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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. I grew up in MI, and Dr Pepper was never hard to find (northern MI, west MI, and later as an adult, the U.P.). What area were you in?
  2. We don't have a big family, but my 2 dc do share a room and have bunk beds. I made a set of sheets into one by using my sewing machine to sew the bottom of the top sheet and bottom sheet together. Then I sewed about 3/4 of the way up one side (the side by the wall).
  3. I had one with velcro--don't know what brand it was, but it wasn't Boppy and it didn't quite look like My Brest Friend. I didn't like it because it was pretty hard to undo the velcro with one hand while holding the baby with the other (it was very strong velcro). If I did manage to do it, the velcro would sometimes decide to grab dd8's socks and pull them off her feet as I pulled the pillow away from me. :lol: I wished I had a Boppy. I don't know that I used it much with dd6.
  4. If I had brought water bottles for each person in my family and sunscreen, I'd be fine with it. I would expect other parents to deal with the situation as they feel fit, but would not want the field trip modified if I or someone else did not bring adequate supplies for their own family.
  5. Glad to hear it. I always think of my dad when I read about something like this--if someone made something sugar free and didn't let him know--verbally or with a little sign--he'd assume it's regular. He'd have severe stomach pain within seconds of consuming it.
  6. They look great. Did you mix the sugar free with the regular for all the cupcakes? Just asking because some people (several in my family, I'm sure there are some in any area you go to) are allergic to artificial sweeteners and need to be alerted in advance.
  7. :iagree: I have a friends group set up for my gaming friends, and a friends group set up for friends & family. A couple of people are in both groups. I post personal info only to my friends & family group. I post game stuff only to my game group.
  8. Here's a list of foods high in potassium, grouped into how much they have.
  9. Mine always go onto the kitchen island when I get home. In colder months I used to keep them in my jacket/coat pocket, but now I'm more in the habit of using the kitchen island year round.
  10. You can eat fruit with Atkins, just not in the first two weeks. When you do start eating fruit, you have to pay attention to how much [natural] sugar the fruit has.
  11. Join us over at the Weight Loss Challenge social group.
  12. I just cut all grains and potatoes out of my diet. (and by "diet" I mean "the foods I eat," not "going on a diet") I decided it was easier to do that than to try to judge how much is ok to have. I also closely watch sugar--not just the expected items like desserts and such, but fruit with high sugar content and other items such as bbq sauce. (I've lost 7.2 lbs and have about 45-50 lbs. to go)
  13. Maybe someone else has mentioned this already, but it's a public poll.
  14. I have a BIL named the same as my dh. One of them prefers his full name, and the other prefers the nickname that's common for that name. And when we do call them by their full first names, or both by the nickname, we often add the last name initial (that's when we're all together). It's turned out to be much less confusing than we thought it would be.
  15. Jiffy makes more than just the multi-purpose baking mix, which is probably what you're thinking of, WTMCassandra. They make that, plus muffin mix, pizza crust mix, pie crust mix, and, looking at their website, it appears they make brownie mix, frosting mix, cake mix, and they used to make cookie mixes. I sometimes buy the blueberry muffin mix and add real blueberries--it gives me a basic mix for when I don't want to pull all the ingredients together from scratch. I also do that for the apple cinnamon muffin mix--I add finely chopped apples and lots of cinnamon. (I use 2 boxes at a time, as 1 box makes 6 muffins, and I've learned to add 1 egg per 2 boxes for fluffier muffins)
  16. Click her link/picture. Click on the picture again so it opens in a web browser window by itself. Hold down Ctrl and scroll up with your mouse's scroll button, if it has one. That will enlarge the print for you.
  17. I was saying that you might think that's what they mean, when they don't.
  18. You can do it! Have you joined the Weight Loss Challenge social group? I was planning to go low carb, but after reading some of Nance's comments, I've decided to do low carb and grain free. It's easier for me to say no grain than to regulate how much grain--that might be too much temptation for me. I'm not going to weigh every day, just every 3 days. I weighed on Monday so have to wait until Thursday.
  19. Shoes, since I wear them all day. I'm not at the moment, and my feet are hurting already, so I'm going to go put them back on...
  20. That does generally work, but with some lenses you can't see it as well. I'm not sure if it's the brand or the prescription strength that makes the difference (I worked for an eye doctor and part of my job was contact lens training).
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