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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. I would imagine if any of you were in danger, an officer would have come to your house. At least that's what they did when they raided the house next door to us one time (suspected meth lab). Honestly, I think that if the "suspects" were still inside the house, they would have weapons drawn. I bet they are gone.
  2. You must go ask!!! Not only because now I'm insanely curious, but also because if there is something this big happening right down the street - you need to know if your safety is at stake. So, go ask! And, report back.
  3. Oh my. I'm so sorry. I actually had a similar situation. My sister's single friend got pregnant (they are 19 years younger than I am). I told my sis that I'd be happy to adopt babe. Mom said that she couldn't allow it because I didn't wear enough makeup!!! Ummmmmm . . . . ? ? ? ? ? So, your offers of help may mean absolutely nothing. It may just be the case of a WAY too young mom not knowing what she is doing. :grouphug::grouphug: Try to be someone who regularly involved, if you have time.
  4. I remember your story about your dd and the family she met. So sweet! When we go, we get run over by Brazilian teen groups. I wish I were happier about having them there. But, after they knocked over my dd and my nephew on the same trip, I wanted to hurt them!!!! I think my teen boys actually like having them there!!!
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I love your attitude. :grouphug:
  6. what a relief! My dh is an Episcopal priest and I was telling him about this last night. He was shocked!!! I'm relieved that you pastor is too!!!!
  7. Oh Amy. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Is there any hope at all? I have to ask because I was told I was miscarrying my dd around 7 weeks after seeing a heartbeat. I bled for the first trimester. She is now 6. This is eerily familiar! :grouphug: I'll pray for you and your family.
  8. Another poster already said that you can let them know ahead by putting it on your reservation. But, if you don't, no worries! They will accommodate the allergy whenever they find out about it. It's just a little easier if you let them know ahead of time. (When we go in, our server already knows and has made arrangements for the chef to come to our table within minutes of our being seated.) If you are at a Counter Service place - as for the menus. They have them all and you can look through them to find out what is safe and what isn't.
  9. Wait just a minute here!!!!! You are giving us a hint on something we can't take advantage of!!!! This does NOT count and I have yet to receive a PM from you . . . :glare: Come on now. SPILL IT!!!! :001_smile: I hadn't realized this restaurant was no more. My sister and her dh ate there a few years ago and loved it! WHAT? I never knew of this!!! So, get there early, find a paintbrush, get a Fast pass???? Cool. I also read about waking Tinkerbell up? If you are the first girl to the store you get this honor? Anyone know?
  10. I took two of my kids for one day last September when we were in LA. There were NO crowds. We rode Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain over and over and over. My ds had to wait in line for the Indiana Jones ride for about 10 minutes. I swear that was the longest wait we had the entire time we were there. You know - actually, we did decide to skip Small World because the line was 25 minutes. Have fun!
  11. You'll be FINE!!! And, I bet you'll want to go back! We started goign to Disney because we heard they were great with food allergies. That is why we go back. It's a true vacation for all of us. So many times when we're eating at Disney, ds can't have the rolls on the table. They will go back and get him his own "safe" rolls. If he can't have any dessert on the menu, they go get him a Mickey bar or a make-your-own sundae. Enjoy!
  12. Actually, this is very good to read!!! You just saved me nearly $200! (I went ahead and booked Akerashus (or however that is spelled) instead! See, this is why I need to keep going back to Disney! I don't know this stuff yet. I should have been clued in when the cruise line prices went through the roof. The only time I'm able to turn off my frugal-ness has been on vacation! I never splurge like this. On vacation, I really enjoy doing some of these things! So, maybe you can PM me some of your more frugal finds that haven't gotten wildly popular yet? :001_smile: I swear I won't tell anyone!
  13. Hat aurora tea party is now $300 after tax and tip. Maybe I will book breakfast at asherkus instead. Usually you get what you pay for at disney, so I assumed this would be awesome too!
