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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Oh my goodness! How scary! Did he lose consciousness for any bit of that time? Not that that would change my recommendation. I'd definitely go in to the ER!!! Get an exam done just to be sure.
  2. In my defense, it really needed to be done! I just forgot. It's in our vacation budget, but I hadn't added it to FEb budget.
  3. So, what have you done that saves you money? More than just not buying that coffee or heading to the local pizza joint when you are desperate. Other things, like turning down the heat. Or hanging your laundry? Yesterday, my dh found free parking! That was cool. And, I turned the heat down a degree at night. Nobody has noticed! I wonder if that will even make a dent in the HUGE gas/electric bill? I've hung my laundry for years (inside!). I'm taking the difference/amount saved and sticking the cash in our "money bin." My incentive is a Disney cruise. We have one booked for August and if it's not paid off at the due date, we cancel. So, I'm trying to "find" money anywhere I can! Even the boys are getting into it! (We haven't told Meg about the cruise. If we have to cancel she'll be devastated!!!)
  4. VERY good!!!! I'm impressed after all that was thrown at you that you were able to do that. I'm impressed you can save half of your dh's paychecks!!! That's amazing! AFter we finish paying down our mortgage, we'll be able to do that. But that will be a few more years!
  5. Goals: Groceries (including all household items): $97/$700 Medical: $30/$100 (This is the month we need a buy our kids' medications!) Gas: $97/$550 (This is a KILLER!!) Kids' activities: $280/$1700 (Again, this month is a KILLER - payments for rowing, gymnastics, orchestra, and karate are all due. But, it's all budgeted.) Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: 0!!! Coffee: 0!!! Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $78/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!) Updated above. Dh's car needed gas. And, I signed the kids up for spring karate ($250) and a spring regatta ($30). I was tempted to run to the store yesterday and pick up one thing we were missing for a recipe I had. Instead I figured something else out to make!
  6. Wow! I will be praying! My son had one seizure. Once. He woke up in the er and didn't recognize me. He couldn't talk. It was horrific! He doesn't remember it now, thank god! I will pray for your daughter.
  7. Me? Being sick. I am so scared of it! I always wonder, "what if this is the end? What if I don't get better?". I worry about my kids when they get sick for the same reasons. It's horrible and I hate it. The saddest thing is that my daughter is the same way. I have never shared my fears with her, but they are there!! She once got a stomach ache after eating and refused to eat for days after!!! It was a very scary time for us.
  8. Eating out can be a killer!!! One of my kids' allergies kept us from eating out very often when the kids were little. We got into the habit of eating in or carrying our food. I am greatful for that now! Oh man. I need new jeans too! I've had one pair and I think they are 5 years old. They are in perfect condition. But, I'd like another pair. I lost some weight since then and need a different size! I hope everyone gets better soon!!!! Darn! Isn't that the way it always goes? We did really well last year and then got a leak in our living room from the kids' bathroom. Estimate to fix? $3000!!! Yea. We'll hold off on that one! (Actually I'm looking to see if I can't do a bunch of the demolition by myself!) Updated above!! Medical spending went DOWN! I found a coupon for ds' asthma medication for $20 off. We took the receipt and the coupon in and they refunded the difference!! Woohoo! Groceries - I planned CHEAP meals this week. I need to spend the day in the kitchen making things for the week - breads, rolls, sauces, etc. I hope the $97 will get us through next Wed when I'll probably spend $20 on fresh veggies. Add to that the $18 for eggs, and another $7 for milk (both delivered) for the week, and I think we're doing pretty well!!! Gas - my car was filled. Ugh. Hopefully it will last us a couple weeks!!
  9. OMG!!! Your poor, poor Marco! And, his poor, poor mom!!!!! I'm SO sorry you both went through that. It sounds horrific. FWIW - my climber/daredevil is my youngest (and only girl). She's now a gymnast (and very good!). Just a thought for the future! (She had a concussion when she was 18 months.)
  10. I was really worried about using my hoomemade deodorant when we were in Florida last year in August! But, it WORKED!!! I did NOT stink. I mix coconut oil and baking powder in a cup and apply it in the morning! EASY. And, none of the dangerous chemicals! I make all of my own cleaning products with vinegar and water. Maybe a little tea tree oil and baking soda. I've not had a problem with my homemade laundry detergent. At all. I do buy OxiClean to help out with stains, however. And, I use a little bleach occasionally. As long as I wash in warm water, the clothes come out clean. (We tried cold water washing and everyone complained!)
  11. Our W2 has been wrong for two years. Last year, it took dh's workplace 2 MONTHS to get the corrected form to us. They assure us it won't happen again. We don't have it yet. And, we're still waiting on 1099s too.
