!!
  5. I haven't had any problem printing postage/labels. I either do it straigh through Amazon, or through Stamps.com. Here, I think the lack of package pickup is because I live in Mayberry and our carriers walk their route. With a bag. Except the rural carriers, of course; they deliver to your mailbox on the street. And it's different than, say, a UPS route. The carriers have to stop at every address. I do wish package shipping could be streamlined, though.
  6. Indeed, I am left wondering the same. This is a discussion about the US Postal Service, not about who did or didn't do what with whichever fleck of legislation. It is clear that the Federal laws governing the USPS are no longer working, yes, but I don't really think there needs to be a partisan brawl to bring the autonomy in line with the responsibility.
  7. Yes, well, all the more reason, then, to just let her talk to your voice mail and refuse to engage. :grouphug:
  8. I am, too. It's like a beacon only crazies can see. It seems to draw them for miles. :glare:
  9. Pssst. 2009. I think the room has been finished. ;)
  10. :iagree: Please do not get social animals with the intent to isolate them.
  11. Yup. Nutbunnies beget nutbunnies. There is no shock the your MIL's BFF has boundary issues. Well, ok, I would be shocked if the same thing happened to me, but from Normalville, it looks like a cultural issue.
  12. My dad knows a guy who retired from UPS in his 50s and bought a Lamborghini. Just sayin'. ;)
  13. Extra 50% off sale prices on selected courses. Use code RW77. :)
  14. I agree, though I'm hoping we have hit rock bottom in the manners department. I'm really ready for some decorum and superficial pleasantries.
  15. I think there are quite a few changes that would help, not the least of which is Americans getting over our aversion to paying an appropriate amount for things. I can send an envelope anywhere in the county in three days or less for, what, 47 cents? Or pay UPS or FedEx $15. FedEx ground shipping takes as long as USPS media mail, and costs much more. Do they lose or damage things, occasionally? Sure. As do other carriers. I once dated a guy who had worked in a FedEx hub while he was in college. They used to use packages for batting practice. But the other carriers don't handle the little, fiddly pieces, like #10 envelopes or oddly shaped ones for greeting cards, or post cards, do they? And their guarantees are about the same. For instance: UPS suspends its guarantee of timely delivery from Nov 1 - January, including pallets of freight, but they don't tell you that unless your pallet of labels has been waylaid (or lost outright) on its way to a customer for whom it has now caused production delays. And they charge extra for Saturday delivery. Why shouldn't the USPS? We've been through three letter carriers in 13 years. Karen (our original carrier) is still there, she's just at the counter. JR and Tameka work different days and have been delivering to us for... 6 years? I may go into the PO 3 times a year, but Karen knows me by name, where I live, and my dog's name, too. That is a direct reflection on them, though, just as the surly counter staff and the letter carrier I had in another town who wouldn't empty the blue box on the corner for weeks, and who was eventually caught dumping mail in the storm drain. Frankly, I think they could double the rates (or you know what, just make it an even buck, just to humor those of us who like round numbers), stop Saturday deliveries, and still be ahead of the private carriers.
  16. :lol: so true! I can't think of any off the top of my head, probably because I do know the definitions, so it only pops up when I'm reading along and have to consciously adjust the meaning. Oh! Puce! I have to consciously readjust my mental image from a yucky yellow-green-brown every.single.time.
  17. :lol: My kids would break into Monty Python mode randomly. They completely flustered a woman in the grocery store once, when they started up with the Spam song. And they love Dr. Who.
  18. Speaking only to this part: There seems to be a trend over the past decade or so (maybe longer, but I've only noticed it in that timeframe) of people sharing intimate details of their lives with the most casual acquaintances. I don't know if we're just on the far side of the pendulum swing from the "terrible family secrets" era, or what, but I do know that I often find myself wondering why people share things like that. In no way do I think we need to go to a place of suffering in secret, but I think there is traditionally an implied level of intimacy (for many of us) when certain details are shared, when that no longer seems to be the reality. And that makes for some misled glitches in expectations of relationships. I'm not saying you're wrong in your thoughts, just pondering the whole false-intimacy conundrum in general.
  19. I love math and science. For our purpose, those are my husband's comfort area, so I teach the liberal arts subjects, which are not. (NB: he does not feel as confident in dissection and microbiology, so I do that, as well)
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