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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Okay - I just looked it up. It looks like average high in October is around 85. Average low 65. So, you won't need as much bulky stuff. This makes it easier!!! I would pack: 4 pr. shorts each 6 shirts each (all mix and match) 8 pr underwear 2 pr pajamas 1 pr pants (just in case) 1 jacket (maybe tie this around your waist if you don't have room in bag) Extra pr. shoes/socks (if needed) Toiletries Swimsuit/swim toys Any medications If going to the Halloween party- costumes In backpack to carry at parks: cheapo rain ponchos 1 pr mittens each (cheapo, small ones) 65 degrees in your shorts at night can be chilly! Sunscreen Small fanny pack for each person Other: Extra chargers/batteries Extra outlet strip (KWIM? I find Disney rooms lacking in outlets for charging devices and these help( sunglasses phones Ear plugs (sometimes Disney shows are too loud for my ears) Trip insurance information Emergency numbers at home Extras my kids take to Disney: Trading pins Autograph book Really, everything at Disney is informal. You will fit in eating at any restaurant in shorts and a ss shirt. They expect you to have been at the parks all day!! So, unless you have a day planned where you are eating at the really formal place (the name escapes me right now), skip dressy.
  2. :iagree: As is following a God-given talent a good thing. Honestly, gymnastics has consumed my daughter. But, it hasn't interrupted her love for God. I think she's right where she needs to be right now. I really hope you can work it out for your dd. Sounds like she's really, really good!
  3. I have a dd on a gymnastics team, so I'm coming from that perspective. At our gym, they take the young girls with talent and try to get them on a team. The commitment level is HIGH! My dd is only 6 and is already training 9 hours a week. They wanted her 12 hours. If you don't want to go that route, you could ask about private lessons. See what you think. See how you like the coaches. See how she does with it once/week. Make decisions from there. What is the time commitment of this highest level? Does your dd want to do it that much? (The girls at the highest levels at our gym are training over 20 hours/week!!) Just know it can get very busy very fast. But, it sure is fun!!!
  4. :iagree: It's focus. I've seen those looks on my dd at practice. She is VERY focused on one thing. I love THAT look.
  5. What about a cruise??? This way, it's a family vacation (we always make our kids come back to eat with us), but they also have their own time? So, you visit many islands and can do all sorts of different types of excursions! Food is provided. Entertainment is provided. A true vacation!!!
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: My ds did this years ago. We took him to the ER where they told us that is may NOT be a reaction to the medication (HA) and sent us home on Benadryl. Ds' allergist was NOT happy with their reaction! They now have tests to see if you are allergic to these types of medications. Wait a few weeks and get the test!!!! Come to find out, my ds IS! DUH.
  7. During the summer? During the Olympics? 12am or later!!! School year? We ask that on school nights they be in bed by 10 pm. I don't care when they fall asleep. I just need to know they are at home and in bed by 10 so I can get enough sleep for the next day.
  8. I love you!!! I have also never heard of this girl. But, I agree. This family isn't doing anything illegal. And, the daughter sure is precocious. I wouldn't want this for my family, but good for them for finding a way to make some extra money!
  9. Wash them in the washer. Stick them outside in the sun. I wear them and they are fine as long as they are on my feet. When they are off, however, WATCH OUT! Yuck! I usually stick them outside in the sun and then wash my feet down. Other than that, I love these Keens!
  10. Nope!!!! I don't do anything on a regular basis and I am the priest's wife!!! I just can't take on the extra committment with everything my kids are doing (gymnastics team, soccer, karate, Boy Scouts, archery, baseball, rowing, work, piano, violin!!). Thankfully, mostly people at my church understand. There are a few who talk (I've heard!). Whatever. I have to do what works for my family.
  11. We do. But only because my kids need a physical to play sports. If they didn't, I would probably wait 18 months or two years or so.
  12. Just curious. My ds is currently being seen at the ER for the same thing. When ds called home from the gym for a ride because of his headache, he was slurring his speech. He could barely walk. Dh took him straight to the ER. Doctor said they have seen a lot of it in the last couple weeks. Starts with a scratchy throat. Then utter exhaustion for a few days. Then headaches like this one. My other ds had ocular migraines/sore throat/exhaustion last week and now we wonder if that was how the virus manifested itself in him (he was checked out by his pediatrician and eye doctor just to make sure). Just wanted to give you another idea as to what it might be. We are anxiously awaiting his CT scan results, but the doctors expect them to be normal based on his other symptoms.
