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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. How do you know the mom told the truth about letting her daughter read the texts?
  2. Just say, that's all we have. Why feel guilty about letting your kids eat in front of the friend? They're eating good stuff. The friend should too. Maybe one of these times the friend will try something.
  3. It doesn't sound like they were put out. They were put away in the cupboard where they belong. Now if you're saying she should put a limited number in the cupboard, where does she put the rest? In her underwear drawer? Isn't that the same as putting them away? What if they run out of the 12 in the cupboard? Does she need to try to sneak another 12 from her drawer? What if they see her do it? And it didn't sound like she's going to deliberately try to use her current supply up before they arrive, as in down as much kcup coffee as she can, but that she will not buy more before they arrive--and her current supply will run out by then from regular use.
  4. This contradicts this I understand needing to add postage to get up to Canada's (or any country's) rate, but the stamp is worth what a current Forever stamp is worth on the day of use (for either one, new or old).
  5. For us, this is a very busy time of year (October will be, too), so it wouldn't matter when the rest of the family would be able to get away--before or after the wedding. We'd have to make plans according to our schedule. How far away does BIL2 live? You said you're all within a few hours of each other. How often do you see them? Maybe the family visit wasn't so much a factor as the wedding & visiting BIL1.
  6. Maybe they assumed everyone else would go for the same time frame (is it before or after?). Maybe that was the only time they could get away. If you and the other relatives were planning to decide on before or after, it sounds like you do have some flexibility. If so, I don't really see a problem.
  7. I would still delete the post. Just so there's no "confusion." ;)
  8. I agree that a 4 person tent won't work for 4 people (or 2 adults, 1 kid, 1 dog, a puppy & your stuff). If you look at a diagram of how the people are supposed to fit, it's tightly packed without stuff. Here's an example. Click on the diagram (below the picture) that shows the 4 sleeping bags (not even what most of us think of when we think sleeping bag--they're mummy-style).
  9. So delete the post and remove her from the group. :001_smile:
  10. Yes, rude. Are you an administrator on the fb page (don't know what that would be called). Can you delete her post and pm her to explain why she can't advertise a competing group?
  11. :iagree: I've never had tuna salad with grapes. I like tuna, but I'd prefer chicken salad + grapes at a luncheon/shower. As for the name, I've seen it called Napa Valley Chicken Salad. Some recipes have pecans, which I leave out. I see recipes with green onion, celery & other things added, but the key is the halved grapes.
  12. A family we knew when I was growing used to get bats in their house regularly enough that the parents kept a tennis racket in the bedroom. One night they woke up to a bat flying around the room and killed it with the racket. Once they turned on the lights they discovered it was their son's pet bird that had gotten out of its cage. :tongue_smilie:
  13. The thing is, it's not the district (which is why I didn't mark it on the form I sent to my local school district). It's the Ohio Dept. of Education. And I don't plan on correcting it and sending it in to ODE or notifying them in any other way. I want it to stay that way. lol. :lol:
  14. If you're interested in low carb, I highly recommend this low carb forum. There are many sub forums, several devoted to different low carb plans. I've learned so much there in the past few weeks.
  15. Maybe you can add protein shakes to your diet--maybe even mix the powder in with something. I have a soy & whey protein shake that has 25 g protein per serving (2 scoops + 8 oz water or milk). I just started drinking 3 shakes every other day as part of a low carb + calorie reduction program I'm doing. These 3 shakes give me 75 g protein, which is plenty for one day. (and I don't eat legumes on my low carb diet because they aren't low carb) ETA: the protein mix does seem pricey at first--I have a store brand that was about $10--but it lasts a long time.
  16. :rofl::lol::smilielol5::laugh::lol: <---hilarious laughter Dh would not agree with that. He'd much rather have teA, even when I'm not in the mood, than do yard work in any weather. :lol::lol::lol:
  17. I want to, I really do, but I already turned everything in. I'm thinking next year, though... seriously!
  18. Look carefully...can you spot the error? (This is on the homeschool notification form downloaded from the Ohio Department of Education's website.) [pic removed]
  19. Sounds like it's not Grandma's problem...it's everyone else's problem, and maybe the parents' problem for overindulging or allowing overindulgence from everyone else. I don't think Grandma's little gifts are overindulgences.
  20. Maybe scoot that lower end of the range down a bit lower. I have a cousin named Linda; she should be in her mid 40's. I went to school with someone named Linda--she's a year younger than I.
  21. When dh and I were newly married, a guy called our number and left a message on our voicemail (landline). He (Gary) was profusely begging her (Linda) to come back (or let him back or whatever). He managed to call 3 or 4 times and never caught us at home, he always got our voicemail. He never left his number and we didn't have caller ID. I wonder if he ever figured out that he had the wrong number (or that her number had changed and we had it now?).
  22. I very rarely check back on threads that I do not reply to. If they pop back up in the main list and I'm interested I go in. So I don't bother to subscribe to anything because replying does that for me, in a way (I search by my own user name to see this list).
  23. I've heard both bid and quote, but they are used in different ways. Usually a bid is when there are multiple contractors vying for the same job--that's a bid. Usually the customer has put out the word that they're accepting bids. I don't know if they'd ever charge a fee to put in their bid. Quote is more often used on in a situation where customer may be contacting one contractor at a time--this is usually the case with homeowners. The homeowner may choose to contact more than one company for estimates, but they're not asking for multiple companies to come to them and make an offer.
  24. I use the advanced search to find out if there have been new posts to threads I've replied to. I also use it to combine a member name with a key word to find specific threads.
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