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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Okay. Don't kill me. There's no recipe for that. I made it up. Basically, I saute onion in olive oil. Add cut up bacon (I pre-cook mine so it's fast) and then mushrooms. Add a little rice and stir until the fat is absorbed. Add the rest of the rice. If needed, add stock to moisten it a little. Basically, it's all to taste. This was a dish I made up a few years ago and everyone asks for year after year as a side dish. And, it's really easy if you pre-cook the bacon! We do that for our lunch! Yummy!!!
  2. My kids are following Anonymous. And I totally agree with this one!!! Good for them. My 16 yo informs me that Anonymous published the names and ALL contact info for the people in this "church". They also hacked their website. He also told me that most of the people at Anonymous are teenagers. When they came to Detroit and picketed at our church and at another one down the street, they were just ridiculous! The most effective thing that gave them pause was when a parishoner stood on our front steps and LAUGHED at them!!! They stopped for a little bit, not sure what to do. So, more people laughed. It was awesome! My dh tells me that when they picketed the church down the street, they told the priest there that he was going to HELL because he was wearing a "dress." Said priest responded that he was wearing what Jesus wore! This guy said, "Jesus wore PANTS!!!!" HA!!!
  3. Beef tenderloin Salmon Buttery spinach and mushrooms Roasted veggie medley Rice with mushrooms/onions/bacon (think - rice pilaf, only better) Dessert is individual galettes with fresh whipped cream and maybe ice cream if I get around to making it! I can give you any of those recipes!!!
  4. Wanna come to my house for dinner?! :) I noticed that Bill REALLY liked that gift!!
  5. WE went to every other year. I added up the cost of sending them ((we have lived in a lot of places had have a LOT of cards to send), and added the effort it took and decided it was something that could be done every other year. Don't do them.
  6. Child number 4, I was in maternity clothes by 9 weeks. I didn't necessarily need them, but they were much more comfy. AND, they made me look pregnant and not just FAT!!!! But, I was the smallest with her pregnancy than any of the others. I looked like I had a volleyball under my shirt! I was that cute pregnant lady!!! Finally!!!
  7. ((hugs)) When I was pregnant with my fourth, it was included with the prenatal testing for ME. If I wasn't a carrier, then my kids could NOT have CF. And, we were at a birth center. Could you call the BC and see if they ran that test on you? It might ease your mind. When my third had his CF scare, he DID taste salty. But, he didn't have CF. So, if you do lick your son, know that if he's salty, he still may be negative. We had him tested at the allergist/pulmonologist. With poor Grayson's ongoing symptoms, I'm really surprised that they haven't sent him to one. I'm so sorry.
  8. Dh is working. DS1 is doing homework. Ds2 is catching up on Burn Notice. Ds3 is watching Arthur with Dd!! (shhhhh . . . he would just DIE if he knew I told you all he was watching Arthur!!!)
  9. (Ugh. I'm sorry. I clicked on the star that was shining above and it tells me that I voted on this thread as ONE star!!! I didn't mean to! I tried to change it, but it won't let me!)
  10. That is exciting!!!! My dd desperately wants Caroline. You have to let us know what you choose. And, have fun! And, you don't need to buy anything more for the doll, yet. Give it time and your dd will want more!!!
  11. When my parents went on their cruise this summer (for their retirement!), all of us kids got together and had them upgraded to a suite. Could you call her hotel and see if they don't have something you could do as a surprise to have waiting for her when she arrived? Maybe an upgrade? A bottle of wine? A small gift basket? Most resorts would do something like that!
  12. YES!!! Renee!!! You totallydo! I was mistaken by a homeless (probably mentally disabled) woman at our church for Meg Ryan. She insisted I WAS Meg. Itried for weeks to correct her. After a couple months, I gave up and gave her my autograph! (FWIW - I look nothing ilke her!!!) ETA: I just pulled up Meg Ryan's pictures and my dd told me that I looked like she does!!! With the curly hair - not straight. Hmmmm . . . maybe there's something to it!
  13. Otterbox here for the same reason! That thing is never going to break!
  14. You done good!!!!!! Thank you. He's 11 right? Hopefully he won't read it. My Aspie is 16. He is so sad right now about what this means for his diagnosis. So many questions. Good discussions though. ((hugs))
  15. I know. My Aspie is the most gentle child out there. He read that the killer in this case may have AS and he was horrified. I am so sad for him.
  16. I read this too. My Aspie read this. He is horrified.
  17. I'm so sorry you're sick! Can you make plans to go somewhere or do something in January? We are just starting in on this. I'm on day 4 of a nasty sinus, nose, throat, cough thing. Ds is on day 7. He had a fever and I never did. Dh has it too. Waiting for the other three to get it.
  18. Oh Cleo. I had no idea. I'm so sorry for what you witnessed.
  19. This is what I keep thinking of. Those poor parents. This time of year especially.
  20. Oh man. I'm so sorry. Did you know anything about him?
  21. My dad and mom were both teachers for over 40 years too. I still don't see it.
  22. I'm almost finding comfort in the fact that all the kids were from one class. Hopefully, none of the other children in the school had to witness the massacre and live with that the rest of their lives. Not that what they went through isn't horrifying, but to have actually SEEN their friends get killed would just be so hard.
  23. WHY???? (I'm not yelling at you. I'm just so so so sad.)
  24. The mother was the teacher of the missing kindergarten class?
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