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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: There is nothing else to do, unless you can undo the problem or make restitution or whatever. If it's not that sort of situation and you've offered sincere apologies, then you will have to let it go and move on.
  2. As I understand it, that really only works if you're deficient, and can make the issue worse. (don't quote me on that, I could be remembering wrong) I went through the same and found a doc that was willing to try supplementing me. I've felt like a human ever since.
  3. I did it at work, mostly, after I'd done my actual job besides sitting at the desk and greeting people. :blush: And I did some at home in the afternoon, while they were doing other stuff. I lost 6 hours on Sunday, classifying and spine tagging our non-fiction and literature. I'd like to say I'm done, but I am sooooooo not. Sigh. (My husband, however, has not finished his planning of math and science yet.)
  4. That's what we did. My 11yo now does the math mentally in the process of working out an algebra problem, but she needed to have a use beyond rote memorization to apply it.
  5. I make biscuits with GF Mama's Almond blend. I have a recipe on my blog. They're sturdy enough for butter and jam or gravy. We keep Gillian's French Rolls in the freezer for me to defrost for a quickie sandwich, as well as Food for Life GF English muffins (I like the green package, multi seed w/flax ones best). All GF bready substances live in the freezer until use here.
  6. :iagree: In the kindest, most understanding way: Then perhaps this person should find somebody better skilled in whatever area there is a need. Sometimes, no matter how great our desire to do so, we are not the proper person for a given role. It does neither of you any good to keep trying to fill such a role if you're not that person. In a less kind and understanding way: Tell this person to find somebody else who is willing to put up with the bs.
  7. I would have a problem with that. I actually have a problem that hundreds of book will be destroyed this year because this teacher wants them to write in the books. In a climate when many schools do not even have student copies of textbooks (just classroom copies), I find that extraordinarily frivolous. Plus, I just can't stand defacing books. My grandmother would take a sharpie to all the bad words in books she was reading, then return the redacted books to the library! :svengo:
  8. Yeah, I never get the crazy pricing. When I list a book for sale, I look at the used copies listed, descriptions, and price in line with condition. I really don't know what possesses some sellers to list things 10 or sometimes 100 times the others, particularly things still in print and available with free shipping for $5.99. I just listed 2 little K-1 spelling books they I had purchased years ago from a school yard sale. They're staple bound, all paper, monochromatic, maybe 30 pages. A couple others were listed, one for $199.99. For a tiny little consumable book that could have been run off on the mimeo machine (it wasn't; it has an ISBN. I'm just saying) :confused: I would totally tell them that you are no longer interested, since they've marked up the price.
  9. That was my experience, as well. My late cat refused wet food until he was well into his teens and it became harder for him to eat the dry stuff. Then, he would eat the wet stuff, but only certain flavors.
  10. Me, too. My name is one of the first and enduring parts of my identity. Why would I change it? My children have my husband's last name. It's rare that people get confused, though I occasionally get people who know me through my kids who will say something to the effect that they know my name is different, but can't remember what it is. I totally get that; mine is long and French, theirs is shorter and English. For the purpose of formal address, I am Mrs. His Full Name, but that is so uncommon these days... Well, I'd just be tickled if it popped up.
  11. We could get away with it when the kids were younger, but now that they're 3rd & 7th, we're planning on 6 days, with Saturday being a lighter, finish up or project day. TBH, even when they were younger, it was difficult losing Friday to co-op; some things just need almost daily repetition.
  12. :iagree: I don't have time to play games with people who have some odd need to The Great Coordinator like that. It's one thing to say "hey, so-and-so is picking up my kids from camp and she'd be happy to bring your kids, too", but quite another to make the deal on your behalf without consultation and be insulted because you opt out. Normal people make plans with people, not for them. Oh boy! I had someone do that recently! And then she accused me of avoiding her. :001_huh:
  13. I use Mrs Meyer's and like it. But I *clean* the SS with a wet, soapy dishcloth and, if there's something particularly difficult, like drip marks under the water dispenser, I use a little Bar Keeper's Friend (thanks goes to Mrs Mungo for that stroke of brilliance). SS cleaners, in my experience, don't so much clean as leave a slight residue that keeps fingerprints to a minimum. It's not so much that I can feel it, or it transfers to your hands, it just settles into the grooves, if the makes sense.
