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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. :thumbup: I have foot problems and have to wear shoes in the house, or else my feet hurt.
  2. Dh occasionally fries fish for himself (I can't stand fish and I won't make it). He likes to look in the spice cupboard for something to season it with. One time he tried cinnamon. :ack2: It stunk up the house. It smelled awful. He still thought it tasted ok, but I won't allow him to put cinnamon on fish anymore. :001_smile:
  3. This is my mom's (she would tell the story if she were on this forum): when she and my dad were first married, she made chili for their first meal. My grandparents had 3 kids and adopted 6, plus were foster parents, so she was used to having a full house of people. She did most of the cooking, too. So she cut the recipe down to feed two people, but forgot to cut the salt. :001_smile:
  4. :iagree: I would definitely go for a Toyota or Honda, not Chevy, Ford or Dodge/Chrysler. I would not say this for all vehicles (I would for Dodge/Chrysler!), but vans--definitely.
  5. How the States Got Their Shapes by Mark Stein. Dh already had the book and had read some of it, and they they made a TV show about it on the History Channel, and we watched that. I just started the book.
  6. Unless this is strictly a verbal presentation (no visuals), he should change the "3" in both cases to "three." And I don't know which is correct, but I prefer 1. 2. 3. to 1) 2) 3)
  7. There are three items I want to talk about: this, that and the other.
  8. I didn't know who Robert Moog is (still don't), but I did a search for his name, and got this.https://www.google.com/doodles/search?query=robert+moog
  9. I heard about Playaway a while back, and looked online to see if my library had them. They seemed to only have adult (grown-up :) ) titles. If they had stuff for kids, their online search wasn't conducive to finding them. We were at the library today and I found Playaways in the children's library! :party: I'm so happy! I checked out six: Anne of Green Gables, Poppy, Poppy and Ereth, The Black Stallion, Encyclopedia Brown Super Sleuth, and Bridge to Terabithia. (I haven't read or seen Bridge to Terabithia, so I'm going to listen to it before the kids do.) What are your favorite Playaways for kids? I want to suggest some for purchase. This library is pretty good at granting requests.
  10. We have just cell phones. We got rid of our landline about 8+ years ago. I don't miss the land line at all. The only issue would be if one of us needs to call 911 from our cell phone and can't identify where we are. But if we know where we are and can tell the 911 operator, we're fine.
  11. Maybe a good idea would be to buy an opaque bin with lid (Rubbermaid, etc) that's just the right size for your stash-the-stuff-because-we've-got-a-showing. Then you can hide stuff but if someone looks in the cupboard they don't see what's really in there.
  12. Now that I've hit the quote button, I don't remember if you were talking about photos or books/bookshelves. In the case of bookshelves, there are lots of people who are no good at estimating space--they can't visualize how much space there will be when the previous owner's belongings are gone. The same would go for lots of little knick knacks and doo-dads on the wall, or a plethora of pictures. ETA: now that I look back I see it was regarding the comment about a picture on a side table. A photo here and there isn't a big deal.
  13. You wouldn't remove all books & bookshelves. How much would depend on how much you have to start with. Do the bookshelves dominate the walls? Do they prevent a buyer from visualizing what to do with that space? Do they cut down on actual space in the room (having bookcases 3/4 of the way around the room removes about a foot of floor space that far around the room)? Walls reflect light better than bookcases, also.
  14. I don't think it was rude. They weren't asking how much money you make, what you spend on clothes, what you spend on groceries each week. They were asking what that college in Japan costs. To me, that's no more personal than asking what food they serve in the cafeteria there. How much tuition is does not say how much of that is paid in grants, scholarships, loans, money from parents, or money from the student's job.
  15. I've been looking at listings online for about a year and a half now. And after reading a couple of staging books, when I look at the pictures online, I would say that the most distracting thing in the rooms is not the books (although I can see that it would look more spacious to have extra wall space vs. bookshelves) but the other items that clutter the room. Sometimes those items are on the shelves along with the books, sometimes they are on a desk or side table, sometimes they are on the windowsill, and sometimes they are small decorative items on the walls. I want to tell the homeowners, *Get rid of the small pictures/home decor/mirrors/pictures on the walls!*
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