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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. I am not an expert in WWE as I have only done 1 year, but I have heard that it is important to start from the beginning as each level builds on the other. If you used levels higher than WWE 1 to start, she may not have the right foundation to continue into WWS. I think an older student can go faster through the beginning levels to catch up. Maybe someone else can chime in who has more experience.
  2. Oh good, you all make me feel better! I think it would be harder for me. I just imagine myself asking, "Now how many is purple again?" Thanks for the examples of what to do with them. It makes more sense now! I'll check out the c-rod book, too.
  3. I was all excited to order Miquon with Cuisenaire rods but they don't appear to have markings or indents for each '1'. Does that make sense? If you have a rod that's suppose to stand for 8, it should appear to be 8 blocks stuck together, right? How can I see and teach that the green has 3, plus the red that has 5, equals the orange that is 8? What use are these if you can't understand how much each is worth? Am I seeing this wrong? How to people use these?
  4. :hurray: Good for you! I find myself 'frozen' in situations such as these...as they rarely occur. I don't know what to do with myself! Enjoy :)
  5. Calcium + magnesium works great taken together at bedtime. Magnesium citrate in tablet form is most absorbed. Other forms (like mag oxide) hardly absorb. You can buy the NOW brand from amazon. I take that with peppermint tums (calcium carbonate.) I don't think you can get potassium otc. I could be wrong, but that can be dangerous to your heart. For potassium, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. OJ is a good source ;) HTH!
  6. Thanks for sharing! I always loved cursive writing, and my ds asked to learn in 1st grade. He has such handsome handwriting!! So sad it's disappearing out of ps. The older generations have such beautiful handwriting... someday it'll be gone.
  7. Do they have camera's installed? Ours does by the movies because of stealing problems. You could ask them to invest in some, maybe that would scare them away or catch them. Creeps hang out where kids are.
  8. WAY WAY WAY TOO high of a dose to start on. They did that to me on just 88 mcg and I went from feeling tired and foggy-headed to panic attacks in 2 weeks. Feels like being hit by a truck - so much more exhausted being overmedicated than the hypo - but impossible to sleep!! Exhaustion is a sign of overmedication. It's better to start at a lower dose that ends but being not enough and working up. Your suppose to go up 25mcg every 4-6 weeks. REQUEST an endo - I thought all facilities did automatic referral, but I guess not. If he won't get you one, find a dr. that will refer you! Make sure your getting your tsh scheduled every 6 weeks for several times and call in a couple days to find out your results if they don't call you! It's horrible getting adjusted, worse than actual hypo itself, imo. You'll feel better eventually, just get a good endocrinologist first :) Sorry you feel awful. Many have been there, all survive :)
  9. I only have advice on the bedwetting, and possibly the tantrums. This may seem off the wall, but I believe in it even if many haven't heard of it. She may be sensitive to electrical fields (electrosensitvity) and that can cause disrupted brain waves (our brains are electrical) and symptoms of that are bedwetting and behavioral (short tempered, easily acting out as well as forgetfulness, unclear thinking.) Try decreasing the electromagnetic fields in your house and around her. Turn off all Wi-Fi when not in use, make sure her bed isn't against a wall where the electrical meter is or by an electrical box (or under her room in the basement as well, walls don't stop emf), or any other electrical devices (particularily microwaves, TV's, computers, clock radios, etc...) best to be 6-10 feet away. Get rid of wireless (cordless) phones and don't let her use cell phones. Also, living near cell towers (I don't know how to escape these anymore!!) substations and larger transmission lines or having a transformer close to your house is a problem. Some houses are just plain in bad electrical areas and require testing and moving, but try the simple stuff to see if it helps. Ok, now everyone can call me a crazy. I just have personal experience that makes me a believer. Also, try getting rid of sugar and have her eat every 2 hours during the day, my 5 yo gets mood swings terrible if she eats sugar or hasn't eaten in a while. Stopping sugar helped me sleep better as well. I think it's normal for her to be scare and want to be in your room at times though, I think just trying these things may help her sleep better in general. I'm sorry about the doctor experiences. I feel the same way sometimes, all you want is advice and they just shove you off because they don't know the answer. Dr. Hive will help!
