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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. Refined coconut oil will have little to no flavor or scent. Unrefined (I think unrefined=virgin; my jar says both) will taste and smell like coconut. If the jar is not labeled either way, and it is a lower price (for example, LouAna coconut oil sold at Walmart--very cheap), it is refined. Which one you use depends on whether you want the coconut scent/flavor in your food. It'll complement some foods better than others.
  2. For the last 2 days I've had a muscle that occasionally cramps up suddenly while I walk. It's in the back of my leg, right up under my butt. It happens as that leg is in the back position of a stride (does that make sense?). It just siezes up and really hurts. It goes away quickly but has a little bit of a residual pain for a few minutes. Is there some sort of stretch I can do to help it? When I try to stretch, it seems to just stretch my calf muscles and behind my knees (both really need stretching), but doesn't reach up there.
  3. 20-30 years ago a lot of homeschoolers really did try to do school at home--I know a family who had a room with school desks and an American flag at the front of the room. Pledge in the morning and teaching from the front of the room. Homeschooling today looks much different, in most cases. Yet they were doing school at home. Was that not homeschooling? If someone is doing [virtual] public school at home, it looks very different from that family did, and could be different from what I do. What if we use mostly the computer and TV to homeschool? What if we pay for K12 ourselves and don't go through the school? Does that count as a homeschool now?
  4. What I wonder (not having gone to a school with AP classes available) is, are AP classes really college level, or are they what normal high school classes used to be?
  5. I don't know about fresh/blanched, but don't freeze completely cooked green beans. I tried that and they came out mushy.
  6. What I hate: Global apologies. When a person posts on facebook, "If I've offended [hurt/etc] anyone, I'm sorry. Please come to me and I'll make it up to you." Blah. If you have an inkling that you owe an apology, maybe you do. But don't make a general apology for it. Figure out what you did, or go to everyone you know that may have been involved, talk to them, and figure it out. I can't tell you how many times in the last month I've seen this posted by one particular person I know. Of course, everything is always's someone else's fault, so she's never to blame.
  7. :iagree: In fact, take all the pictures of your kids, duplicates, negatives and all. Just say you're protecting their privacy.
  8. I bought from the meat truck a few weeks ago, and also a few years ago. I love the meat (we've only bought beef). I think the first time I paid the price they asked, but this time I bargained until I got a better deal than I expected to get--I was ready to walk away & close the door and he caved. In theory I bought for below his cost--who knows if he was honest about his cost--but if it was true, then his other sales would make up for it, plus he was trying for an incentive that was worth losing a few bucks on one sale for.
  9. There is nowhere near enough chocolate in a red velvet cake to make it acceptable as a chocolate cake. So just eliminating the food coloring is not enough.
  10. When we do go...the only technology I use is the internet...at home on my laptop. I don't have GPS or a smart phone or anything like that that I can use while we're out.
  11. Not much at all. Money--mostly gas money. There's lots of free stuff I can do...and I have a couple of books detailing what to do in this area, but when I think of the cost of gas, I stay home. I think it's ok if we go do some of this stuff, I doubt dh would begrudge the gas money for it; I just need to make myself do it. I tend to be a penny pincher.
  12. At the end of 12th grade I went on a rock climbing/camping trip with my cousins' youth group. I was one of two girls (well, I couldn't quite tell if the other was a girl or not). She went home early, so I was the only girl in the group when we went rock climbing. It was an area that was surrounded on 3 sides by two-track roads, and the 4th side was the cliff. If we had to go, we had to go into the woods within that area. I did (it was very difficult to go far enough in to not be seen from any of the 4 sides). On my way back I saw one of the adult male leaders standing before a tree. He was actually facing me, with the tree between us, so he didn't see me, and I didn't see anything, if you know what I mean, but there was no doubt what he was doing. I hid behind a tree so he wouldn't know I was there. :lol:
  13. Have to quote myself because I had another thought...If I were hit by a thrown rolling pin, its sharpness would be the least of my concerns, if I were still capable of thought at that point.
  14. You need to get a cheap (but not too cheap--my first rolling pin was $2 from Walmart and gave me splinters, and I wasn't even throwing it) rolling pin, romove the handles, and practice over the next year.
  15. :lol: The lady said the rolling pins were "sharp and heavy." I've never seen a sharp rolling pin. Is that what one uses when the kitchen knives get dull?
  16. I'm down almost 25 lbs. I do generally wear my clothes until they're just about falling off. And I keep tightening my belt, which I wear to keep my pants from falling off. But that's mostly because it seems the next size typically doesn't fit until that point. I haven't had to buy new stuff because I still have smaller sizes in my dresser/closet that I haven't gotten rid of. I plan to go to the thrift store to get more clothes when I need them, but that's where I buy at least half of my stuff anyway. Some of my shirts come from using $10 off coupons that come occasionally from JC Penney or Kohl's, and I look for shirts that are just a smidge over $10 so I can get them nearly free.
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