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Everything posted by countrygal

  1. My sister has a congenital heart defect and experiences lots of tachycardia (SVT's and VT's) as well as PVC's PAC's when pg and so she was put on Atenolol mid 2nd trimester because it was unbearable by that point (like only 5 normal beats a minute, the rest arrhythmias.) Metoprolol is safe for women who have high BP as well in pregnancy and is the preferred drug. If your after the 1st trimester, I wouldn't worry about it :) It makes her feel SOOOO much better. I would just make sure they checked your hemoglobin so you aren't anemic and that could be a possible reason why your rate is up. Also, make sure you aren't dehydrated.
  2. DS will be doing 2nd grade Math Mammoth this year. I thought adding Miquon we would have some fun, hands-on reinforcement learning. Now that I have Miquon in my hands, I'm not sure how to go about it! He doesn't need to start from the beginning of Miquon but we'll probably do a few easier things for practicing with c-rods. I want to coordinate doing some Miquon on Monday that is the same topic as MM, then do the MM on that topic for the rest of the week (or as long as it lasts.) I am tempted to rearrange the Miquon books in a binder by category (a-z) so I'm not flipping through various books just to see a certain topic. Is that what a lot of people do? I just noticed that's how Annotations is organized. Do you just go through Miquon regardless of what you are doing in MM (or Singapore - since they seem to be used together often)? What ways do you do it? Does anyone have an actual chart of sections of MM and Miquon lined up? I'm afraid of math overkill, as well, but I do feel ds could use a little reinforcement for retention and comprehension reasons. That's why I'd like it coordinated. Thanks!
  3. Interesting... I am a firm believer in electrical pollution and radiofrequency sickness. It get really complicated... could write a book on it. I don't know where to start but stray currents can cause problems with electrical appliances as well as health (we are electrical beings.) They can come from either in their home (improper wiring) or through grounded currents through the earth entering their home (including living near substations and transmission lines) as well as transmitting smart meters, living near towers, or a transformer being near their home. I'll put a few links up on here about some websites that seem reliable. I know this because our cattle suffer greatly and I have started to develop muscle weakness due to it (try to move since it doesn't appear to be fixable!! UGH.) It is largely not excepted in the USA as a health problem, although some European countries acknowledge it. Health effects can be varied and some people are more susceptible than others. Arrhythmias, headaches, fatigue, cancers, rashes and decreased immune system function are common. Here are some websites that can tell you how to decrease your exposure to electrical pollution. Sometimes moving is the only way to get away from "hot spots" of ground current that are natural occurring or as a result of grounded currents from our (bad) electrical system. It's a good idea not to carry cell phones on you and turn off wifi when not in use (or just get a cable plug in modem and old-fashion corded phone!) Hope this helps and doesn't overwhelm you. www.electricalpollution.com www.magdahavas.com
  4. So sad. Reminds me of a recent post where other camps didn't even listen or answer emails about her concerns of her son's allergies. So sad that it takes a loss of a life, although rare, to actually get some people to realize how serious this is. I lost someone close to me because of a wasp sting and nothing worked. I'm terrified of them now, even though none of my children appear to be allergic. Poor family :(
  5. I have a tentative plan for Aug 19th. I'm surprised how many have started already! We live up north, so summers are short and we like to enjoy the summer break. However, the kids need a schedule I've been lacking giving them all summer!! Also, I need to do some last minute planning (I should just admit I'm never totally 'ready'!)
  6. They may stop calling though if you give them an answer. A great piece of advice: Your answer doesn't require a reason or excuse no matter the situation. "No, our girls will not be attending your school, please mark that in your records and stop calling. This is not up for discussion." Hang up. If they really don't stop calling, call the sheriff's dept. and report harassing phone calls.
  7. I don't think the genitals are distinguishable (they appear the same) for another couple weeks.... So, I don't know. My gut feeling is girl though!