  14. Ahve you done the other tea party? The one with Aurora? It's ridiculously expensive, but I really want to be there with my dd and the Tea Party there looks like I'd just drop her off? You will LOVE the Boutique. Try to get an appointment in the morning in the castle and then do lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table. Totally worth it!!!!
  15. Okay. I would call and see. I don't know what your rate is now, but I went ahead and looked for Port Orleans Riverside. It was the cheapest option at the Moderate resorts. If you stay at a moderate, you get the nicer dining plan, so I went with that. It's all been recently renovated!!! I got $2300 for the eight nights and two day tickets. That is what you need to qualify for free dining. This way, you'd get one sit down, one counter service and one snack a day. Plus you get a mug that will get you free drinks at your resort during your stay. Dh and I used it for coffee and the kids used it for hot chocolate every morning. How does that compare with your current plan if you include food?
  16. Okay. I live for this kind of stuff. What resort are you staying in? Which dates? How many people? Honestly, we would easily spend well over $500 on food, but we like the expensive restaurants. If you are planning on counter service meals, you'd maybe not spend $500, depending on the number of days and people.
  17. Ewwwwww. I would definitely call someone to report the realtor. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  18. :001_smile: We could hang out together! My sister was SOOOOO embarassed. But, she kept having to take her backpack off to get her phone or KTTW card, or whatever else she needed. Too much work for me! LOL!!! The last time we went, the waitress loved my daughter. It was her birthday and she sang her happy birthday in front of the entire restaurant. She was HILARIOUS!!!!! My dd was laughing the entire time. Then, when it came time to pay, my dh put his library card in!!! She came out and yelled at him in front of everyone. SOOOOO funny. We have so many stories of that one restaurant! :hurray:
  19. I'm one of those embarassing people to be with! I wear a "fanny pack!" Actually it's a Spybelt - a runners belt. It carries everything I need really easily (KTTW card, phone, and maybe some Advil) and I'm hands-free. I don't want to have a bag at all.
  20. Sounds like Wilderness Lodge! My dh got put in jail for not finishing his vegetables. You know - you might be able to take advantage of it still. Call about your room and see if you can add the number of park days to your room to get free dining. Does that make sense? I think you only have to buy 2 days at the parks (per person) to get the free dining offer. It might make financial sense to pay for those two days and then get free food. Price it out!
  21. We usually go for 4 - 8 days. We're in FL a lot visiting family and we just tack on a Disney trip. We go when they have offers that are too good to refuse for our family. (This next trip is four nights, five days. Free dining. Port Orleans Riverside. 2 park days. We paid $1600 - I think. It was around that.) I jsut read the other post. What do you mean by often? Good question. We go once or twice a year.
  22. Three of my kids used to do it. My 14 yo thinks he's too old now. But, he has kept the pins! My 12 yo had a HUGE number of pins. He bought a few every time we went to Disney. He was on a ride that required he take them off and he left them on the ride. He was SOBBING when he realized they'd been stolen. We went to report it to security, which happened to be near a store. A Cast Member saw him sobbing (this was two years ago) and helped calm him down. Then she asked him which pins were his favorites. He said he liked Stitch. She went and got a NEW starter Stitch kit for him!!!!! She GAVE it to him. I still get tears when I think of this. It was a $50 kit!!!! He has since added a number of pins to that collection, but he is now quite leery of taking his lanyard to the parks. He trades on the cruises or at the resorts. My dd does it too. She LOVES it!! And, I love it because it is relatively inexpensive. Each pin runs you from$6 - $15 or so. And, I love it because now I can finally buy the GIRL pins!!! If you buy some, be sure to get some you don't LOVE so that you can trade them. Occasionally, you'll hit it off well with a Cast Member and they'll give you pins. My dd was asking a CM from England about her country. We had just had houseguests from England and she was telling them some of the differences she had noticed (shopping cart vs. shopping trolley) and the CM thought she was cute and gave her a really nice Ariel pin!!! So, we love it. But, it's not something I mention in the general threads about Disney because there is SO much other stuff to love!
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