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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. It sounds like your mother's problem. She wouldn't be happy no matter what name you picked. Too common, too odd, too old, too trendy. Whatever. Your child. We never told anyone what we were naming the baby until he/she was born and it was already decided. I think you should just not try to talk to her anymore. If she cares to have you and her grandchildren in her life, she can choose so. And she can choose to be kind. If she can't do that, her loss. I know it probably bothers you a lot. Some people feed into drama and have negative personalities. Her negative behavior is her choice and only she can choose to change it. This is just the avenue she has chosen to take her anger out on. :grouphug:
  2. My ds broke his leg on one when he was 4. He wasn't even jumping, he was bounce walking with long strides and missed stepped, hyper extended his leg under him. Snap. It wasn't ours, and I always hated when he was on it. I was more afraid of him breaking his neck and I'm grateful he didn't. Never again!!!!!
  3. yay! I'm not too crazy then for wanting to stay home!:lol:
  4. I am going to a conference this weekend with some friends. I have been WAITING to go for months. I haven't done anything without kiddos for.... ever. Probably over a year. Anyway, word has it that people that go to our church have stomach flu (not sure who, but several random families.) Do I dare take the kids to Awana tomorrow night? It seems like people go to activities before they are completely well. My kids have had 3 colds already and the only place we go is church! My luck being everyone will be vomiting by the weekend. Am I paranoid to just skip out and hibernate at home for the rest of the week to prevent sickness? I just want to go SOOOO BAD! After all, Michelle Duggar's gonna be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What would you do??:confused:
  5. Garlic is an antiviral (anti-everything i think!) You can mince up a clove and put it in applesauce so it's easy to swallow. But, odds are he'll spit it out and everyone will get it anyway. Sorry for the flu. It bites.
  6. I'm a guilty offender. I need the kick in the @$$. Then again, I like being mysterious so no one can guess who I am. ;)
  7. Sell the PM online. They are worth a lot. Esp. with the boxes. Anything else is for thrift stores. My biggest beef with gift giving is all the dumb toys my kids get that are soooooo expensive and they don't even like. What do I do with those? sigh. I dread Christmas for this reason. Sad.
  8. Go in and request a grievance form. Then give it back to her filled out ;) I hate how they make you feel like your the idiot when they really don't have a clue.
  9. WOW. Good for you, put her in her place without losing it either. I might have called her something really nasty.....
  10. I don't think it's shameful, as long as you don't say it in a shameful way. Then just answer the question for them. Meanwhile, talk to the child before situations (like going to a party where they will see relatives they don't know) and tell them that it's not polite to not answer a question when someone asks. They should be able to say their name and age when great aunt Tillie asks. But... I'm still working on this with 2 of my 3 kiddos. Most people understand and aren't offended in the least by shy children. Infact, I think most prefer shy ones to the loud ones!:lol:
  11. Hey thanks for the Penny's special! That looks perfect! I'm kinda kicking myself for not getting pictures done outside and just having a friend do it. It's too cold here now (we have a baby.) Everyone gets too impatient with the timer thing... never works :( I need to get some tough skin and tell them what I want. Last time I went to Target the lady took forever doing all kinds of enhancements (I didn't know that's what she was doing) and was really a snot when I didn't want to buy them because they were too $$$. She couldn't even "blow up" the regular pictures so I could see just the basic pics and order those. She said the computer programs didn't allow it and I had to view them thumbprint size. I think she was being difficult. :glare: So that's what I don't want to deal with. But, I think I'm going to have to go to Penny's for that deal! Thanks for your help.
  12. woah!!!! I'd pay off the mortgage, and/or buy a place you LOVE debt free!!! (I'd buy a place with land, but I'm a country bumpkin. Land usually doesn't depreciate.) Then go on a dream vacation. :lol:
  13. Ok, so I haven't gotten a professional photograph done in several years. I get so upset at the photographers who have less skill than I have but just happen to have a really decked out camera. All I want is a family picture! I don't want each of my kids done (I've done this casually at home and have beautiful realistic photos of them already.) And I don't want my dh and I done in cheesy photos and then wander around or wait a week until they crop photos and do collages. I don't want props. I just want ONE photograph of everyone looking at the camera in clean clothes. Anytime we are dressed up decent I try to get family or someone to take a photograph so I can have something to hang on my wall. No one can seem to get one without ds having his hands in his pants, dd without a scrunchy face, or the toddler without her dress lifted up or me without a double chin... ya kwim. Is it ok to go to a photographer and insist on one pose, one background, nothing else?? Isn't this the way it use to be? They are sales people and they are going to con me into hundreds of dollars before I know it. :glare: Anyone able to accomplish this goal? I don't know where I want to go or who to go to and it seems like such a daunting task to arrange! Maybe this is a JAWM post. Or a whine. Maybe some positive experiences would be an encouragement.
