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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Well, I LIKE colcannon... But I don't think it's colcannon with deb potatoes. And there are no tiaras...
  2. Ok, who snuck in the "heck yes" votes and ran away? :lol:
  3. If it helps, when I was pregnant with my eldest, every night I got out of bed, drove to 7-11 with a can opener and a fork, and ate a can of beefaroni (which my iPhone wants to autocorrect to "beef wrong"... How apropos) on my way home. There's no accounting for pregnancy eating. We can't hold that against you.
  4. So there's no cotillion, then?
  5. Me too. And it's not vintage or anything. I think I bought it at Target. It's an Oxo.
  6. What if the glue DOES hold? :eek: And, you know, this is giving completely new meaning to glitter being "craft herpes".
  7. :iagree: What is a deb potato? Is that like one that's coming out in society, officially?
  8. Well, I had, but now I will have to again. I am just going to say that, if there is any _jazzling discovered here, there is going to be a very awkward conversation. Because - though I have not googled sparkly pejazzled man myself, thankfully - your description sounds... Scratchy.
  9. :lol: My bethroom is ripped to studs right now. I will be sharing your excitement shortly (but hopefully not the toilet return adventure).
  10. Sean popped to the cupcake kerfuffle and said he was coming over here... I don't see any man wisdom being shared.
  11. I think he'll fare quite well when he drops the "technical" term. :lol: No, sorry, I prefer my men low maintence.
  12. :lol: I am sitting on my porch, in the dark, all by myself, giggling and snorting!
  13. Hey! 20/20's "True Confessions" hour has the behind the scenes of shipping companies on next!
  14. I don't think we were referring to your post. Um, you buy the (discounted) postage and it prints as a shipping label with a delivery confirmation barcode. I do it through the USPS website (more options than Amazon), which redirects to Stamps.com.
  15. ME TOO! I was very confused. My perinatologist looked like a soap opera doctor. He also had a great sense of humor and was incredibly squeamish. We had a lot of fun messing with him. :D
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