  13. :iagree: This is how we caught it. I'm not sure if the mom/son (who had whooping cough) really didn't know they had it or what. Or if their doctor didn't think to test because they'd been vaccinated. She insists it wasn't whooping cough. All I know is they were coughing like CRAZY and my ds caught it from them. Sounded exactly the same.
  14. My sister hates cake too! Her dh had a groom cake because it was important to him. Then, they did cheesecakes for their official dessert. Everyone got three different types on their plate. They did, however, have a very small cake made up as their "official" wedding cake so they could do the "cut the cake" tradition. My brother and his fiance are doing cupcakes next year!
  15. We had it last summer. It was HORRIBLE!!!!! It lasted forever. I found this website helpful. http://www.whoopingcough.net/symptoms.htm They have video of all sorts of different types of whooping cough. Some people whoop and others don't But it still can be whooping cough. And, I thought I remember that after a certain amount of time, they wouldn't test positive. So, even if you don't get a positive result, you could still have whooping cough. I'd definitely get on antibiotics - it will keep them from being contagious. Also, if anyone in your family hasn't caught it yet, have them take the antibiotics. It can make their case lighter. If it is definitely whooping cough, anybody you've had contact with recently should know so that they can take antibiotics too. :grouphug: The throwing up after the cough was the absolute worst for my son. NOTHING worked to aleviate the symptoms. NOTHING. He was on steroids, breathing treatments, vit.c (the type mentioned above). It was truly horrific.
  16. YEAH!!! I hope you like it! We're staying there again in September! I can't wait to see the renovations. This is why we always go back to Disney! We started going there years ago due to ds' food allergies. And, when I think of vacations, this one is just the easiest! No worries about food!!! Try the cruise line next!! FUN!
  17. Riverside just underwent a major renovation. Google it. I'd do it for you but I'm on my phone andtyping is hard! They had all sorts of pictures of the rooms.
  18. I know what you mean!!! I cleaned out a bunch of stuff from our schoolroom, including three bookshelves of books. That room was a HUGE mess!!! HUGE!! But, it's worth it in the end, I swear! I love walking in that room and looking at it now. It's like a breath of fresh air. No naked people there! LOL
  19. Our "home" resort every time we go is Port Orleans Riverside. I just love the feel there. Walking the paths make you feel like you're out deep in the woods. And the pools are amazing!!! I think you'd be able to swim in November - right? I just googled and the average high is 78. We'd swim in that! There are three bus stops there though. So that can add some time to travel. But, we never found the bus to be an inconvenience. I love not getting into my car at the end of a long day at the parks! Have fun deciding!!!
  20. What you watched last night was the mens' team finals. Tonight is the womens' team finals. All of the gymnasts can perform for the team finals. Each team can also enter their top two gymasts (as they perform in the Olympics) for the All Around finals. It's a new rule. It means that the top 24 no longer are in this competition. It's stupid. So, the US has a GREAT team this year. They had 3 out of the 4 top gymnasts. But, only two from each team could go on. So, (my favorite gymast) Jordyn Weiber couldn't compete in the all-around.
  21. Mine has!!! And it has totally gotten her in the groove! My little one is still only level 4, but she is SOOOOO motivated to go to practice tomorrow!!!!
  22. DS 14. Has worn glasses since he was 4. Stopped needing them last year at 13. The last six months or so, he's needed them to read. Fast forward. He says the last few months his eyes have been having to work harder to see. The last week, he's been having ocular migraines every day. After ocular symptoms, he has massive headache and is lost the entire day. On Friday, he had two. His doctor put him on Sumatriptan at the first sign of ocular migraine. He also said that ds had a, "Less distinct disc margin in left eye." The medication is working! Ds has taken it (nasal spray) at the first sign of an ocular migraine and it is gone. No headache. No tiredness the rest of the day! Yeah! He is also wearing his glasses again and finding it easier to see during the day. We have an appointment with his opthamologist on Thursday. Anyone recognize these symptoms? Familiar with the medications? What does"less distinct disc margin in left eye?" mean? Any other ideas? Questions I should ask the eye doc? Should I insist on a scan of some sort? I'm so confused!!!
  23. I'd definitely ask. When I asked, I made sure to tell the bride (a good friend) that I'd be at the very back of the church so I could whisk the new baby out so there wouldn't be baby noise on the video. (My dd was only 1.5 weeks old!) At the reception, my dd slept the entire time! No worries.
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