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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Awesome Mariann!!!! It must be a relief to have the decision part done. :grouphug: Absolutely NO issues from me! You are an awesome momma!
  2. Just do it as you normally would. If you treat it as the normal way to feed babies, that's how your kids will view it. If you treat it as something that should be covered up and hidden, that's how your boys will see it. My boys were 10, 9, and 6 when we had our little girl. It was never even an issue. I did try to be modest about it, but I never actually covered her head or anything!
  3. My son is currently taking pre-calc with Derek Owens. Ds views the video lessons on line and then completes the work. We've been VERY impressed with the program. One thing I love is that he has a choice between honors and regular. So, if you start out with honors and then need to drop it, you can. So far, ds is doing the honors and doing very well!
  4. According to Siri, it is 100 degrees outside right now. HOT!!! And, it's not supposed to go below 95 for the next few days. Our 10 day forecast has us in the upper 80s and low 90s. I don't remember a summer this hot. I was hoping for a cooler summer so we wouldn't have to use the AC! HA!!!!
  5. That makes total sense! And, I just read your update (we must have posted around the same time!). All GOOD!!!!! Also, when I was transferred for my first birth, my BP was 220/130. So, yeah. You're good!!!
  6. I am all too familiar with high blood pressure and pregnancy! Ugh. Luckily, my midwife wasn't concerned until the bottom number was over 95. And, she trusted my readings at home. The top number is stress-related. Bottom number is the one to watch. I had issues with my first pregnancy and ended up with an emergency transfer to the hospital (planned birth center birth) due to pre-eclampsia. I think that made me nervous for all my future births. Right around 36 weeks or so, my BP would skyrocket at the visit, but be fine at home. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You'll be fine. Keep taking your pressures at home. See how it is under more normal circumstances. Track it.
  7. Post pictures, or else! :boxing_smiley::toetap05:
  8. OH man. No judgment here. My oldest IS that child. To say he was a challenge would be an understatement. He did get easier. From about 9 - 15. He did his schoolwork without too much fuss. He did his chores. He helped out with his siblings. Now at 16, he's a challenge again. A really difficult challenge. I actually told my dh that I didn't want to be a mom anymore. I really think he would be happier if I weren't here. Isn't that awful? He's been horrible. Disrespectful. Mean to me. Outside of the house, he seems like the perfect child. I have no answers. But, know you aren't alone. We have some decisions to make about our homeschooling because my other kids need a mom who isn't constantly on edge. :grouphug:
  9. My oldest used to get this kind of thing every year. High fever (he ran REALLY high fevers) and a headache. No other symptoms. These viruses lasted a week each time. A VERY long week. I hope your dd feels better soon and can enjoy Heather's visit!
  10. I am sooooo jealous! I got to meet heather and her family before they moved out of the states and they really are great! And, I just know I'd hit it off with mariann too. I cannot wait to see the pictures!
  11. Same here! My boys are soooooo tall already. I guess it's a good thing we homeschool. And, this explains my tiny daughter, finally! I'm glad we got that cleared up!
  12. I've had a lot of people asking me to lower my prices even more. As in WAY more. To ridiculous levels - ones that will barely cover shipping! I don't do it. And, I tell them why. The other stuff about being contacted once and then not again, doesn't bother me. It'd be nice to hear back, but if I don't, I don't worry about it.
  13. I use the Mac software for writing documents and spreadsheets. If you want to share it with someone who does not have a Mac, you simply click the "share" button on the top. It'll give you choices as to how to share (let's go with email). Then, you can choose to share it as a Word document, PDF, or a Pages (Mac software) document. It really couldn't be any easier! This was my major concern about getting a Mac. But, it's not been a problem at all! (And, I don't have any PC software on my computer.)
  14. We did an overnight on Amtrak a very long time ago with two kids in a sleeper. It was a lot of fun! They treat you like a queen! We had turndown service and dinner (on real plates!). And, my then-2 yo didn't want to stay for the full 4 course dinner, so I left with him. About 30 minutes later, there was a knock on our door and they had boxed up the rest of our food and brought it to us! It was such a nice touch! We all slept so well - there's something about the movement of the train that was just soothing. The shower is fun! It's a tiny little thing. But, I loved the fact that it was an option! As I said, ours was just an overnight. So, I'm sure after a couple more days, we'd be dealing with more boredom. But, we loved it!
  15. Denise posted on FB that they've had to leave their house because of the power outages. I don't know if she's in the same area, but another one of my friends in VA (near DC) was not able to use their water this morning. I hope you reach her soon!!!
  16. Definitely go to a running store. They should check your gait, or look at the bottom of your shoes, to see how you wear your shoes. You should be allowed to run in them either on a treadmill or around the block. See what feels best. They will be able to tell you how to best support your foot!
  17. I SOOOOOO felt that way last year. Is it okay to pray that your dd is like mine???? She taught herself to read VERY early and just did it? There was NO teaching. Nothing. She just did it. When she was 3, she knew "ph" said "F" because of Phineas and Ferb. So, let your kids watch a lot of Disney channel and they'll be good.
  18. I love Facebook too! I keep in touch with all my college roommates, hight school friends, cousins, etc, etc, etc. LOVE it!!!
  19. I don't know what we do differently to make Free Dining work best for us, but it always does. Maybe it's the size of our family. We have to pay for 5 adult dining plans when we go, if it's not free dining. Our trip for this September is a short one - four nights, two park tickets, free dining costs us only $1800. I just did a quick breakdown of what each thing cost and took 20% off the room rate (isn't that the typical reduction when they offer a pin on a moderate?) and that trip without free dining would cost us $2571. We will also have to pay for the tip on our sit down dinners, so add another $200 or so to that. It still saves us money, I think. If I can do it cheaper, please let me know!!! Those are the numbers minus my 6 year old. She is officially staying in another relative's room.
  20. I THINK they don't count the infant in the room count. Call and ask though. I remember one of our trips we specifically went with that in mind and we slept 6 in our room that officially slept 5.
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