  8. I came to that conclusion for this school year. Being teacher (and mom) is my job right now, so that's what we are going to do when it's time for school. We need to learn to quit trying to multitask! My dh doesn't care what the house looks like either, I think that's something to be grateful for as then there are no expectations! I just try to keep the school area clean for my sanity! I'm assuming that once we do what is priority, the rest will fall into place... right? Or Saturday will be family clean-up day.
  9. I have one due at Christmas!!!!!!!!!! Better get my rear in gear... I'm not good at preplanning these things but I have to get it all bought and wrapped by Thanksgiving, just incase.
  10. I ordered MFW Adventures but we haven't started yet. I'm wondering why people think it's light because I'm expecting to end up going that late as well! Of course, there are plenty of snack and play breaks, baby and toddler to attend to... I think that if they are ok with it, it's ok. In fact, it's great. If they're taking a long time at the END of the day to do art, there's nothing wrong with that! Let them draw and color... you wander away to do a few things. It'll likely shorten up as they get some independence with math or handwriting, etc.
  11. After I took a longer look at Apples and Pears, I've decided just to get Dancing Bears. We'll pick up SWR when he's reading better since we both like it a lot. (I actually can dismiss some of her quirks in the book that I don't like more than I have in any other curriculum!) Thanks so much for all your input.
  12. Thanks for this help! I'll check it out. It's nice to know you do both. I'd like to do some SWR as well since he likes it so much. I like that dancing bears is very open and go - the samples seem not too 'cluttered' for him, or overwhelming. And with the lessons short, I think we can keep some SWR. I don't know what is 'normal' speed for learning to read since he is my oldest... but I think working on CVC words for all K and 1st and he still cries at them isn't normal. He remembers all the letter sounds (even their multiple sounds) and even most phonograms of SWR - just can't get the blending down. Thanks for the help! He loves to write/copy, so I think the extra would be a good reinforcement if it coordinates with Dancing Bears. We have been doing WWE and instead of picking one sentence to copy (easy or hard one), he does both! Then he copies what I write from his narration. Maybe he'll need to cut back on this if it takes too much time!
  13. So I checked out Wikipedia on the definition of synthetic phonics - so I understand that more now. Is this preferred way of learning if they have blending issues?
  14. I guess it isn't OG - now I'm getting all mixed up after looking at too much curriculum!! We will likely continue with SWR to fill in phonics gaps and because he likes it. What is 'synthetic phonics'? I can't figure that out. My ds is 7.5 and breaks-down over CVC words... so does he need this type of remedial? He needs help with blending and tracking (although the tracking is improving.) I really like the samples and the cursor idea. But then I was thinking, I could use the cursor with Phonics Pathways. The pages seem more cluttered to me, though, and just try it again. I have looked at Logic of English, but it's been awhile. I'll check it out again.
  15. I'm considering purchasing a phonics program for my ds who is 7 and can barely read. We use Spell to Write and Read but I want something to help him with blending and to start reading better. (We have Alpha-phonics and Phonics Pathways, ETC and MCP - all he cries as soon as he sees.) I want something OG method. He has good handwriting and likes to write. Should I just get Dancing with Bears? Is it recommended to get the Apples and Pears to go along with it (does it really help with reinforcement, I mean?) He learns a lot from writing out words. I have a 5 yo dd that hasn't begun any formal reading (as well as 2 littles coming up) but knows her letters and likes to copy letters. Maybe she could use the writing/spelling books? DS is using WWE1 and enjoys copywork, even though he doesn't know what it says, so I don't want to over-do workbooks if it isn't necessary. It's a big investment, and I want to know if it's worth it, and what I'm suppose to buy. Also, does anyone NOT like Dancing with Bears? Why or why not? I have a headache over this, any help is appreciated!
