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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Where do you live? Anywhere near a port? That would cut down on flight cost. You don't have to answer. I just did a quick search on Carnival and there are a number of 4 and 5 day cruises that would easily be in that budget! And, that would leave you with plenty of money leftover for those excursions you were talking about. Here's the link for one of them: http://www.carnival.com/core/cruisedetails.aspx?embkCode=MIA&itinCode=KC3&durDays=4&shipCode=IM&subRegionCode=CW&numGuests=2&showDbl=False&isOver55=N&isPastGuest=N&stateCode=MI&isMilitary=N&dayOfWeek=Mon&sailDate=12/3/2012&sailingID=64137&sailingSearchParams=dat:122012,dest:C,dur:,embkCode:,pageNumber:1,pageSize:5,PastGuest:N,Senior:N,shipCode:,sort:FromPrice,StateCode:MI,numGuests:2,offersOnly:false,tgo:,Military:N,length:3,tierCode:, If you live anywhere near that port, it could be a really cheap trip!
  2. We've cruised many times as a family and absolutely love it. It can be the type of vacation you want it to be. You can stay on board the ship when it's in port and relax by the pools, take advantage of all the things they have to do on board, etc, etc, etc. Or you can get off the ship and be more active. We've done both. We've cruised both Royal Caribbean and Disney. Both are very nice cruise lines, but if you did Disney with just your dh, I think you'd miss your kids a lot! On the cruise, everything is included - food, port fees, some drinks (alcohol is extra, and sometimes soda is extra), things to do on board, room service (!), the view!! Extra money - port adventures, alcohol, tips (do a google search to find out what is customary), photos, gambling (Disney doesn't have gambling on board), bingo, spa, art auctions, anything in the stores, some premium restaurants. I agree with the PP - if you get seasick, make sure you bring medication to deal with it. On Disney they give out Bonine at the medical center. That saved my oldest one day as we were dealing with the waves from a typhoon!!! Have fun planning!
  3. I hope the injury is something that will heal easily. My dd gouged my cornea when she was little. It was so big the doctor called in everyone in the office to see it. The pain was incredible! I needed vicodin!! Seriously. I was given medication on the eye and a contact lens to wear for a few days. I was told not to scratch or rub my eye because I could re-open the wound. :shudder: No eye patch though! :001_smile:
  4. I make my own deodorant. Coconut oil and baking powder. Very easy and it worked!! My sister added tea tree oil to hers.
  5. I had an aunt do this exact same thing when she was younger. Different part of the foot though. She didn't notice it until it started hurting a YEAR later! It did start moving a little. She had it removed at that point at it was fine. So, it could still be in there, even if it doesn't hurt!
  6. Oh man. Yeah. I'd go in too. I bet they give you some really good medication so you won't feel a thing!! Or, if you do, you won't care. I'll be thinking about you tonight.
  7. We waited on my now-12 yo. His birthday is August 6. My reasons were that IF he were behind, we'd be really happy we waited. If he were ahead, we could always jump him ahead a grade. Much easier to do that than hold him back a year later. Ends up it was a great decision! He was my late reader and writer. This way, it was second grade before he was reading instead of third. He is currently 12 and just starting 6th grade.
  8. I sold a bunch of used SL editions. I usually sell them the year after they come out. But, I do what you said - go to the SL website and see how much it would cost them new. In your case, make sure they haven't added a bunch of new books. Then figure a price. I usually went about 65% because I included shipping and insurance. Good luck selling it!
  9. this is my dh too!!! I have out and out TOLD him that I need him and ALL the kids to LEAVE.THE.HOUSE. Dh is an extreme extrovert. As in, I-will-make-a-new-friend-every-time-I-am-in-an-elevator kind of extrovert. I swear, he never stops talking. I love the man, but he exhausts me. I just read him your post. Here's hoping HE takes the hint and actually makes the plans. Himself. I don't wanna plan it all!!!
  10. Um. Never. I have hinted. I've hinted NOT so subtly. I've outright asked him to take them ALL away. It hasn't happened. I don't think it will unless I make all the arrangements. I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter . . . . .
  11. My husband is always amazed that when we are in the car, I can smell smoke. Then, we pass the car that was ahead of us and the driver or passenger is smoking!!! I have a VERY sensitive nose and I have NO patience for smoking. Sorry to all you smokers. But, I just can't stand the smell.
  12. Agreeing with the others. WC does not always have a whoop. My kids' lungs were always clear with it. The antibiotics will not only keep her from having a really bad case (although at this point, it may be too late) but it will keep her from passing it along. If you suspect it AT ALL, please call back and get them so you don't accidentally spread it. Or, please stay home.
  13. I have to add that both my parents competed in archery and target shooting. they were the ones who bought my kids their first guns! My ds12 also owns a real compound bow and is starting to compete with it!
  14. We have an arsenal in our basement!!! TONS of Nerf guns, air soft guns, bb guns, etc. I've taken my two older boys to the shooting range and shot real guns. We've always had them wear the eye protection as a safety precaution. But, other than that, we've not had any problems with it. Now, all these toys are in two huge boxes in our basement. We can put them in another room if families that don't play with guns visit.
  15. Even though everything I had to say has already been said, I can't pass up a Disney thread! We are HUGE Disney fans here. when we were in CA last year, with one free day, we had to make this same decision - go to Disneyland or not. We decided that I would take the two youngest and the older two would go with dad for different activities. I still spent over $300 for the day. We do what Dianne does - try to go when we can get the best bang for our buck. Stay as long as we can and get the 10 day passes, if possible. I definitely second the suggestion for the Halloween party! When we did that we did not need tickets to the park for the day.
  16. Dolphin's Tale. Seriously amazing! Appropriate for the entire family. And, then take a road trip to Clearwater Beach and meet the dolphin in the movie. Then, swim with the dolphins. Then, your 6 yo will want to be a marine biologist!!! Ask me how I know!
  17. I did. My first stopped nursing around 2.5. Second went until 3 or so. Third was 4. Fourth was older than the third!
  18. When we had it here, the coughing so hard you throw up didnt start for a couple weeks. It started as a very mild cold, with the cough getting progressively worse. But, if you suspect it, I would go in to the doctor and get a test and antibiotics. It can reduce the severity of wc, if that is what it is.
  19. We are still on vacation for three more days! Love the off season rates!! We start next week!
  20. Yes!!!!! West Florida coast. The sound of the ocean. The palm trees. The nice weather. I'm in love!!! Actually, it is any ocean beach anywhere!!
  21. I hope you get to go back and do soarin! It's such a gentle ride! And soooooo much fun.
  22. Do you have the WDW for families book? They have the ins and outs of all the rides. They tell you if something has anything that might not be okay for kids. Bumpy, loud, dark etc. this way you can make that call. My dd used to be deathly afraid of dark rides. Even the rides with a little dark would freak her out. So, that book was my bible! Rides like the people mover and spaceship earth would have been horrible when she was younger. Simple rides for most of us! Now, she will ride anything! As far as pregnancy, I'd follow Disney guidelines. Each ride has a sign. I would think that any ride that's okay for a 13 month old would be fine for a pregnant woman! We just left today and I'm depressed!
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