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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: My Y charges $40/hr for single sessions, and we have discounts for packages. We don't always train people for an hour at a time, either, so a 4 hour package could be 8 sessions. You should also be very specific about your needs when looking for a trainer. Most of my co-workers are much more geared toward elite athlete training, some of us are more geared to "special population" and rehab. Not that it's one or the other - I work with one very young guy who does both really well - but it helps to have someone with the proper frame of mind for your goals designing your plan.
  2. No, our children don't drink soda (or the non-carbonated "drink" things, either), except on very rare occasions. Then, they get non-chemical, sugar sweetened natural soda. I have no problem with caffeine - they drink tea and the 11yo will sometimes have a cup of coffee. I take exception to the dyes, chemical flavorings, and HFCS or artificial sweeteners. :ack2: Not. Food.
  3. Oral B toothbrushes and kid flossers (dino or animal shaped) here. I'd be irked if the dentist gave my kids coupons for crap.
  4. Snort. "smoking hot" :lol: My weather app tells me it's 101F, and "feels like" 108. Oh, and that the high for today is 97. ?? Why on earth would they need to add insult to 101 by telling me it's not only stupid hot, but feels hotter? I wait for the day it gives the temp and then says "Feels like: ninth circle of hell" (yes, I know that is ice. Does it matter when it's insanely hot?)
  5. It's here. And for those who don't wish to click - and I can't blame you - here are the pertinent excerpts: He describes the "sodomite agenda" before that, and his children's non-state-sullied marriage declarations below. And now, I will go bleach my eyes. :ack2:
  6. Thanks! I saw some at Grainger, but don't really want to pay more in shipping for gloves and have my project delayed more than a week. I was sort of hoping to find some relatively locally. Sigh.
  7. Does anyone else do any kind of refinishing, etc, where they need chemical resistance gloves? I have an enormous pile of oak flooring, formerly applied to the walls and ceiling of our upstairs bathroom, that I need to strip and stain so we can use it on the -gasp- FLOOR of the room (we're remodeling). I tried eco-stripper and it sucked (as in barely marred the layer of paint I put on when we moved in), so I went to the super extra caustic, strips the paint off kind... but I'm just not able to keep it off my hands, and it ate through my nitrile gloves. I can't find chemical resistant gloves that fit on women's hands. I don't mean I want custom gloves, I mean I want to be able to use tools (eg, the scraper, a brush, etc) and that is just not possible with gloves that are roomy on my husband (sz 13 ring, as opposed to my 4 1/2). The only ones I'm finding include "key features" such as color selection and built in nail protection. I just want to avoid the chemical burns. :confused: So, does anyone have actual gloves that find on smallish humans and are chemical resistant?
  8. Mine was, too, and my ex used to tell me "marriage is hard work" all the time. What that meant, in reality, was that I should hunker down and make it work, while he brought nothing to the table, or worked against me. I agree, particularly with the bolded. My husband and I have been through some seriously rough patches. What makes our marriage successful now is that we are intentional, and that makes us connected. And that makes it pretty darn easy.
  9. Um, Target? I don't know about boys' selections, but our Target has different styles - from dressier to a Frye style harness boot - for women, including riding boots.
  10. There are some good recipes here, under "greens". Amber and I travel in the same circles and she's always got something green, healthy and delicious at at potluck. The kale and carrot salad is really good, and perfect for hot wether. I'm also a huge fan of her beet and greens salad and make it frequently in the fall.
  11. Are you kidding? My husband and I both went running down the driveway yesterday when we heard Charlie's truck at the curb. Charlie is our UPS guy. We know our mail carriers, too, but that's because it's a small town and they've been delivering our mail 6 days a week for 13 years. We like them, but the whole family doesnt pounce on them when they come to the door... Too many "false alarms" with bills and circulars and other non-curriculum stuff. :lol:
  12. Indeed. My husband is actively involved and has officially taken over the STEM subjects this year (that's his happy area, so I get Lib Arts). He works a 24 on /72 off schedule, though, so it's easy for us to work it like that. Keep doing what you're doing: be involved and part of the process as much as your schedule allows. Be open to finding what works for your family, instead of trying to fit into someone else's ideal. You'll all have a great time and learn a lot!
  13. 1999. Just opened the last box last year. 3 days? Two weeks? February? Amazing! :D
  14. Call them. Tell them you'll be happy to return it (with receipt) and repurchase it, but it would be easier to just refund the difference. Say it with a smile. ;)
  15. I lived this. I was not co-dependent, in denial, or anything else. The only "sign" - for 10 years - was a lack of engagement. It was a lack of engagement at all levels, not just in the bedroom. But my husband had a decade or more of covering before we ever met. We went round and round about it. I even demanded he see a therapist, and he came home mumbling about her saying he was under a lot of stress and needed an outlet. Little did either of us know his stress was caused BY the (EXTENSIVE) "outlets" he was pursuing behind my back. I found the tip of the proverbial iceberg quite by accident, and found more and more horror over several months. I can honestly say that my husband HAS changed. His character has changed from someone who betrayed and disrespected me literally every day, who sat in front of a screen, oblivious, while our life went on around him, who took notice of nothing, to someone who is engaged, respectful, loving, involved, who takes care of himself and each one of us... And if anyone thinks it was my silence and submission that opened his eyes, well I'll give that person the benefit of the doubt and assume they have a crack habit. The only thing that saved him from being thrown, bodily, into the street was his submission to my authority, until I was comfortable that he could rudder his own boat. I'm not sure, two years later, that we've actually reached that place, but our marriage is so exponentially better that any twinges I have are few and far between. So unquestioning submission? I call bullsh!t. Whatever nutso flag I fly on any given day, I am still the captain of this boat because the (assumed competent and properly vetted) guy at the helm was heading straight for the rocks. He may have been untied and let out of the hold, might even enjoy a cocktail on deck, but I'm not turning over the wheel. (wow. I'm very nautical this evening.) (note: this information has been shared before, with his permission. While it obviously reflects poorly on him, it is not a bash. I respect him very much for all that he has done to repair our relationship and turn our marriage into something amazing. I could not have done it myself - in fact, failed multiple times before it all came to light - and I make no attempt to diminish the huge undertaking on his part, making changes in himself, in addition to making them in our relationship.)
  16. The boys would have been Ainsley and Genevieve but, you know, they're boys. So, they're Holden and Quinn. :D Twin naming was so hard! Everything was either too close or went together in an odd way. For instance, my husband was quite taken with the name Aidan, but we couldn't very well name the children Aidan Quinn, could we? Nor, of course, would we want to name them Aidan and Holden. It was quite a process.
  17. How was your weekend? It's been great. Very productive, good workout today, got rain that we desperately need. Anything special going on tomorrow? Some crazy plumbing work and more demo in the upstairs bath. Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal? I love the otters at our local zoo.
  18. Vinegar rinse, maybe with a drop or two of essential oil, and hang to dry? Towels seem to be the worst for hanging on to a musty smell. No idea why that is, but that seems to be their way.
  19. That's me, as well. Maybe it's a MD thing. ;)
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