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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. (I didn't read the previous posts yet!) I was never a vegetarian. However, I just never ate much meat. I'd make spaghetti without hamburger because my mom did. She was pick and poor, too, I suppose. She always acted grossed out by meat so I picked up on it. I preferred carby things anyway and didn't know how to make meat taste good instead of dry and chewy. During my 2nd pregnancy I was sick a lot. Stomach flu x2, influenza and several bad colds, plus iron deficiency. When she was 6 mo. old I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, autoimmune type, and I had protein deficiency. I learned through a nutritionist that you need protein to have a good immune system as it is what helps your body build and heal. It is VERY difficult to get COMPLETE proteins being a vegetarian. Also, it helps with blood sugar swings (I would get hypoglycemic all the time.) I learned to make meat the main part of the meal (My husband said that I finally saw the light!) I have never felt so good in my life!!!! Being pregnant and nursing all the time SUCKED the protein right out of me. It was worth some extra money in the grocery store to buy extra meat (although I don't think it cost that much more.) It's worth it for my health. I don't know your reasoning for being vegetarian. But I know most people don't like how animals are treated and I understand that. But it upsets me of how the media portraits farmers as if ALL farmers cram their animals into nasty, tight buildings and starve them. Really? Yes, it happens. Some parents abuse their children. Do all? Hardly! Most farmers love their animals and do the best they can for them. That's why they farm! We farm, so I feel insulted that people don't eat meat because of 'how animals are treated.' Yes, I personally know farmers that I don't think treat animals as well as they should. Sometimes I cry when we lose a cow or have to send her to market. I guess I'm saying don't rely on unreliable sources. There are many "cruelty free" options available as well. Sorry you are stressed lately. Meals are such a battle at this house too. I just tell them, eat or be hungry. No complaining at the table, you can leave and cry in your room and come back when you are done. I dragged my 2yo there for lunch because she was screaming because I cut up her biscuit. After 2 minutes of screaming in her room, she decided she'll eat the biscuit anyway. Will it happen again tomorrow? Most likely :glare: I told dh today that I think I'm losing my sanity. :grouphug: You're not alone!
  2. oooooooooo I thought of another one. A stocking stuffer maybe. Make them coupon books: One night I can stay up 1 hour late. OR One extra hour of TV time. One day chore free! Etc.........
  3. I don't know how old your dc are, but would they appreciate a keepsake you had as a child such as jewely for the girls or something from dh for your ds? Maybe his favorite toy as a boy (antique tractor that's been boxed away, for example.) Other crafty ideas: Hot glue fabric around a photo album or binder and make scrapbooks for them, either filled by you or ones they can do (If you have some paper, make a few blank pages.) Make your girls hand written recipe books for when they have a home of their own of all your favorite recipes you do together. Sew their dolls some new outfits. If you or dh have some woodworking skills, you can make a wooden barn or simple cradle and paint it if you have some paint in the basement.
  4. dead mice!! probably in your wall. Sorry, I didn't read the other posts first. That's just the first thing I thought of. Rancid!! But it'll go away in a few days.
  5. My guess was your body is just asking for protein and iron. IMO, eating meat is much healthier than dessert or carbs. Try to stick with leaner meat if you feel you need to. What labs did they check? Did they look for thyroid issues and iron levels? I know certain mineral deficiencies can cause strange cravings (like iron deficient kids will eat sand and dirt.) If you're worried about your weight, I found the best way to lose well without feeling starved is to cut down the carbs and amp up the meat and veggies!
  6. :bigear: I'm curious too. But I don't have much advice. Hopefully someone knows something, so here's a bump for you. There is a lot of conflicting advice on soy... so I don't avoid it, but I don't go supplement with it either. I know getting rid of sugar and processed grains helps a lot with the ups and downs of hormones as well as insomnia. Don't eat sugar before bed! It'll cause a blood sugar slump at night, then you wake up and can't fall back asleep.
  7. :grouphug: Maybe, just maybe, it could be something else? Bad well water? I don't know if much can be done if it's just viruses. Except never, ever go anywhere! I get sick of church things because 2 days later someone is ALWAYS sick! It's frustrating. :001_unsure: I'm sorry!
  8. Peppermint tums really helped. And water bothered me too... just eat something like toast or cracker with it to soak up the acid... I slept propped up, too. Eat little amounts often, but not an hour before bed! HTH
  9. MAJOR HIT: Spell to Write and Read! - Maybe it's some maturity though, but ds loves to write and it's just really clicking :lol: SOTW - Ds said "I love history!" and I thought he wasn't paying attention this whole time. He cries when their isn't a map to color! Egermeiers storybook Bible - The best I've read as far as story Bibles go. Math Mammoth - really like it. I can see how it might not work for some kiddos Miss: Apologia Astronomy - too chatty, too much beating around the bush. I checked out a few books from the library about space. Much nicer! Phonics Pathways - "Don't bring out the book with the stupid lazy worm in it." :001_huh: I tried.
