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Arctic Bunny

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Everything posted by Arctic Bunny

  1. Lol! A cup of water or so. I put the perogies in a colander over the sausage and scoop a butter/margarine type product on the perogies so it melts as they cook and prevents sticking. Or (and this feels particularly grievous for some reason) I spray each layer of perogies with non-stick spray canola oil. I see sauerkraut is being suggested as a vegetable, and if that does indeed count, we have a vegetable. If it’s not a true emergency meal, a side salad.
  2. Farmer’s sausage/kielbasa/garlic sausage, and perogies, in the instant pot for 6 minutes. Boom done. Serve with sour cream. Emergency meal: check. Everyone still alive: check. 😄
  3. I got lost down some rabbit holes, but came across this in my travels. Maybe it helps? Existential There
  4. I’m guessing a laughing emoji is not an appropriate response? That’s what I’d feel like, though.
  5. In addition to what others have said, I wanted to mention that after a couple of years of chronic stress, part of recovering was this feeling that everything was trivial. How could I (or another person) be worried about THAT? The void almost added another layer of anxiety. Also, it took at least a year for sleep, etc, to normalize.
  6. They are 16 & 14. I still check… not every night anymore… but there something that just makes my heart a little happier watching them sleep for just a moment.
  7. You are so hilariously correct, and I’ve never thought of that before! But knowing them, that picture of mom dad and two sons from our wedding is in an album of “real” family pictures somewhere, lol. I hope they don’t lose it, because I think I just gave them the proof so I didn’t have it tainting the rest.
  8. My feelings are still hurt from every “family” picture I’ve been asked not to be in for the past 25 years, including at my wedding, my husband’s graduation (years after the wedding), etc.
  9. Our local cannabis stores are a lot like liquor stores. Some are very trendy and upscale, others not so much.
  10. Aw! You should most definitely fix this for her, lol!
  11. For us, the key has been “athletic” fit, or sometimes “relaxed,” being more generous in the thigh and rear.
  12. I’ll just say, our friend’s doctor suggested CBD for chronic back pain. The pills weren’t doing much at first, then suddenly after about a month they had the best pain-free sleep in decades. And then read the bottle and discovered the new purchase was the real thing. It’s legal here, and they are not going back, lol. (I also wonder whether it was an “accident”, but whatever!)
  13. I literally type my entire twelve hour shift - keyboard, phone…. I find it’s way easier to clean up. 4 steps: First dries out the nail so it bonds; second is the base (set under UVlamp); third is thin coats of polish with UV lamp in between; fourth is the top coat to seal it all in. Acetone to remove when set. The polish wipes off with alcohol until it’s put under the UV lamp. So you can put on a thin coat of one colour, set it, add another- oops made a mistake! Wipe it off with alcohol and everything underneath is unaffected. So, for example, French manicure. Mess up a smile line? Wipe it off. Or at the beginning, do one, get it right, set it, do the next. Overall, it takes me more minutes because of the time under the uv light. But to not have a smooshed nail, or mess up one and have to start over? So worth it to me. Also, my nails aren’t constantly chipping, so I get more than a week of continuous growth. I can point you toward some amazon links if you’re interested. My DH got it as a Christmas gift for me after we went for a manicure and spoke to all the women he works with (love them!)
  14. I’ve been doing the soak off gel (Gelish) and similar since Christmas, and am loving it. I type about 11 hours a day at work, so I usually redo them ever 8 days, but when we were on holidays, they lasted all 16 days, plus my first day or two back at work.
  15. DH has lived his for years, best kind of headset he’s used. He went to the audiologist recently, who explained that he can hear better with them than anything else because of the damage to his ears! Still loves them though!
  16. There is probably a button that will let you unlock the door and pause during the first few minutes after you start a load to throw in one more thing.
  17. Exactly what happened here. DH and I had only seen it on TV as kids. Our second thought was finally understanding about the Key and Gatekeeper….
  18. DS went to camp for 3 weeks the summer he was 13. He. Are back and informed me he no longer needed tucking in. I took it like a champ, closed my door and cried silently for a while. He’s 16 now, and although I don’t “tuck him in”, he still asks me to come to his room and “say goodnight”, which quite often involves a chat, or he’ll come to my room for the same. I also go to DS13’s room to “say goodnight” where I make sure his stuffies and covers are in order. Now, it’s not necessary the way it was when they were little, so if we’re at grandma’s or something, they just say goodnight. But whatever they want to call it, I guess they’re not quite done yet….
  19. Really, you are providing a greater service by checking on him regularly and providing some social time! I would personally say, “I have many powers, but dealing with mice is not among them.” Uh, I just visualized dealing with a dead mouse. Still a hard no. ETA: If somebody else took the drawer outside and put it in a garbage bag, I could probably dump the drawer into the bag and take it from there. Probably.
  20. So funny! This Canadian is reading this thread for ideas because we’re hoping we can come down in August, but you are ruining my ideas one by one with the crowds!
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