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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Awesome! Thanks. I was a bit surprised at the scary tone of the warnings! We left the water park with all sorts of emails and texts about it!
  2. Yes. We are renting a condo in Windsor hills. I am really glad to read this. Yes. We have a ton of food. So I'm cooking the meat today so we can keep it over ice if necessary. I need to get water though. We definitely don't have enough. Thanks!
  3. So, we are on vacation in Florida and have received notice from the condo complex where we are renting that we are expecting Isaac starting tonight. They make it sound really, really scary. They recommend a three day supply of food and water. Flashlights. The works. I don't really want to spend so much money on vacation. they also recommend not leaving the condo. Really? We were hoping to find something indoors to do. Will we lose power? I know nobody can say for certain, but what are the chances? But, if you ever find yourself in this situation, know that the day before the storm is supposed to hit is the absolute best day to go to a theme park! We were at aquatica today and there were no lines for anything!
  4. Another vote for Keens! Love mine! Have them with me for sea world, aquatics, Busch gardens, Disney and clearwater beach this week!
  5. We are in Orlando on vacation and just heard that we are supposed to get a lot of rain from issac on Monday! Not right in the way, but my kids are excited about it!
  6. Oh no! Where are you!? I'd be happy to bring something to you if you are nearby. (we are on vacation right now near Orlando. We have a full kitchen and I'd be honored to bring something!) :grouphug:
  7. I get this. Bethany. I am so sorry to read this latest update. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
  8. My big boys: 16: 6'2". 185 pounds 14: 6', 163 12: 5'7", ????? Raised on organic foods. Mostly. I was also raised on organic foods. Meats veggies, eggs, milk, etc all locally grown. Dh not so much. All processed yuckiness. But I also have a dd, who at 6, weighs 36 pounds and is just tiny.
  9. I've never stayed in that resort. So I can't speak to that. But, do you have a white noise machine you could take? I have a white noise app on my phone that works really well for hotel rooms. Helps drown out the outside noises. I also have to mention that if you don't like that resort, we have never had those issues at Port Orleans Riverside. He rooms are very quiet. And it doesn't attract large groups. If you ever go back, you can still stay on property reasonably!
  10. We will be there at the end of this week, so I am taking notes. Question - How many days does it take to really see Sea World? We got tickets so we have unlimited access to SW, Busch Gardens, and Aquatica for 14 days. I have NO idea! It sounds like at least two. Right?
  11. This IS me! I was up tossing and turning last night worrying about stupid stuff. Really stupid stuff. The everyday things that I used to do (mostly) happily now feel like chores. I am hosting Christmas this year and I used to LOVE planning it and I'm dreading it this year. Even vacations are stressing me out! I used to love planning and researching trips. I don't know if it's hormonal, but I was just about to consider calling my doctor to make sure I wasn't depressed. (I don't think I am, but then again, I'm not sure exactly what depression feels like!) :grouphug: You definitely are not alone!!!
  12. :iagree: I watched the first two episodes and will continue watching. I actually like this family a lot! They laugh together. They play together. And, they don't care what people think. Sometimes I wish I could be more like that. The issues people have with them are NOT problems. Yep. They're overweight. They're okay with it! Yep. They eat horribly. It's not against the law!! Yep. They're crass. And, funny! I like them. I love watching their family interact. They have a lot of love.
  13. I don't. My dd is there 9 - 12 hours/week. I figure that's good enough! Now that I think of it, I don't have my kids practice any of their sports at home as a requirement. Most of them do anyway because they love it. We take dd to the park every day to practice on a bar because she begs us to!
  14. I absolutely love your hair!!! It's so pretty. I had my appointment today. I have wavy hair. Basically, we've decided that mine is a little short still for the type of hair I have. So, she helped me work with what I have for now and I'll grow it out. She said that because of the thinning my previous hairdresser did, the waves aren't doing quite what they should. But, they will! I feel really good about having a plan. BUT. I took my dd with me. The stylist took one look at her hair and asked if she could do it. Of course, we said yes! Dd now has these gorgeous Bottichelli curls. Really, really long ringlets. She looks gorgeous!!! And, she is SO happy that she doesn't need to use a brush ever again!
  15. I just finished planning for our trip to a rental condo! Breakfasts: Eggs Oatmeal Bacon Sausages Potatoes Dinners: Chicken (we're roasting three the first night so we can use the meat for sandwiches for lunch!), mashed potatoes Pork loin, some prepared rice dish Nachos - chips, meat cheese, beans, lettuce, avacado, etc Chicken noodle soup(made from the bones of the chicken!) frozen pizza (a huge treat) burgers I'm open to more ideas! I planned for the first week and we have a second week too! Lunches are leftovers or sandwiches, chips, fresh fruits and veggies.
  16. Drive and stay at a nice resort. 10 hours is nothing!!!!! :)
  17. Hmmm. I can't feel mine. But, I know my doctor can. So, maybe my fingers aren't as sensitive as his!
  18. I'm so sorry. But, I am glad to hear that they are keeping him. Prayers for your family.
  19. YEAH!!!!!! I'm going tomorrow too - my first cut with a Diva stylist! I absolutely cannot wait to see what she can do. I don't have curly hair - just lots and lots of waves that turn into frizz an hour after I dry it. Boo. I may or may not post pictures . . . .
  20. Young kids? Sure! If they were in PS and older (maybe 8th grade and above?), maybe. High school. I don't think so.
  21. Not to hijack, but a question? Do all Hondas need those timing belts replaced at 100,000 miles? My sister and her dh have a Honda with 200,000 miles and are currently debating whether to replace the car or the belt. We will need to replace our car soon and we were considering a Honda.
  22. Darn you guys! I told you not to have fun without me and you did. Darnit. I miss everything. Now, somebody had better have saved me some brownies!!!
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