  16. We're in Wisconsin, and I've heard it's bad in California. Most dairy farmers seem to struggle in general. We rented his dad's barn for 3 years to start out and everything went well, our herd grew, rented land, invested in machinery. Then we bought a farm, and found out what stray voltage was... the previous owner failed to disclose that to us. We'd heard about it, but never believed it. We decided to sell the cows after 2 years (herd of 50, so we are small) when grain was high last fall because dh was so emotional drained from having sick and dying and suffering cows - he just couldn't do another winter and we didn't want to financial risk it. We already lost so much it was only a matter of time before we would go backwards. He watched a cow be electrocuted in her stall after he forced her to go into it (she kept running past it, which was not like her) - and he lost it - he called the auctioneer. He still seems 'lost', yet we are financially ok, and hope to move to another farm to start up again. We haven't found one yet. I'm sorry about your farm, I'm sorry there seems to be no answer. We don't have any other 'partners' involved, so our decisions are up to us only. All I can offer is that I see a glimpse of what your family is going through, and nobody can understand it, and maybe that's what's so lonesome and hopeless about it. One day at a time, love him unconditionally. You may be all that he has.
  17. :grouphug: Your café and bakery sounds wonderful! Sorry about your DH and farm issues. Farm failures are devastating to farmers in a way no one can understand :( (I'm married to a dairy farmer.) It's like the farmer dies with the farm. I hope something will work out even though there seems to be no answer sometimes. Stay strong! "I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11
  18. I was going to suggested the Lactaid pills, too, because it may not be a true allergy, just lactose intolerance. I have to second, though, that caffeine is very bad for your adrenals. It would be wise to slowly (don't do it abruptly!!!) back down on the caffeine. My dh said he could never live without caffeine but he was drinking soooooo much. He got food poisoning and was unable to drink any caffeine because he was scared of it making him run to the bathroom (this was for 4 days!) and by the end of the 4 days he was weaned from caffeine and decided just to go without it to see how he'd feel. Now he hardly drinks it and says he hasn't felt this great in years.
  19. Thanks everyone! Merry - thanks for all your ideas and helps. I actually have AAS 1 but we only used it a couple days and I felt like he already knew everything on the first level and I didn't want to buy more! However, maybe he didn't since he can't blend. Plus, I'm bad with scripted stuff and ds gets impatient with me. I really wanted AAR last year but didn't buy it because I didn't want to end up needing a level that was finished yet. I haven't looked at it in a while. I think my dd5 may be good to start with it, ds seems too old because (to me) it moves kind of slow. But then, what I've been doing hasn't been working either. I really think I'm going to try the Blend Phonics with the SWR spelling 'ideas' behind it. Blend Phonics lack of a price tag is nice too :) Dh is getting sick of my buying curriculum I think! I have thought about dyslexia or checking his eyes, but since learning to spell his tracking and L to R direction seems to have improved greatly. His handwriting is really nice. He even does some cursive and he loves copywork, and he can read his math (MM) without problems, so I just figured he can see just fine. I just get frustrated when he spells a word that we sound out together and 10 minutes we go back to it and he says "had" for "green" - not even close.... I'll check out that link about word guessing. I really think the blending is where I need to back up to. DS and DD can do it together now :) I have the 3 R's and I think there are blending games in that too. Thanks for helping me think this through! Now I'm not dreading the start of school soon (although now I might regret not doing much over summer!!!!)
  20. Dairy can be a big factor, but some people can tolerate cheese (the proteins are broken down by enzymes) and not fluid milk. I love almond milk, good for coffee, too. You may want to switch that to decaf as caffeine is a stimulant! Maybe just do a trial of no dairy, then add in just cheese occasionally if you really like it. I think I could live without most dairy if I could just have the cheese (pizza.....) Also, sugar is a huge aggravator of IBS. I thought I could never live without sweets, but I actually find that I don't desire them like I use to, and don't enjoy them as much when I have something. It's just the withdrawal that stinks. Here is an article from a nutritionist that explains a lot, and what you can do about it. http://karenhurd.com/pages/healthtopics/specifichealthconcerns/ht-shc-inflammatoryboweldisease.html She has a lot of good articles actually, if you have time to read them. Alternative medicine has answers that conventional medicine does not (usually) have. I know a girl (12) that was in the hospital because her colitis was so bad and nobody knew what they could do for her. Her mother saw this lady and they follow her diet and she has been doing so well (it's been 6-7 years.) She can't tolerate any sweets (even honey) but she does eat some fruit. She eats cheese and has goat's milk instead of cow's. HTH!
