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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. And now you've launched Mrs Premise and Mrs Conclusion and the finer points of killing a budgie. {falsetto} I just spent four hours buring the cat! Sorry. Carry on with highbrow literary discussion.
  2. Let us pause for a moment while I do my traditional laugh and point dance... I was measuring large for dates after a molar pregnancy (measuring large for dates is a sign of molar pregnancy) so we went for an early ultrasound. And the tech said "oh, did they send you early because they heard both heartbeats?" yeah, we're still not over that and the boys just turned 7. :lol: Congratulations! (and, likely, welcome to the nuthouse!)
  3. Same thing. There are typos in the article. (honestly, what ever happened to editing?) Also, the cute comment about putting away the asbestos underwear.... Well those wouldn't help protect anything but the armchair if you spontaneously combust, would they. (and am I the only one wondering if any of the billions of passengers on the NYC subway has ever been captured on video being hit with a meteorite? Just sayin')
  4. Not to sound crazy but could it be a "dead" potato? They smell freakishly similar to something decomposing. I once ripped my mother's pantry apart, sure I was going to find a dead animal but it was a potato that had ended up behind some rarely used items toward the back of a shelf. (OTOH, someone I know had a similar experience in her dining room and it turned out to be a mouse in an outlet. :ack2: :blink:
  5. We had a partial molar pregnancy between 2 & 3/4. Everything was fine until my midwife couldn't find the heartbeat at 12 weeks. It was very difficult, made more difficult by the D&C, spending the night in the maternity ward, etc. There is no "natural" way of dealing with it. There is an increased risk of hemorrhage, among other risks. Hugs and support are about the extent of what you can offer. Keep in mind that, unlike other miscarriages, this seems to last and last as you go for blood tests for over a year to make sure it doesn't keep escalating. You can't "move on" for a protracted period.
  6. I wear it when working (personal training... I'm in people's space) or if it's really warm. I make my own deodorant and don't do antiperspirant. People are supposed to sweat.
  7. You can contact UNFI and see if there's a buying club in your area. UNFI.com Quail Cove Farms is another.
  8. Those are awesome! I would totally put a Dalek in the garden. (if a weeping angel shows up, I'm moving, though)
  9. Our colors are all discontinued: turquoise (the classic, not the new), yellow (ditto), persimmon, chartreuse. I don't think any of them particularly make food look unappealing. I have some vintage pieces in different greens and yellows... Really, a cheese platter is a cheese platter, and my friends would descend upon a pile of lemon bars as fast if they were in my purse as if they were on a serving platter that made them pop visually. It never occurred to me to coordinate with my decor. But, then, I think pretty much all colors can go together, so I'm probably not a reliable source :lol:.
  10. I love to do both and preference is pretty much mood based.
  11. I'd say let them be sick. Read aloud on the couch later, catch up when everyone starts feeling better.
  12. Me, too. Jeff Smith, Julia Child and Martin Yan taught me to cook. And I still love to cook, though family meals are simpler these days. (we had pancakes for supper tonight, but they were sweet potato, pecan, gluten free pancakes :) )
  13. Have you called the local coordinator? I would start there. It could be they simply have the funding. It could be an error. I would want to know. Eta: I wonder if it's adjusted for the price of gas?
  14. No. There aren't grains in the kefir you buy. Grains are reused. You can buy grains from online sources. I have thought about buying them here before, but I'm never in a place to undertake it when I think of it.
  15. Ooh! Ooh! Click! Oh, wait. I already have that laminator... :lol: (and I love it, too.)
  16. I got a letter from our condo association once, about my barking dog bothering the neighbors (multiple complaints, yadda, yadda)... I left a very nice message explaining that if my cat was barking, I had larger issues than the neighbors being disturbed. :lol: Perhaps you should write a letter back, explaining your puppy is a drug sniffing dog and it would probably be better for everyone if the HOA president next door smoked her pot outside the community. :D
  17. Yep. That was my thought as well. I actually think Chicos has some outfits like that modeled... And they're not known for "trashy".
  18. I'm fond of amaretto with Ginger beer (like Ginger ale but spicier - I like Maine Root, it has a great bite, but isn't as sweet as Reed's or other brands), and a squeeze of lemon when it's warm out. Hard ciders can be delicious. I like some better than others. Right now, the Woodchuck autumn brew (with vanilla, warm spices) should be out. It's a limited time offering, though, and last year I was disappointed to find it replaced with their winter brew, which I don't care for, by Thanksgiving.
  19. I'm of the "name your kid what you want to call them" camp. If you intend to call her Ann, then make that her name and use Caron as the middle.
  20. Real conversation with my EX-husband while getting dressed one morning: Wasband: hey. Have you lost weight? me: uh... No? Why? Wasband: Your a$$ doesn't look as cottage-cheesy as it normally does. 20 years later, he thinks that was a compliment. Moron. I don't think mine are even remarkably large and, yet... If you find that magical place, where women have booKs and arms, please share.
  21. I think think victim culture has expanded. Or you grew up in my area. :D It's funny how the people who have HUGE things to complain about rarely do, while those with relatively charmed lives can find just about anything to be displeased about. True story: we have a member at work who is very physically challenged. I'm not sure whether he has severe CP or had a severe brain injury, but he takes the bus in and wheels himself down to the wellness center with great effort to work out every day. Every. Day. I cannot imagine the effort he puts forth just to get there, move from machine to machine, etc. (I should put so much into everything I do) Anyway, one day another member complained to our COO because his vocalizing (with profound effort, on the rowing machine, in his wheelchair) annoys her. :001_huh: yeah, what you're looking for, lady, are called earbuds. You can wear them while you pedal at 1/2 mph on the recumbent bike and read your Kindle.
  22. Pardon. Are you my other personality? (seriously. What is UP with the bathroom thing?)
  23. We've had to start timing. I am waffling between them needing to finish their work on their own time, or marking unfinished work incorrect... I wouldn't be irritated if it actually took that long. The problem is that there's lots of fooling around, navel gazing, pondering life. We've also had to start giving them limits on meals (and they get what they haven't finished back for the next meal). I'm sorry, cinnamon toast does not toe 90 minutes to eat, and the grownups just cannot sit at the table doing nothing for 2 hours at the end of the day. No advice. Lots of commisseration.
  24. More proof that the loss of the Oxford comma would be, erm, unfortunate. :lol:
  25. Yup. We've closed some windows and put blankets back on the beds, but it's going to have to be crazy cold before we turn on the furnace. We're even planning to put in a larger woodstove in the next few weeks. Thankfully, it looks like we're back to the upper 70s this week. I love fall, but we've got work to do before we're ready to tuck in.
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