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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. :iagree: I wish you lived nearer to me! I'd have you do my ds' senior pictures next year!!! I do hair. I have since high school. I did a number of girls' hair since prom. I cut my friends' hair in college. I cut my boys' hair. I LOVE to style my dd's hair. We look up styles on Pinterest and copy them. I love it. Does that count as a talent?
  2. I think I voted wrong too! My then-11 yo read them and LOVED them. I let him watch the movie too. I think that would be the youngest I'd allow. But, you know your kid!
  3. I have to share. My 16 and 14 yos went out tonight with their rowing team. It was 40 degrees and these boys went out in their unisuits for their team. One man on the block thought it was so awesome, he invited them in and served them ribs!!!! My boys are SOOOOOOO happy!!!!
  4. I'll send you some of our trick or treaters!!! We have sooooo many!
  5. This is your gymnast right? There is something about the way they are built, isn't there? Meg is just over 45" and she weighs 36 pounds and she's almost 7. My dd was born 8 pounds 10 ounces. At one year, she didn't even weigh 18 pounds. OP - My dd was your child (well, minus the excessive thirst). My doctor was never worried. He watched HER and not the charts. Meg fell off the charts early, but met developmental milestones easily. He did have me give her a LOT of higher fat foods (healthy ones) for six weeks to make sure she was able to gain weight. She was. After that, he wasn't worried. How much height did your son gain in those six months? It was the 12 - 18 months that my dd fell off the charts weight wise. She started walking during that time and just burned off the calories she was eating. 1/2 pound loss can be easily explained by a difference in scales or in what he was wearing or a difference in time of day even. I think you have your answer when you say he is crazy crazy busy!!! That was my dd. And, she still is. (She's a very talented competitive gymnast!)
  6. :iagree: My dd stopped walking with a virus once. I called my doctor to ask if she should come in and he had me take her to the local ER for testing. He felt it needed to be seen right away. She ended up being fine - but the virus had settled in her hip. My sister stopped pulling up at 8 months and ended up with something more serious (septic arthritic hip) and was hospitalized. More likely than not, it's nothing, but I would at least call your doctor.
  7. Well, my 16 and 14 yos are going out with their rowing team in their unisuits! I support it and think it's fun!
  8. I think it's a wonderful idea! Your poor little one has been through so much. I wish my mom had done something like this for me. My first memory is of a spinal tap and a hospital stay where my mom and dad couldn't stay the night. I was terrified. I am STILL scared of doctors. So, I get it. I LOVE the idea of making good memories for her at the doctor's office. And, I can't see why they wouldn't accommodate you! I mean, they get treats!!!
  9. That IS cool! I never would have guessed that we are still having wind gusts over 30 mph!
  10. I don't have a girl, but my boys have found a ton of great stuff at Plato's Closet.
  11. :iagree: shopping at Publix means vacation in Florida. :001_smile: We love that store! Enjoy your vacation!!
  12. Of course it's okay! Even if your sister were leading a more desirable life and was down on her luck, it would still be okay. "I don't have the money to share right now." Repeat. Repeatedly!:grouphug:
  13. We stay in Windsor Hills. Google search them. This is the condo we stay in: http://www.bestcondostay.com/ I think he gives us even better rates because we come back so often. But, this place is wonderful! And, check out the entire community. The pool is incredible. There's a movie theater and you can have them play whatever movie you want (free!). They ahve a game room and nice workout room. There's a small store there too. And, the people who work there are SO sweet and helpful.
  14. :grouphug: Let me know what works. My obsession? Health. It's horrible.
  15. :iagree: When we go on the cheap, this is what we do. Our condo isn't that cheap, but we can usually get it for $399 for the week. My sister often comes with us. It was about $27/night for each of us. The kitchen is a HUGE convenience. And, I love having laundry - I could pack so little.
  16. Interesting that most people reporting here are not on the east coast. I sure hope everyone is okay. The wind is absolutely howling and it's "only" hitting 50 mph right now. Many are without power in my area. I'm hoping we don't lose it. Did you see the coverage last night of people surfing on Lake Erie? And, we live on Lake St. Clair. The waves are HUGE!!! And, absolutely gorgeous.
  17. These are my memories too!!! We made tunnels after our driveway was dug out. We climbed up the drifts on to the roof of our house. I remember one morning, we opened our front door and the drift was right there. We couldn't see out. So. much. fun.
  18. LOL!!! My 14 yo would LOVE that. My 12 yo, not so much. :glare: You know what the police told us? They said that these idiots will steal another car when their current stolen car runs out of gas. Grrrrrrrr.
  19. FUN!!!! We've done all sorts of trips to Disney. Some on a budget. Some not. When we bring food to the parks, we bring tuna and bread (we put it together at the park so the bread doesn't get soggy), carrot sticks, chips, and fruit (strawberries, blueberries, etc). We shop at a store near Disney and buy big bags of chips and all and split them ourselves in ziploc bags for each person. We've also found that certain restaurants have HUGE servings and it's worth it and easy to split a meal. Cosmic Rays in MK. Our fmaily could split three or four meals and be fine. Flame Tree Barbecue in Animal Kingdom has HUGE servings. We split 3 -4 meals there too. Keep in mind I have three teen boys!!!!! But we go during free dining. So, we split meals so we can go to restaurants that are two meal credits!!
  20. Yup!!! We are. Ds12 is as angry as I am. Dh took him to the police station today and they talked with the officers about setting up meetings with our neighbors and the police. They reiterated that they are VERY willing to take false alarms and are TOTALLY willing to check them out. NEVER feel silly about calling. We will call the local school (across our street) tomorrow and ask about getting the auditorium for a meeting. We'll send out flyers to our neighbors and have the police there to help. Ideas?
  21. Okay. I'm in MI and our power flickered today three times. Our forecast on weather.com says that the excessive wind means we might lose power tonight. NOT cool.
  22. Ugh. The Bashara case. We are wondering if this is what has brought more crime into our neighborhood. We are a well-hidden, quiet neighborhood. We've never had crime like this. We are blaming BOB!!!!! Ugh. We all want closure on it. We're glad he's in prison and the news trucks and helicopters are GONE!!! Did you get the closure you were hoping for? OMG!!!! NO WAY! This will NOT become a weekly event!!!!! SHHHHHHHH!!!! We ended up just doing math. That's it. And, he had to write a paragraph on bullying for his karate class. Nice and low key. We did. Sort of. I told him to do his math and he did. Everything else was lost to good conversation. We are going to set up a neighborhood watch. My kids want to take a lead on this. Ugh. I know. And, I'm ticked. I should have grabbed a BROOM!!!! What was I thinking????? LOL Dh went to his Boy Scout meeting tonight to see if he could get some sort of award. I hope so!!! I credit karate. Their instructor has drilled into their heads to always be aware of your surroundings. AND, if you are suspicious, CALL THE POLICE!!! I heart her!!!
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