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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I, too, cover as a member of the Cult of Sheepy People. Otherwise, no. We have a very informal parish chapel. People wear sweatshirts to Mass. (*I* don't.)
  2. This was a topic of discussion at the park the other day. A close friend was saying she was at an end of year homeschool party (so kid centered, parents socializing) and one couple got snot slinging drunk, then proceeded to start the "where is the strangest place you've ever done it" sharing game. Ew. So I started randomly polling other friends and the universal response is "no thank you" on discussing intimate (teA) details with friends. It is one thing to discuss a book you've read, but as someone else already said, I do not actually wish to know a friend's (or friend's spouse's) preferences. No thank you. (eta: sex ed is something entirely different. If a friend asked me, educationally, about something, I would be happy to answer with any information I might have, but that is a different genre of discussion.)
  3. I had the same experience with co-op. It's just too much input for me. I'm an introvert so that many people around is completely exhausting.
  4. By evening, I'm just too fried to enjoy the quiet. So I get up early. (the grownups go to bed generally shortly after the kids - tonight I'm finishing canning apple sauce - and watch tv and I knit, though... Definitely long stare time)
  5. I go on laminating binges! Lately, it's been knitting patterns that have charts. Then I can cross off as I go and wipe off to start a new pattern repeat. :D
  6. Like this? http://www.globalvillageschool.org/
  7. Green. Green is a decorative color. Purple/blue is dead guy color. :ack2: (though Joy Hakim was wearing metallic purple toenail polish at a meet the author thing last month and it was quite fetching. Her toes matched my pen!)
  8. Um, you will have to ask the POLL, won't you? :001_huh:
  9. I'm driving to Lewes and throwing them on the ferry RIGHT NOW!
  10. I'm an only. I did my veeeeeeery best to cover all possible traits. :D
  11. Since you just posted 2 minutes in the future according to the clocks in my kitchen... Any changes? 'Cause I'm behind!
  12. Poll says I am Yoda. I thought I was the High Commander. Huh.
  13. I vote for rest, rest and more rest, too, along with fluids and good nutrition. You could also add some detox tea (Traditional Medicinals is a good brand) to help with the clearing and support her liver in the process.
  14. Wait. Is this a different thread or have I been banned? :blink:
  15. Or we've created some sort of earworm and she's desperately digging through her music collection hoping to get rid of Harry and the Jeopardy theme. Oooooorrrr... Maybe this is an experiment to see how close to the edge we'll get when baited with a poll, hmmmmm? :001_huh: Oh. Oops. OR the technology turned on her. That's what I meant to say.
  16. ok, is ANYone feeling ANY impending birth? You don't even have to be pregnant. How 'bout now?
  17. doo-doo-doo-doo-BOP-doo-doo-bee-doo (Third Rock Big Giant Head hold music... Because as a homeschooler, I find polls on the board irresistible. Is there a choice for that? )
  18. My ultra-liberal dad shot a flying squirrel in his kitchen. With a rifle. He also shot through the cheese board behind the squirrel. And the wall behind that. We had to have a discussion about discharging firearms inside the house. :glare: Squirrels aren't endangered, though. If they were, he would have called a game warden one of the multiple times it chewed its way in. Of course, squirrels don't pose any grave danger, either, so I'd say that's a toss-up. There are bears, too, but they're black bears. I don't find black bears threatening, but I'm aware of their nature. If there was a grizzly in my yard, I'd feel much differently.
  19. You are only 25% more mistaken than I was. ;) (I just realized Dd 22 is not in my siggy. She does exist, though.)
  20. I think you're right. At each age where one starts to question one's place in the world, beliefs, self definition, etc, there seems to be a tilt toward cynicism. Teens, midlife, post retirement, twighlight years ... Interesting.
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