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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Cool! I don't know if my dd could be in gymnastics if she weren't homeschooled. I can't imagine being in school all day and then having 3 or 4 hour practices. At 6, my daughter is already there 9 hours/week!
  2. I meant just the workbooks! Sorry. I gave my TM to my sister! Another thought I had after my son just got paid tonight was dog sitting for people on vacation. My son got $20 a day!
  3. I think it's because they can break the brackets. My kids have eaten nuts with braces. No biggie. They've only ever broken brackets off with pizza!
  4. Would you like my very used HOrizons K? I'd be happy to send them to you. I paid $175 for my cleanings. Sounds like my house is smaller than the other mentioned. I asked for the same things as the other poster. But, I also asked that my kitchen be wiped down. Best money I spent!!!
  5. What level Horizons? I have the K ones used. I don't know if you could cover my dd's work or what, but I'll send them to you if you want. I'd definitely put the word out there that you are willing to clean houses or whatever. Let people know you're in a bind. I don't regularly hire a housecleaner, but before special events, I do! Last time, it was an acquaintance who needed some quick cash. Babysitting? Do you know people who might need a sitter? People pay VERY well for sitters! :grouphug:
  6. Honestly, I'd be ticked that they knew this guy was a problem and continued giving him chances. This seems to go a lot higher than just this one guy. (((hugs))) I'm so sorry you and your boys had to go through that.
  7. My 14 yo was complaining of the same thing a couple months ago. We gave him an allergy med (Allegra) and it worked. So, in him, it must have been allergies. ETA: After reading the next response, I wanted to say that my ds had just had a full cardio work up when we gave him the allergy med. So, we knew it wasn't that. Definitely take her in and have her checked out.
  8. We had an anxious dog from a shelter. Every time we were away from the house, he would drool and scratch the floor of wherever he was (usually his crate, but we tried him out of it a few times to see what would happen). EVERY time we came home, he'd be a drooly, bloody mess and would need a bath. Neighbors told us he barked and howled the entire time we were gone. He also peed and pooped all over the house. And, we were a dog family. We knew what we were doing (mostly). We hired a trainer a number of times to come help us. She worked with us to help us establish us as better "masters." We would feed him and then have him sit for a few seconds in front of the food. He could eat when we told him to. Then, he had 10 minutes to eat. What didn't get eaten, got put up until dinner. No food left out all day. She worked with our kids and establishing a pecking order. For us, nothing worked. After about a year of this (and, believe me, we worked SOOOO hard with him), we ended up re-homing him with dh's sister. She worked from home and they had another dog (another recommendation by the trainer). He is still anxious, but he's not as bad at her house. Thank God!!! I hope you find something that works!
  9. I think they do! I know that when we were on our last cruise, my then 5 yo needed a smaller life jacket and they got it for her. I'd imagine they have to have smaller lifejackets. Nah. That's rare. It makes the news when it happens. It's no more contaminated than hotels. You should see all the precautions cruise lines take to avoid illness. MUCH more than hotels! And, cruise ships have doctors. And, they have arrangments with local hospitals on land should anything go wrong. We know this first hand as my ds got sick on a cruise in the Pacific Ocean and needed immediate surgery. From the decision to the start of his surgery was only about an hour!
  10. That is sooooo cool! Is that a goal of hers? Where does she train? My dd wants to make the Olympics in gymnastics too! She has been so motivated by watching the trials!
  11. My husband and 11 yo are tent camping up at Cole Canoe base with their Boy Scout troop!!! Dh said last night was wild. Ds couldn't sleep and actually napped today. Luckily their tents have stayed dry. I hope everyone stays safe!!!
  12. I would! The youngest child we've cruised with has been 2. Worked out fine! But, I think it might have been easier with an infant. Couple things to consider - you won't be able to do many excursions with an infant. We had trouble finding ones we could do that interested us as a family. We ended up splitting up in some ports and exploring on our own in others. Also, consider trip insurance. If you get it, and then can't go - you will be reimbursed. We had a trip insurance company pay out more than $35,000 for our family (we had a medical emergency in a foreign country). We paid $168 for the policy. How exciting! We love cruises!
  13. LOL! I wish! We're there in September. Probably too soon. February? I may be itching to get there again! And, I planned a week break for next school year!
  14. I liked it. But, I don't think of myself as that picky. Take a look at the list of offerings at AllEars.net and see if you'd like it as much. I remember it being a lot of meat sandwiches. We were able to get four sandwiches, an extra bun, and split the meat up to make five meals. We were saving on meals so we could eat at a restaurant that was 2 TS credits! Those cupcakes . . . . wow. I couldn't come near eating it all!!! It was HUGE. Get the Butterfinger one.
  15. Thank you! I put this on my list of places to try in Sept! We are at Disney for five days, but only bought two park days. We wanted to try everything else there is to do at Disney this time. So, we need to find different places to eat!
  16. I have no clue. But, I can't NOT respond to a Disney question! :001_smile:
  17. The last time we went, I googled for the largest snacks because my teen boys were SO worried they wouldn't get enough to eat. (!!) These are the snacks we loved: 1. Cupcake at Starring Rolls (this can also be a dessert if you get lunch there, so you don't need to use up your snack credit for it!) 2. Cinnamon rolls at the bakery on Main Street in MK. My oldest had this and it really is HUGE!!!! 3. There is a ham and cheese croisant at Norway (I forget the name of the bakery) that is really good. 4. Dole Pineapple Whip, of course!! The next time we go, we are going to try the CS at the place near It's a Small World - what is it called? I hear it's really good too. We'll be there in September too! Early sept though - so we'll miss you. But I hope to meet nono!!!
  18. Great to hear! I have a 2000 Chevy Venture, but it only has 140,000 miles on it. We have started looking for a replacement, but then I add up all the additional costs - including the insurance and all - and decide to hang on to what we have. We've loved this van too!!
  19. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I absolutely love their names! I was confused by the name change too!
  20. I am having a $450 order delivered tomorrow from Country Life Natural Foods. I don't know how wide-spread they are though. Check them out! I bought: Organic brown rice Organic wheat berries Organic oatmeal Organic popcorn Organic beans (black, kidney, white) LOTS of organic nuts I forget what else. Those were the bulk of the order. It is definitely cheaper for me to place 1 or 2 orders a year of this magnitude and skip buying these things at the grocery store! But, buying other things there in bulk are not worth it. These things I find more expensive: pasta jelly canned tomato sauces applesauce peanut butter Basically, I get my grains, beans, and nuts from them.
  21. I have a cousin who who suffered for three years before she had a diagnosis of Lymes. She travelled from the UP of Michigan to flint for a doctor! I'll ask who her doctor was if you want!
  22. We must have bought the same collection!!!! I have a bunch of that collection that I'm trying to sell now! My dd is 6 and she was a baby when I bought it. It just has to be the same one!!!! I get it!
  23. This gave me chills! Thanks for sharing. Chris - obviously, we are the same as you!
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