  14. Count me in as having the same dilemma. My 11yo is the oldest in our circle, with many friends having oldests that are around the boys' age. Fortunately, I have friends who are now entering the middle years, and are fairly structured anyway, so we make plans to get together for group activities specific to what we are all learning. There are a number of families who do frequent field trips and play outings, and a couple of the moms created a yahoo group for sending the plans out, then sent an invitation to all of us. It's nice to be in the loop as far as what's going on, but not have anyone feel like they're pressuring me (I totally get that, too; I would feel the same way). So, the best that I can tell you, in the absence of something like that, is to just be very direct that you really want to be in the loop, and participate on the occasions that the stars align and you can make it, but that you do have limitations because of your schedule.
  15. I like to point out that the laws of physics trump the traffic laws. And, yes, I would also assume she was American, because people step off the curb (regardless of where they are wrt a crossing) in front of my car all.the.time. Seriously, people behind me probably think I'm 90 years old as I crawl through town at 15mph, "randomly" tapping my brakes (it's not random, I do it when I see someone heading toward the curb). They're not so much ignorant of the traffic laws in Scotland as secure in the idea they'll sue you if you run them over.
  16. Well, there are two of them, and they've been a superbly coordinated force since before they could talk, so I think they can take her. And, yes, kck, I think we should all probably work to contain the mad scientists. :D
  17. And I was going to agree with Abbey, then Caroline, but I will just agree with Chelle. It's not just ink and paper, but also wear on your printer.
  18. Heard in the last 5 minutes: Dd11: I like hiding under the boys' beds. Dad: while you're under there, wipe things down. Dd11: no! (with disgust) I'm not cleaning under there. I like to hide there when they go downstairs for a drink, so I can play "monster under the bed" when they turn the lights out. (Mother commentary: note that the BOYS are not playing this game) Dd11: I like to hide on the shelf in their closet, too. Me: do we need to have a disussion about shelves not being designed for human body weight, and the physics of a body falling to the floor inside a closet? Dd11: No, I'm doing chemistry this year. THIS year, I get to blow stuff up and write my name on my door in blood. (so she can spray it with luminal) We have the strangest conversations with this child.
  19. I suspect that the subscription rate is for people who to import shipping data from their own system and use a connected scale. Casual users can just use the USPS portal. As an aside, I almost never send things MM, because the difference in price from First Class is pennies. Parcel Post is almost always inexplicably higher than Priority when I'm shipping a package, too. :confused:
  20. Ok, yes, I can select MM on the shipping options menu of prices, but the online is "unavailable". When I buy postage through my Amazon Seller account, though, I can select MM and print the barcoded label. Weird.
  21. Sorry. The um was just that; I was trying to figure out how it not work. There isn't a separate step, it just prints the label, postage, and barcode in one big rectangle to cut out and tape to the package (or, if you're really fancy, on a sticky label, I would think). I have no idea if it's a change; I've only recently started shipping this way instead of going to the PO with my package. I don't recall Amazon having a button to buy postage before, though, so maybe it is. Media mail was one of the shipping options on the USPS website (which says you will be purchasing the postage through Stamps.com), but I selected Priority Regional because it wasn't media (I was shipping a puzzle). I'm pretty sure Amazon's shipping widget is just a custom interface to Stamps.com, too, and I print postage paid media mail labels with a delivery confirmation barcode from that, too. The menu of shipping options shows the online rate and the counter rate for all options that have both available (some are only available over the counter and vice versa). The online rates are lower.
  22. Gee, I don't know. I think people would find it offensive if the OP's friend asked her all the time how she could "stand" being around her husband. I know I would find the implication that he (or our children) is so offensive to be around rude. It's not a PS/HS thing. It's a sentiment that conveys distaste for the children being discussed (whether the speaker's or their audience's), and the OP's response is the one that comes to mind whenever I hear it. It's not usually voiced because of setting (at work, etc), but even then it's sometimes tough to bite my tongue.
  23. No kidding. So, when one exsanguinates, they run out of nice? "Rope off the crime scene, Ed, there's a huge pool of cheer we need the forensic cleaning team to deal with." :confused: It's the top hat that's throwing you. :D
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