  10. I sometimes want to cry to the Hive over my misfortunes, stresses and discouragements, but as I type it out.... it starts to seem so petty. I'm not trying to put down anyone elses threads about their life stresses by any means. This is a great place to come for a listening ear, prayer, and encouragement. Our family has had a lot of tough choice lately. It's hard to know where to turn or what to do anymore. It affects where we live, our careers, our finances, our dreams. Last night, while walking with DH, we decided to quit discussing our tribulations in life and talk about what blessing we have. It was so uplifting. So here are a few (very few) things I am grateful for. I would like others to list what you are grateful for, in the season and spirit of Thanksgiving!! Saving Grace though Jesus, and his care for me dh, my best friend (and lover)! He's the best! My children Our health Living in America, land of the free
  11. Baked chicken (whole or split ck. breasts or BL/SL) Mexican: Taco or enchiladas Soup, salad, and homemade bread :) (Kids like PB and honey on the bread anyway!) Italian: A pasta or homemade pizza I like roasts because they are versatile but they get bought only when on sale. Soon we butcher our own steer :hurray: The leftovers are great shredded on buns or a salad, same with the left over chicken. They usually get potatoes as their side. I serve salad or other veggie with all. Obviously I'm not vegetarian! I use the meat as the main part/base of the meal.
  12. :grouphug: I'm sorry! I don't know why Dr.s can be such jerks! Ask for another one, write a formal complaint. Maybe his attitude shows his lack of confidence in .... another reason to get a different doctor! You're paying for his time and knowledge for goodness sake! I had a perinatal Dr. that was nasty to me the only time I saw him. I wish I would have filed a complaint but I never had to go see him again so I just let it be. He was asking me why my BP was so high (like I can control it!) I thought he was the one that was suppose to have the answers.....
  13. Maybe the whole family should be tested and/or treated if they are carriers. Or she should be treated for a longer course of antibiotics. What kind of staph? MRSA? I heard of a family who's dog was the carrier of strep and kept getting their little one sick with strep. And do the sanitizing/hibiclens washing definately!
  14. I don't want to hi-jack your thread, but what age do you think it is ok to get an AG doll? I want to get one for my older dd but I think the younger would be screaming mad if she didn't get one too. I'm afraid the younger dd would destroy one.
  15. I'm already planning for next year (who isn't?) and I want to be able to do SOTW 2 with church history and missionaries along side it.... has anyone set up a plan or schedule or booklist for this? Even if I could get "what or who to study" with each chapter, I can go book hunt. Otherwise I may have to just purchase TOG! I don't want to plan from scratch if someone has a plan somewhere! I haven't seen anything in my searches. This would be for 2nd grade. Thanks!!!
  16. :grouphug: 28 was hard for me too! Most people roll their eyes when you say that though..... I feel like I've spent my 20s raising babies. Not that I wouldn't do it all over again, and I love it.... but most of my hs buddies are still partying!! I wonder if I missed out.... naw. I didn't. My life is more fullfilling :D Atleast I know ds can do math... he said "MOM! In 2 years you'll be 30!" :glare: And "You'll always be older than dad." I'm older for 1/2 of the year.....
  17. AHHHHHHH! This is the only place of refuge on the internet. FB is driving me bonkers. I like the ban on politics :)
  18. I don't know if this is too late.... but they are easily chewable and she could probably chew it and let it dissolve in her saliva. Mine taste kinda sweet :)
  19. I think knowing you are probably going to get sick is worse than being sick! UGH. I want to bar all church activities and be a hermit 9 months out of 12... but that would catagorize me as a true germaphobe. Positive thinking. Multivitamins. Sleep. ;)
  20. Thanks for the link! Found the yahoo group, now I'm pending approval for membership. The other link of someone's personal list is great!! Thanks for your help. Hopefully the yahoo group has it, I'll have to ask.
  21. Thanks for your replies! It answers some of my questions. I like TOG because of the notes and discussion points so I can discuss it with my children vs. being too scripted. I like flexibility of choices without totally being on my own. How do I find the yahoo group? I like TOG more than SL because of it's organization, although I have never used either. I was hoping to use SOTW grade 1-4 with library books but the library runs are getting old and it's only been 6 weeks! I'm not fond of the usborne books either to supplement with SOTW. DS likes it though. I was hoping to buy some other books next year instead of the library thing. Does anyone have a plan (with books) of what missionaries or church history events line up with books 2-4?
  22. I keep coming back to TOG for a curriculum... I have for several years! But I have a few questions! 1) Teacher notes: Is this really just encyclopedia information, or is there the plot/synopsis for literature readings as well? 2) Do you like the church history and world view component? I want something intergrated with history (I'm not asking about doctorinal issues, though. Think 'big picture'.) I wish they would have a sample that is not year 1 so I could see.... and MOH and Biblioplan doesn't look appealing to me. 3) Is there a list of ALL SL books and where they correlate in TOG (What year, unit, and possibly week.) I have a list of all the books that TOG and SL both use, but I want to possibly add in books that TOG doesn't use. 4) Is there a way to add in missionary focus and church history to SOTW 2-4? Anyone have a free plan :) I don't want to plan for next year. I suppose this goes back to MOH, Biblioplan, and MFW as options.... But I was thinking for grammar stage (Grades 1-4.) Everytime I visit those sites, I go back to TOG as my preference. I have to get off this carousel of decisions. I like choices, and I like tweeking, but I don't want to plan from scratch anymore!! I need my brain back.
  23. Yay! How exciting. You're such an inspiration for many of us :D It's good to know that change happens, and happens for the better. Thanks for the post!
  24. We ditched Apologia Astronomy at page 6.... and I requested a bunch of these books through ILL. I think the are just right! Ds is 6/1st grade and finds them interesting. I was suprised to see little experiments in each one, too. I hope to keep up with it. Now I'm excited to all different kinds of topics!!
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