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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Atkins made me ill. I do much better on a high veggie, quality protein/fat, whole carb diet. (I guess that would be more in the South Beach area?) I agree with adding exercise. As we age, we lose muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass is what keeps our metabolism up and, consequently, keeps us from storing too much fat when we eat a reasonable diet.
  2. Time constraints. Or, rather, trying to fit all the need-to-dos and some of the want-to-dos into the limited hours of the day. Right now, it's the stress of continually discovering scary DIY mistakes (cut, live, uncapped wires walled over?) of the former owners of our house, and wondering what else they left lurking around. (We are also very thankful that, in the past 12 years of ignorance, none of their projects has burned the house to the ground.) But that's a short-term stressor, while we rip the one full bathroom down to studs and remodel when we really just wanted to stop the faucet in the sink from dripping. (Long, ugly story with bad language and photos on my blog)
  3. Excellent! I am all for taking it easy at the end of pregnancy. More so when your body rebels against your activity level. :)
  4. You mean {gasp} acknowledge people have an actual basis for comparison? Shocking! I would personally avoid FB discussions of sore throat remedies, too. Those can get ugly. I haven't figured out why people think everyone they've ever met -and some who have only met people they've met - is not only interested in every random thought they have, but also that they are (obviously) in complete agreement. That's what boggles my mind.
  5. I grew up with parents who drink when they want to. A beer, a glass of wine, a cocktail, no special occasion is necessary but it's also not a regular occurrence. Now, my parents each have a glass of wine with supper pretty much every night. If I'm drinking, it's rare that my children aren't with me. Again, it may be a glass of wine with dinner at someone else's house (because wine would turn to vinegar before I finished it here), a bottle of cider, a rare cocktail... I cook with alcohol, so they have sherry in cream soups or French onion soup with port as a regular thing and notice if it's left out. My rule has always been - as it was when I was a kid - that they may taste whatever I'm drinking. There's no mystery there, no alluring unknown. It's funny when one of them asks what I have then wrinkles their nose and says "no, thanks. I don't care for ____ ". People are so scandalized. We generally don't take them places where there is drunkenness, though, so they only see people drinking moderately and responsibly (ie at a friend's wedding, I had a couple of cocktails, but my husband didn't because he was driving). So far, the eldest tends bar but isn't much of a drinker. The others are too young to guess, but they don't seem to give alcohol much of a thought at all. Eta: I'm :lol: at the morning sluggishness comments. I'm firmly in the stage of my life where I feel hung over if I'm up past midnight, no matter what I'm doing. Sad, sad days. :D
  6. We use OpenDNS here and it seems much better than Verizon parental controls at discerning dodgy sites. Bonus: it's network wide level, so I don't have to redo it for anything added to my wifi. I hate (!!!) those sites. Just be what you are, for pete's sake! People looking for genitals will find you. :glare:
  7. So, you seem to imply this is not a standard policy...? I went to my cousins' house to play one day and was greeted by my aunt, who announced my cousins were locked in the sun room and weren't coming out until they had worked out what I imagine was the same sort of nonsense. We had a cup of tea in the kitchen and a few minutes later, they appeared in the doorway, scratched and disheveled and bleeding. So she patched them up and we all went along to play for the rest of the afternoon. They are both perfectly respectable, non- traumatized adults who problem solve very well.
  8. Awesome! I will mention it to my (non-sensitive, ghost story loving) 10 year old tomorrow!
  9. I have no opinion, but every time I see this thread, I think it is a report Of your iPad being ON fire, in a rather nonchalant way. Ok, back to the debate. Carry on.
  10. Based strictly on personal observation, humans cannot digest corn either. Or maybe it reassembles itself on the way through... :blink: Also based on observation, the ability to choose does not equate to making *good* choices.
  11. Scandalous! :lol: Welcome and congratulations the the ChristusG family!
  12. This is a good point. Our digestive tracts - tooth to turd - are more closely aligned to other natural omnivores than grazers. We are not ruminants. We do not efficiently break down plant matter in our single stage stomach. If I start ruminating, I will need a gastroenterologist. Or a psychiatrist.
  13. Three year olds don't have a long view or cause & effect yet. From a three year old perspective, Willow is feeling unwell and could use some toys to entertain her. Disobeying? Yes. I would punish for that. Every time. For endangering the dog and destroying the leash by offering things to her in the cage? No. She's not going to get the connection. I doubt very much that telling her Willow could "go to heaven" equates with pain and death. She's three. I assume her concept of heaven would be positive.
  14. All vegans I've ever known have been classic pitta types: thin, angular, dry, poor color, high strung. Not saying there is a causal relationship, but it is a common enough pairing for me to notice a pattern. And for the record: grazing animals are not vegan. They eat bugs and whatnot as they graze. Not being a flesh eater is not synonymous with being vegan.
  15. ON or Kohls. I have a 28" inseam (5'0"). Our local Nike outlet has petites, too, but the one's I have are *very* form fitting, and thicker than my yoga pants. I have some gorgeous organic cotton ones from Sahalie but they need to be hemmed.
  16. Other. Somewhere between once a month and once every six, usually. I may not finish one drink (ie I pour a hard cider while making supper and maybe drink half), or I might have 2 (if I'm spending the evening knitting with a friend over wine). Rarely does drinking socially pop up, and I almost never drink at home, but sometimes both will happen close together.
  17. I have the same problem. I am generally not one to hide my opinions but people seem to "share" their political views with such vitriol - particularly on FB - that I just refuse to engage. If they would like to have a conversation, fine. But these posts always seem like the author is just daring anyone to disagree so they can lash out. I want no part. :grouphug: to you, though, for being willing to step into the fray.
  18. I had to do math for that. Luckily, my iPhone has a calculator. Around 2% for a droid and an iPhone. The kids don't have cell phones.
  19. In the US, they come in sizes from 18-24", I think. I assume they tend toward the smaller end of the spectrum in the UK and Europe, as with most appliances. Ours is a large, formerly portable, model (we bought it before we had a place to put it, then installed it under the counter when we remodeled the kitchen). We generally hand wash pots and pans, and knives. We've switched out anodized aluminum for stainless, though, so the pots and pans will now go in after supper if there's room.
  20. Cumin, honey and lemon/lime juice? A dry rub like you'd use on ribs? Chinese five spice powder? (I seem to remember doing something with this on a pork roast, but can't remember what. It went with green beans sauteed in coconut oil and drizzled with some toasted sesame oil)
  21. That's the usual for us, too. If I'm baking or doing a lot of cooking, it might be twice.
  22. I hate to break it to you: some people would rather watch air than play a game. I'm one of them. Even as a kid, I didn't care to play. Cards, board games, car games, video games, doesn't matter. I just don't game.
  23. Do you have a crib? With twins, we took a side off a crib and adjusted the mattress to line up with ours, then lined it up side-car style on my side.
  24. Not unless it came from someone I know. I was a kid in the 70s and the scares about tainted treats were all over. The only homemade treat that was the exception came from the elderly librarian down the street from us. Mrs. Wooley made the best popcorn balls! :001_wub:
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