  12. I need to look into a french press. I REALLY like REALLY strong coffee. Like peel paint off the walls strong. I'd rather have one small cup of that than 3 cups of a weaker cup. That's why I love Starbucks! So, french press coffee is strong? Gotta run!!! Meg is late for gymnastics (which is what she wants anyway - she HATES the running as warmups!!! :))
  13. I have 16, 15, 12, and 7 yo kids. Our house is perfect for us. Kitchen opens up to family room. We spend the majority of our time here. Computer, tv, gaming systems, etc. are all here. Mostly the kids entertain in this area. My two older boys usually do their schoolwork in other parts of the house. ds16 is in his bedroom. ds15 goes to the basement. I work with the 12 and 7 in the family room. 12 takes his work up to guest bedroom when he's ready for his individual work. Do you have a basement? We have found that to be a great space for the teens when they want a little more privacy/space.
  14. Okay. I'm on my way out the door right now and I want to respond to a bunch of you. But for now, here are my goals: Goals: Groceries (including all household items): 0/$700 Medical: $50/$100 (This is the month we need a buy our kids' medications!) Gas: $0/$550 (This is a KILLER!!) Kids' activities: $0/$1700 (Again, this month is a KILLER - payments for rowing, gymnastics, orchestra, and karate are all due. But, it's all budgeted.) Things I'm going to try to curb this month and I hope to bank the difference in our vacation account: Eating out: 0!!! Coffee: 0!!! Now, tell me I don't NEED to stop on the way to gymnastics and buy a cup of Starbucks coffee. Right? Make a cup here at home before I leave. Extra income (hopefully!): Goal: $58/$400 (Dh occasionally gets "tips" for his services as a priest - wedding, funerals, etc. He has a funeral next week. I also hope to sell some things on line. And, that will be banked in our vacation account!!)
  15. I'm in!!! Goal number one: FOOD!!!! I've always planned our meals, but I'm going to do even cheaper meals this month. We just got the bill for my kids' rowing this spring. We will be going broke. . . . .
  16. WOW!!! Level 10? Amazing! My dd (7): Gymnastics team (level 4) - 3x/week, 4 hours each (she LOVES this and would do more if she could!) Karate - 2x/week, 1 hour each Ds (12): Karate - 3x/week, 2 hours each Boy Scouts - 1x/week, various activities on the weekend Violin - 2x/week - 1 hour each Little League starts soon!!! Ds (15): Rowing - 6x/week, two times a day, 2 -3 hours each time volunteers at the karate studio 1x/week or whenever he can fit it in! Ds (16): Rowing - 6x/week, two times a day, 2 - 3 hours each time Karate - 1x/week volunteering Spring is our busiest time with baseball games, rowing regattas, and gymnastics meets. But, really those only happen at the same time for about two months. And, ds 12 will reduce his karate time in order to accommodate his baseball schedule. Busy? Heck yea! We love it!
  17. Ewwwww! I consider that really, really bad. And, if it has been condemned, I think there is probably a level of filth we can't see. I'm assuming, based on the food things I see in the pictures, that there is an infestation of some sort - bugs or rodents? I don't know about CPS standards, but that house really is disgusting!!! ETA: I: just read the article (I hadn't when I posted before. And, I change my vote to CPS needed to be involved. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
  18. I think they drill through the brick - small holes. And then plug them.
  19. Today? She's actually just south of Chattanooga. Scary!!!
  20. My sister just texted me saying they are under a tornado watch in Chattanooga! Considering most of their neighborhood was decimated by a tornado a couple years ago, she's nervous!!!
  21. We've owned two. They were both well-insulated, I guess. Do you know for sure you don't have insulation in there? You can get some blown in from the outside too.
  22. Yep. Weird here too. It was nearly 60 here in MI yesterday. Still is today. We're expecting SNOW tonight!!!! It's been raining for DAYS!!!! Well, except for Sunnight monday morning when we got three inches of snow and then ice.
  23. I have some experience with stomach aches - both emergency ones (appendicitis) and non-emergency (abdominal migraines). Couple things: 1. Can he jump? Is the pain worse when he does? (I mean excruciating! My appendicitis boy couldn't even stand up!) 2. when he is lying down, have him straighten his right leg. Hit the bottom of his foot. Does it hurt? (Appendicitis boy screamed in pain.) My kid with appendicitis had a very slight fever and vomiting, but I understand that doesn't have to be present. Abdominal migraines didn't have any of the pain with those things mentioned above, except he couldn't stand up easily. He was curled up in the fetal position. It got much better with Advil. HUGs!!!!!!
  24. Tell me about it!!! :) My boys are athletes and the older two are trying to eat between 5500 and 6000 calories a day. The oldest is 6'1" and 185. The other is 6'0" and 169. Both very fit! I get jealous of them sometimes.
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