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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. So true about the sea legs! I always joke that I look like I've had three drinks for the first couple days! But, so does everyone! Enjoy your cruise!
  2. You never know until you try! We love it! You can be as active or as quiet as you want. We have days where we take an excursion and spend all day hiking or horseback riding. We also have days where we simply sit on a beach all day. I love those options. I also love the movement of the ship. October is a cheap time because it is hurricane season. If you do cruise, get travel insurance. But, many cruise lines will go out and just move around the storm. We cruised during a hurricane last year and it was rocky, but the captain did a great job! We had no rain! You might be surprised at how much you like it!
  3. I am currently on vacation with my family. My three teen boys and dh have androids. I have an iPhone. Over and over again, I have been asked for directions. The iPhone is just faster. My battery does not run out as fast as theirs. Now, my two older kids will swear that the android phones are better. But, they are constantly working on theirs. Updating. Jail breaking. Etc. if you aren't able to do that, dont get an android! My dh is sooooooo ready to kill his android and buy an iPhone!
  4. Two of my kids had this! The headache was scary! We ended up taking one child in to the er because he was slurring his speech! Dr said it was a virus. The oher son ended up with migraine Meds. Weird and scary! Dd just had a fever/ cough thing. Both lasted about a week.
  5. Imissed that it was five kids! Yup. In my area that would definitely be a $15/hour job. At least. I know they will have been put in bed, but kids wake up. Especially at your kids' ages. They get scared without mom. You want someone good! Be willing to pay well for your area.
  6. It might be different in your area. Definitely ask around.
  7. My kids earn $10-$15 an hour. But, we live in a really nice area.
  8. My dd6 has an amazing teacher. She was an art history major in college. She teaches them bible history and stories through art! Each Sunday, they work on their memory work - the Lords prayer, the creed, etc. then, they read a story. Then, her teacher shows them different pieces of art that depict that story. These kids come out of that class able to identify different saints based on clues from the painting or sculpture. They all know the stories from our stained glass windows too. Ten, they do a little project of their own. Love it! Eta, dd has had the same teacher for three years!
  9. This sounds like so much fun! Your baby will have her older siblings there! I'm sure it will be fine. They will come home with great memories!
  10. I said $5000 plus because we have a large family. Flying costs times six are expensive! Then, we need two hotel rooms. It's why we usually drive and rent a house or condo. Saves money on accommodations as well as food!
  11. We need pictures of the tiara!!! Ad, happy birthday!!!
  12. I am so sorry. I can only imagine the fear. :grouphug: Thank you to you and your family.
  13. I am in the minority too! And, I'm from Michigan! We don't see them often there, honestly. We are currently visiting Florida and I sure wish I had a few of those camis! It is soooooooo hot! But, I am all about comfort. Today my daughter is in a cute little top like this and I never gave it a thought! But, now, I wonder what other people thought when I let her wear it!
  14. :iagree: There is no way I could continue volunteering there after being treated in such a way.
  15. We are currently renting a condo in Florida. Last week, during the tropical storm, we were sent an email telling us what to do in case of a boil water warning. Here is what it says: 1. Do not use water from taps. Use only bottled water and or boiled water from an approved source. Boil water at a rolling boil for five minutes. 2. Do not use ice from ice machines or ice making refrigerators. Ice now in the machines should be discarded and machines not restarted until after supply is approved. Sanitize interior of Ice machine with two t bleach in one gallon of water. Sanitize ice trays in fridge withsame strength bleach solution. 3. Do not cook with or use tap water in food or salad preparation, 4. Do not use tap water for hand washing. Use bottled and or boiled water for these purposes. Follow hand washing. Y using a sanitizing solution on the hands. This may be accomplished by using a commercial sanitizing lotion requiring no rinse or a chlorine bleach solution of two t bleach in one gallon water. There is more, but those address your questions. Also, is says after the ban is lifted, allow the tap to run for three minutes at each tap to flush the lines with safe water.
  16. My dd is 6.5 and loves pretending to give herself a makeover. I'm thinking of taking her out for a mani and pedi for her 7th birthday! Could you do something like that?
  17. I'm going to call you for wording the next time this happens to me! I was in the exact situation for the last month. I sent a couple emails and secured a location for a group meeting we are having. I also don't have the authority to sign. So I forwarded the info to the leader who needed to discuss it with the leadership. It took them over a month to get back to me. They finally let me know I could go ahead and book the DAY I was leaving on vacation. They had my dates! Anyway, I wish I would have done what you did. But I made the calls and set it up. I shouldn't have! I think you worded your note perfectly!
  18. Dang! I was kidding! And, what you posted earlier about local news stations reminds me of our local news when it comes to snow storms! They are called Accu-weather. We call them Accu-panic!
  19. Yeah! Disney is next week. Should I hope for another tropical storm? :)
  20. Oh my goodness! I thought stories Like that only happened to us! After our medical emergency, we now travel a lot differently too! How long were you stuck there? Now, this I can do! Thank you. The email that windsor hills sent out sounded dire! They have closed the pool. The game room is closed. It's indoor. Why? Seems like overkill. I did go out and buy some more fruit, bread and tuna. Water and ice - just in case. I will fill the tubs tonight. Easy enough. Thanks! I went to Publix and practically nobody was there! Lots of food! We should be good. I cam currently cooking all the meat I bought, just in case. We can keep it over ice and eat it cold. Hopefully we can get out on Tuesday! Thanks! My kids are actually excited! This is part of their vacation! Now. What are the chances my dh canaget in on his flight tomorrow morning? :)
  21. Thanks! And, now at I think about it, we all have flashlight apps on our phones. We will make sure they are charged!
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