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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Wow! That's a lot of action in one day!! I pray your dh stays safe. We had a tenant who had a house fire and we know for a fact that the alarm saved her son's life. She was in the basement and heard the alarm. She ran upstairs and the entire living room was engulfed in flames. Her baby was sleeping in his carseat right by the flames. They got out fine. That fire raged through the house and even burned the two houses next door within SECONDS. The firefighters said it only burned for about 10 minutes. SCARY!!!! We went out the next day and bought an insane number of alarms for our current house.
  2. I'm really glad they don't have those except during Christmas season. I'm also not a sweets person, but those stupid cookies do me in EVERY time.
  3. My dh works in downtown Detroit. We were looking at the photos and MANY of those buildings have been rehabbed. The Grand Army of the Republic Building is now offices for a design firm. Some of the townhouses in Brush Park have been rehabbed. Yes, there are still many, many buildings in Detroit that are abandoned. BUT, there is some good news.
  4. I get it. I do. My oldest has been diagnosed with Asperger's too. We heard everything you did, I'm sure. And, I also never ignored his behavior. It was exhausting. It was embarassing. BUT, seeing what my sister is going through, I have a new appreciation for certain behaviors. I'm not saying that OP should ignore the issues. She needs to protect her son. BUT, this child may have more issues than the mom can deal with. I certainly remember the early days with my ds and his Aspergers issues that I didn't know had a name. It was HARD. I just wanted to alert OP that this might be an issue here.
  5. Of course not. But, this behavior may be the norm at home and she really may not see it as abnormal. This was my sister. I don't know what to tell the OP. But, I have to say my sister has this child. My dd remembers a time when she was playing with my nephew. Nephew threw a lego at dd. It bounced off her and back onto nephew. HE came out crying that it was my dd's fault. When it all came out, my nephew admitted that that was what happened. HE didn't understand that it was wrong. My sister was DONE. She was tired. I TOTALLY get that my dd shouldnt' have had to suffer. And, neither should OPs child. My sister was not the "I'm so tired" mom. But, this behavior was SO common at home that she just didn't see it anymore. This was HER norm. I really don't know what to tell OP. You need to protect your ds. But your ds' friend and his mom may really not know there is something else going on here. I don't know if you can bring it up to your friend or not. But, so many of your stories remind of me nephew and it makes me sad. Both for mom and child. It may NOT be the case that mom is lazy. She really may just see this as norm.
  6. Okay. I have to say something. Yes, this kid looks like a spoiled brat. He seems like that under-disciplined kid. BUT. I have a nephew who looks like that kid. He thinks only for himself. He cries and makes everything look like it's about him. He is sometimes hard to be around. He was just diagnosed with high-functioning autism. My sister is exhausted with him. She is tired. She finally has a diagnosis. My nephew is nearly 7. There may very well be a not-yet-determined diagnosis here. This child may have something else going on. Yes. You need to protect your son. I don't know what to tell you about that. But, his mom may very well be overwhelmed with him. She may not know what to do.
  7. That made me really sad. He used laughter as a defense mechanism because the neighbors were taunting him? And then HE gets a ticket? It's just wrong.
  8. It's your turn. Sorry. That's all I got! We had a year like that two years ago. It was horrible. We haven't really been sick with much since! I hope this means you'll have a very easy time next year.
  9. This happened to my dd at 5. She wouldn't walk on it. Doctor sent us straight in for an X-ray. She ended up being fine, but I was a little freaked out!
  10. See??? this is a GOOD purchase!!! You've been doing the research. You found a good price and jumped on it. Good job!
  11. Goals: Groceries: $800 Hair: $70 Kids' activities: $1300 Wedding shower I'm throwing: $200 Easter Dinner: $350 Easter Gifts: $350 (don't judge! :) We need an excuse to buy something totally awesome for dd. Easter it is!!) Car repair: $600 Unexpected expenses: $400 Spent: Groceries: $100/$800 Hair: $15/$70 Kids' activities: $170/$1300 I went over last month's goals and realized I left NO wiggle room. We had a couple of unexpected expenses. Nothing I could do about them! So, I added that to my goals for the month. I increased the grocery line a bit. The things I've already bought this month are the normal stuff. Groceries and a haircut. Dd had a gymnastics meet that was out of town. We spent about $170 on hotel and gas and entry fees and food. There is another HUGE payment to be made for rowing this month. Ugh.
  12. Do your bio kids know that this isn't a permanent addition to your family? I was 8 when we got a little foster baby. I had NO idea he was going to be leaving us! It was heartbreaking for me when he left. I just ask to make sure your kids know!!!
  13. Oh honey. I am so sorry. I'm at a loss for words. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.
  14. My 16 yo!!! He is overweight according to the chart. He's 6'2" and 195. He's pure muscle. He rows and works out with his team twice a day. He has a six pack! When I entered his measurements, I was told to contact his doctor!! :)
  15. I'm ready to visit Germany JUST to visit this place!!!!
  16. I have an idea. You stay here and keep your groove going. I'll go to San Juan in your place!!!! I promise to send pictures. . . . :)
  17. I had to buy a few things at CVS - shampoo and deodorant. But, I used a bunch of coupons and stacked them with a $3 off of $15 and ECBs and walked out spending very little. Then, I spent $530 on wedding and shower presents from my sisters and me for my new sister-in-law to be. That wasn't budgeted for this month, but both the wedding and shower invites went out and I wanted to get what I wanted! So, it needed to be done and since I'm the only one who lives near a Bath, Bed and Beyond, it fell on me. And, I used 20% off coupons, so the original total was near $650!! My share of that is only $135 though. And, we put down a $150 deposit on Boy Scout camp for the summer. Goals: Groceries (including all household items): $784.50/$700 Medical: $200/$100 (MRSA is expensive!!!) Gas: $400/$550 Kids' activities: $1030/$1700 Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: $6/0!!! Coffee: 1.86!!! Added stuff we bought that wasn't budgeted: $150 for trip insurance for a trip in August, $23 for parking for our August trip (it was cheaper to buy it now!), parking/entrance for dd's gymnastics meet: $25, professional photos from dd's gymnastics meet: $50. Car maintenance: $200. Invitations to a wedding shower I am helping host: $20. Stamps to mail invites: $25. Impromptu trip to a trampoline place with the kids: $32. Wedding/shower gift for said wedding/shower: $135. Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $555/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)
  18. I need to share a story with you. My parents were foster parents. We had a baby boy when my mom was pregnant with my sister. We always thought he would be a permanent member of our family. Well, he wasn't. We were devastated. Last year, he wrote to all of us and asked us for memories from his infancy. ALl of us were able to share pictures and memories with him. It was closure for me. I always wondered what happened to David.
  19. I don't know yet. I have talked with my older son numerous times about his impulsiveness. We talk about the life-long consequences of stupid decisions - including while driving. (You hit another car because you ran a red light or you were texting and someone in that car dies - you go to jail!) My son knows that I don't think he's able to handle the responsibility. I don't think that's a bad thing. He gets responsibility in other areas of his life and he can handle that. I doon't know what we'll do when the current 15 yo turns 16. We'll probably wait for the next year when the older one moves out of the house for college. I don't know. Haven't thought that one through yet. Funny - ds just asked me to look for a drivers training class for him for this summer!
  20. I didn't realize Strasburg went out of business. Bummer! I LOVE their stuff. My boys will all be wearing their suits and probably bow ties. Dd will be wearing a gorgeous silk dress with a sweater because it's never warm here fr Easter!
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