  21. 4peanuts: Your post has helped me soooooo much. You said what I've been trying to wrap my mind around. I know ds has issues with blending. It is likely a developmental or maturity issue. He has some dyslexic tendencies which SWR helped a lot. After a year and a half of repeatedly struggling to do basic 2 and 3 letter words I switched to SWR. I think we needed it because he needed some sort of progression or feeling of actually accomplishing anything. He memorized the phonograms at an astonishing rate (way faster than me!) and he can spell a lot if we sound it out together. However, the reading isn't following. That's where my struggle is. I just want him to READ already! I'm don't want to over-do it if I pick up another phonics and continue with the SWR. I love SWR rules, as they make the most sense and it has helped ds understand language somewhat. Since he loves to copy and obviously learns from this process, I may have him write words based on a specific phonogram until mastered (using Blend Phonics list), then move on to the next, etc. while reviewing what he has previously done. I just feel like maybe I'm missing something or doing something wrong that I can't find a 'curriculum' that works. I'm afraid if I make something up, such as combining these two programs in this way, I'll mess it up even more. Also, how can I teach blending specifically? Do I need to say each letter sound, then the entire word, and have him repeat it? Books with pictures are definitely a problem as he usually just starts talking about the picture. I need to cut that out for now just to get rid of the frustration it brings.
  22. My ds is 7 and will be doing 2nd grade work. All the typical phonics books he cried as soon as I'd pull them out (Alpha-Phonics, Phonics Pathways, MCP.) He likes the ETC books but they are too incomplete and he can fill them in by guessing, and he can't read the questions or sentences in them. We started SWR in December last year and he loves it as he likes to write and spell (strange, huh?) I typed up dozens of pages of phrases and sentences organized by the sections of spelling words, being cumulative as he need the constant review of more than just reading out of his learning log. But pull out a BOB book and he falls apart, even though I know he knows the words. I'm not sure where I'm going with this story, other than it's been a long struggle. I feel like we spend soooo much time on it and hardly get anywhere. He literally knows almost all of the phonograms and their multiple sounds, but when it comes to reading them in words he freaks out! I know I'm going to get a lot of "but he's only 7" comments but at this rate he'll be reading 3rd grade level by college. I want to spend more time doing other fun learning stuff than phonics phonics phonics. We will stick to SWR as that is the only thing that keeps him from crying (can't say that about the teacher :crying: ) Now, I have a kindy 5yo dd coming up. I'm too terrified to even know where to start with her. I don't *think* she will be the same as ds. She's already started copying words she sees; I haven't done anything formal with her. I want to start SWR with her as I love the methodology. But the learning to read part seems to take longer in general. Should I use Blend Phonics instead? Both?! I don't want to spend half the year struggling with one or the other only to switch. Has anyone used SWR successfully with a 5 yo? I feel compelled to stick on a specific phonogram for a few days (like ai , ay sounds, then oo sounds) like in Blend Phonics (and other typical programs.) I think I keep agonizing over the few things I don't like about certain programs and don't just get over it and keep plowing through. Someone tell me what to do, because I can't seem to make a decision.
  23. Was it the same brand? Different brands have different sensitivity levels. I'd wait a few days and try again. HCG levels go up rapidly.
  24. I like the shelves and the carts in the redone picture. The before picture doesn't seem 'cluttery' to me. If my 1-year old was let loose there she'd wipe everything off the shelves within seconds... and we'd be right back to the mess. My dream 'decluttered' house is Laura Ingalls living in the Big Woods or the Little House on the Prairie. They literally had nothing, and everything was wonderful (seemingly.)
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