  10. Sorry, I offer no help, but I am interested in knowing the answer, too. :) Here's to bump it up for you. I don't care for Usborne books, some are ok, they just seem all over the place with splotches of info and nothing seems to flow. Is that what you didn't like about a lot of Sonlight selections? I have not used any Sonlight but when I look at the Usborne books that it includes... well, I quit looking.
  11. My ds was already printing when I went to SWR and he printed in his book. We worked on cursive separately and you can use whatever you want for that. SWR recommends starting with it, but it's not essential to using it at all. HTH!
  12. I think the first couple years of the show are better and have more accuracy. Watching them recently vs. what I remember as a child has made me notice what a soap opera drama it is!! I still like them, but sometimes they drag on... maybe that's just me not having time to watch tv anymore. I've started reading the series the my dc and have forgotten how good they are. I haven't read them since I was a child.
  13. I think the free range is brown just to be a selling trick. You can buy chickens that lay white eggs that free range. I don't know how healthy our eggs are though... our free range chickens get into everything - cat food, dead squirrel, oil spill from under a tractor, styrofoam. I hope that all gets filtered out of their eggs. Yum. Ours are really free range though. They were out playing in the snow today even.
  14. I feel like I have that load too... plus babies and toddlers. So there is no hope for me short of pulling all-nighters. Guess I know that all this stuff to do will be there when the kiddies get older as well. One day at a time. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
  15. Was he hanging in the wind? You think he'd be afraid of hackin' it off.
  16. oh but look at that porch on the second house! I guess I've always wanted a livable beautiful porch like that. Personally, I'd pick that house based on that!
  17. I wouldn't worry about how it fits into your country setting, both would work. I'd decide based on the layout and functionality of the house. Do you want all the bedrooms on one side, or split up? One has an attached garage, too. That's always nice :)
  18. :grouphug: Sometimes life takes us where we weren't expecting. This, too, may be temporary. I know what it's like to have a DH slowing 'die' inside from a suffocating job. The better of the 2 evils is for him to quit. He'll find something else eventually. Can he HS the kids while you work? Just a thought, it'll give him some sense of purpose but I know some guys would go even more insane! Hope things all work out.
  19. Thanks! I like the coconut oil, it's cheap compared to other facial products! Where can you get whipped shea butter? How do you wash your face? I was reading on castor oil/olive oil 'wash'... but I'm afraid to try it. I'm also curious on what soap to use on babies and for shampoo and conditioner for me.
  20. I really have been wanting to purchase a face lotion (minus the chemicals) but I'm not sure what to choose. I was thinking Ava Anderson. Anyone like it? Anybody have any others they like? I also have a concern is that it is a waste of money, that "all natural" isn't necessarily good for you either (example being aluminum is natural, but I don't want it in my food, KWIM?) If it's 99% natural, what is the other 1%? If there was 1% preservative (or lead!) I don't think I'd want to use it! Does anyone make their own lotion or soap? I'd try easy recipes. TIA!
  21. easy to get along with but on a different intellectual plane. Gets complicated. But they are quite easy going, I'm the one that's more demanding, but we have mutual agreements about the grandkids. :) I feel fortunate that they live close and are involved with all of us, yet have few demands. My mother on the other hand.... that's a whole other story!!
  22. sleep sleep sleep. Minced garlic, honey, b-complex, good oils (nuts) and good proteins (lean meat.) and more sleep. Sleep a whole 24 hours ( = find someone to watch the kids.)
  23. Spryte, I couldn't keep track of it anymore. Who started coughing first, and fevers coming and going, one with pink eye, then sore throat, then the seemed to get better... then BAM it's back! I'm not going ANYWHERE until Easter. They need time to heal and I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks. Missing a few things at church or a few visitors is fine cuz I can't handle another sickness! Lord help me if someone starts puking! AAAAAAAHHHHH I've just spent the last 2 days washing all blankets and sheets and sanitizing counters and door handles. What's worse is doctor runs, and they never seem to care what your story is even though it is important!! What a joke trying to play phone tag to call the 'primary care provider'. That's hopeless. Hope everyone gets better soon in your house!! Kids were fighting today, so they're back to their usual selves. We were hit by a bunch more snow today though :( I just want warm air and dry ground so we can all go out in the sun.
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