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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. My nearly-17 year old is WAYYYYY too impulsive. And, if he thinks a rule is stupid, he'll break it. I'm afraid he will text while driving. I'm afraid he'll do something stupid. I'm afraid he'll hurt himself or someone else. He doesn't seem to realize that driving is a HUGE responsibility. Now, my 15 yo is a different story. He'll probably be getting his license when he's 16. We'll see . . . Also, we just got our insurance quotes. Yikes!!! To add a teen driver on my car which has only liability, it was over $1000/year. The stupid car is 13 years old!
  2. My dd uses her big brother's iPod to text her friends. She's 7! But, she has a really fun time making short videos and texting them. Isn't that funny? My oldest was 14 when he got his. Second was 13. My 12 yo has had one since he was 11. I felt safer with him out and about so much (during the summer, he rides his bike all around the neighborhood). But, I never would have considered a cell phone when my oldest was 11! Now, my dd wants one too. She is a gymnast, and is at the gym 10 - 12 hours a week right now. As that increases, I can see the need for one.
  3. This happened to friends of ours. They lost their 30-something year old ds to pneumonia. left behind very young kids.
  4. He is friends of a friend. AMAZING story. HE is the reason we are watching tonight.
  5. Mortgage only? 22 percent. And, that's a 15 year. We'll be done paying it off in about 7 years. With insurance and taxes? 33 percent.
  6. Fun! We've done a couple trips like this. I can't narrow it to five. But, our favorites: Grand Canyon Slide Rock State Park Las Vegas, NV - okay. Cheesy. But, our entire family LOVED the free shows (skip the pirate show!). And, now we can say we've been there . . . Hoover Dam. AMAZING! Redwood National Park San Francisco - walk across the bridge! Petrified Forest Colorado. The entire state. Go there. We loved Denver and Rocky Mountain National Park (I think that's what it's called!). We stayed in ASpen off season and want to return. Salt Lake City and the salt flats. Gorgeous.
  7. Grocery shopped today. This should last me until next Sunday, at least. This included $200 worth of meat. I get meat about every 12 weeks. So, I'm over my goal. But, I hope to be well under next month! And, I HAD to have a coffee this morning on the way to gymnastics. The only other things I have this month are another payment for Boy Scout Camp and another payment for rowing. Goals: Groceries (including all household items): $772.50/$700 Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!) Gas: $400/$550 Kids' activities: $880/$1700 Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: $6/0!!! Coffee: 1.86!!! Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32. Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $555/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)
  8. I didn't know there was treatment for a bone bruise. I have one from college and it still hurts!
  9. Yup. And, he can DIVE BOMB you while you are falling asleep . . . . ask me how I know!!!
  10. Bwhaa - ha-ha-ha!!! I did the same thing. But, in our case, it ended up being a BAT!!!!!! It got into our house. AND, we found out we had an entire colony living in our attic!!!! Ack. We did move (not because of that, but I was relieved!).
  11. This was NOT predicted for us! Weird. It just stopped snowing here. People are complaining about the roads. Kids here are on break anyway, but I wonder if school would have been cancelled?
  12. A couple things to consider that I wish I had when buying my oven. 1. If you switch to gas - make sure you can't accidentally bump the burner "on" switch. We've done this over and over and over again. 2. Bring your pans in and make sure they fit on the stovetop. I didn't. And, when I am making a big meal with a big pot on the back burner, my pots on the front feel like they're going to fall off the oven. VERY frustrating. 3. Make sure you have the size burners you want and where you want them. My stovetop has five burners. Love that. BUT, the bigger ones are in the front. So, if I am boiling a pot of water, I'd prefer it be on the back burner, but on my stovetop, that takes FOREVER because it's a smaller burner. Grrrr. So, I'll have a pot on the front when I really need that burner to be used for a stir fry or something else. Annoying.
  13. I agree. She's the youngest in the class and probably intimidated by the other girls. I'd say something to the teacher - especially if you have a good relationship with her. And, it sounds like you do. We had a situation on my dd's gymnastics team that didn't involve my dd, but a friend of hers. Her mom said something and we were all VERY impressed with the way it was taken care of. Immediately. I hope your dd's ballet instructor handles it as well.
  14. Yesterday, I had to buy gas for both cars, stamps to mail the wedding shower invitations. And, we decided last minute to go to the local indoor trampoline place with the kids. It was $12/hour, but one was done after an hour and the other was done after 2. It's exhausting! So, it was only $32. Not bad for a fun field trip! :) Today, I have to grocery shop and it will include a trip to Sam's Club and my meat store. I think I'll end up spending the rest of my budget!!! Goals: Groceries (including all household items): $440/$700 Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!) Gas: $350/$550 Kids' activities: $880/$1700 Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: $6/0!!! Coffee: 0!!! Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32. Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $555/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)
  15. I felt sick to my stomach. I'd have started crying right away!
  16. YES!~!!!! I'd be happy with 5 channels. But, when Comcast (I HATE them) raised our rates by $20 more/month, we dropped them. Saved us over $100/month. We kept them for internet only because we don't really have another choice around here. That, and we made the mistake of using them for our email address. We've had that address for 15 years. I'm trying to switch everything over to another account so we can drop Comcast altogether, but it'll take a little more time.
  17. We did get rid of cable and I have to admit, I miss it. I can watch shows easily through Netflix, but it is a pain to hook it up to my iPad on my upstairs tv to watch. I liked relaxing at night and watching tv. Now, if I want to watch tv, I have to hook up the iPad and change it every 22 minutes or so. Silly, I know. But, I'm being honest. I actually miss having access to the Disney channel! My dd misses it terribly! We can watch most of the shows. But, she feels disconnected.
  18. This would be my concern. If it were just dh and me I'd probably see it as an adventure. I'd try not to complain and make the best of it. But, with my kids. Different story. I have one who needs a daily medication and needs electricity to take it. That would've been a HUGE worry of mine. And, my dd is a VERY picky eater. I'd be nervous with the lack of availability that she just wouldn't eat what was available and would get sick. I also wouldn't sue. Sounds liek the passengers were well compensated.
  19. I hope she gets a child just like her!!! For your sake! :)
  20. I'd set it aside and save it. Or transfer it to your vacation fund (I also call this my mental health fund!). Or wine. Lots of wine.
  21. I'd set it aside and save it. Or transfer it to your vacation fund (I also call this my mental health fund!). Or wine. Lots of wine.
  22. ACK! Those are horribly expensive aren't they? Every year, I go through the shock all over again and consider a move! (Not seriously, but, kinda' sorta'!!!) Ours are about 8% of dh's pay and he is paid quite well! But, I love my city!
  23. Added things below. We went to Kalahari for one night (Christmas gift from MIL and FIL). I brought all our own food except for the meal that our package included. I made due with stuff we had at home and it was really, really good!! I did, however, cave one night and bought dd a hot dog and fries because she's had eating issues lately and I was desperate to get her to eat!! And, I am printing out the invitations for my SIL's wedding shower. I paid $20 for the paper and envelopes. Goals: Groceries (including all household items): $440/$700 Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!) Gas: $270/$550 Kids' activities: $880/$1700 Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: $6/0!!! Coffee: 0!!! Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $555/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)
  24. I'm frustrated that the woman at Saving Sammy charges for the information on how to communicate with doctors and all. I get that she wrote the book and wants to make a profit on that, but the other? Nah.
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