  14. I was thinking about starting something like this! I'm looking for some Asian foods... I need some different flavors for veggies - like good stir fry recipes. I want a good peanut sauce (??) I've heard of it but never tried anything like it. I love peanuts... I'm rather American in my cooking, so I don't know if I have anything to share! I'll be :bigear: in on this thread.
  15. My sis had no success with the crib. However, she bought a twin mattress and laid it on the floor in her dd's room. (She was about 16 mo old.) I was the debbie downer and said that she would be all over the house in the middle of the night... but it actually worked. If she woke up, she would just cry or wander to their room (she gated the hallway off) and she would lay down with her in dd's bed until she fell asleep again. It took less than a week and she was sleeping 12 hours in it. It may be more successful if you could do this with an older child in the room... maybe the younger would feel more safe. My biggest concern is the wandering around at night and you aren't aware of it!
  16. :blink: wow. so much for trying to be non-chalant about it! When I read your heading but before your post I thought right away of someone who did that 6 months after his wife died. But I was kinda thinking it was arranged also by the now deceased wife... I think she wanted her friend to raise her small children who took care of them when she was sick. Now that pastor... seems like he was waiting and waiting for her to finally go. Kinda strange. I guess I can't think of anything else. Maybe I will later.
  17. hehe. This is why I quit sewing. Not to say I won't ever... but sewing cloth diapers for a week.... stupid.:glare: Just shoulda bought the darn things. I hope to make a quilt someday, but more as it being a timeless, heirloom piece. Not a skirt I can get at walmart... This goes for garage sales and thrift stores too. I like them, but I'm not wasting tons of time scouring them when I can buy something for a few $ more for much less time sacrificed.
  18. I can side with the hesitancy of the parents who choose not to. I feel like it may be more appropriate to really get into mythology in logic or rhetorical stages of learning. So, when learning about Egypt, we talk about that they believe in several gods, or that they think the pharoah is god, but I don't go out of my way to talk about all their names and their mythical stories on how they started the world or who makes the rain, according to them. Little kids believe everything they hear, so I'm not going out of my way to tell them how each culture thinks the world was started. In their immature faith, that can cause confusion. They can study mythology when they are able to draw on their own faith and understand the comparison between the two. Plus, when I studied mythology in high school, I thought it was boring and dry as toast. BUT, we didn't study the history along side it. That would be much more interesting and I think I would have enjoyed it more.
  19. My sis completely deleted her FB during the 08 election and hasn't been back since. I wish I was that strong!
  20. Contemplating taking a benadryl so I can shut my mind down to sleep! or I might :banghead: Where's the OTC xanax? I can't watch TV for things like this. Everything drives me nuts about it. Ready to be OVER.
  21. Maybe call and see how long is long enough to wait with a fever. My guess is that it is viral, since it started as a fever and sore throat, then moved into her chest. That's the order viruses go with me anyway! Usually a secondary infection is when she appears to be getting better, than BAM high fever comes back with new symptoms (ex: trouble breathing.) My main concern would be her getting dehydrated since she isn't eating. Is her mouth dry? Not urinating enough, or dark? Tears when she cries? Fevers can sap her stores of fluids. I think IV fluids may be needed if she still has the fever and one of those signs. It doesn't hurt to call, that's why they are there. Hopefully they are helpful!
  22. My 2 protein snacks that I like are cottage cheese and deviled eggs (hard boiled eggs - mash the yolks with some mustard and mayo, then spoon back into egg halves.) I think you need to eat more than a banana for breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day. It gets your metabolism going. Not eating enough will send your body into starvation mode. I eat eggs and beans for breakfast (either scrambled eggs with cheese, black bean and salsa or a bean soup with eggs on the side.) Some people think beans are too high carb but they are slower digested than other carbs such as rice. Put beans, nuts, and/or sliced hard boiled eggs on your salads as well.
  23. I think it's only for when they start to have severe breathing problems, which can happen very fast. The vomiting is distressing, I'm sure, but maybe it's good because he's getting the stuff out of his body. Open the package and make sure you know how it works atleast. My sister got stung and was trying to read the fine print while her eye were swelling shut and she couldn't breathe. She ended up stabbing herself in the thumb, thinking it was the trigger. Thankfully it worked, but she had a swollen purple thumb! She had an old pen, and said her new one is redesigned so this doesn''t happen. HTH
  24. onion, garlic, celery, parsley, majoram, rosemary, paprika. I like Better than Boullion paste if you are looking for a tasty broth.
  25. What exactly is this? I've never heard of it. :bigear:
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