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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. She's not carb free. Veggies and fruit still have carbs, just not nearly as many as grains do. And if she's grain free, she wouldn't eat crackers.
  2. I've lost a human brain so far (not mine). I'm not weighing everyday--I might weigh every 3 days or so, and only in the mornings. So maybe I've lost a little more since I weighed yesterday.
  3. Are you sure? If I said that, that wouldn't be what I meant. I don't think she meant that either.
  4. I doubt she was saying the goose egg grows on the inside. She was referring to where the swelling is located.
  5. That sounds like the original book (meat and salad for the first two weeks, maybe eggs and cheese were included in that, then gradually add certain carbs over the following weeks until weight loss stalls, then back up 5 carbs so you continue to lose weight slowly). The rest of the book talks about the science/reasoning behind it all.
  6. Good job, Nance! Can you tell me about the new Atkins? I have an older book, published before he died. I posted an update on my weight in the social group.
  7. We moved our dc into the same room about 2 years ago. They each had their own room, but now they're in the same room with bunk beds. I converted dd6's room into a schoolroom (not a lot of school gets done there, but there's space for them to do "projects," and lots of storage space).
  8. I only know a handful of people who have tattoos. Most of the people I know do not have tattoos.
  9. I don't think they look nice--even the butterflies, flowers and birds. I think they look a bit tacky, too.
  10. $25 ETA: is this your cousin, not the cousin of the bride or groom? (a college roommate, no relation to bride & groom, right?)
  11. Good job, Nance! I did well today--was at a cookout today following dd8's rollerskating show, and I had a hot dog & hamburger without buns, a couple of grape tomatoes and unsweet tea (don't like sweet anyway). I resisted the chips and all the yummy desserts that were there. This morning I had 2 McD's breakfast burritos, so there was the tortillas for those, but that'll be the only grain for today (had unsweet tea with that too).
  12. I had to look that up. It looks like it would work--you wouldn't need to replace the current chest clip, just add the Houdini above or below it. They might unbuckle the one, but not be able to undo the Houdini. And then eventually stop unbuckling the car seat chest clip.
  13. Can you expand on that (the zero sugar part)? Do you eat things like ketchup or store bought spaghetti sauce--they contain added sugar. What about fruit? Veggies that have natural sugars? (onion, tomato, etc)
  14. But before that it was a play, then movies (and the Ingrid Bergman one is the second film adaptation--the Brits did one first).
  15. This is my goal, too. I blew it a few days ago, when I knew we were having hamburgers on Memorial Day--I had fully planned to have the burger without the bun, then I automatically took a bun and put the burger on it before I remembered my plan. I didn't want to waste the bun, so I ate it. I should have given it to dh (but then, he needs to loose weight, too). I just joined the weight loss social group, Nance.
  16. I've heard of gaslighting, but don't know what it means (never saw the movie). ETA: I looked up "gaslighting." Was it used in Body Snatchers? Just wondering, since you mention it in the same sentence as pods. Did you know the term "gaslighting" comes from a 1938 play?
  17. 1. Do you understand the reference about sleeping (or waking up) next to a pod? No 2. If yes, do you think it is a culturally important reference (ie. pretty widely known/common knowledge) or not? 3. What country do you live in? USA 4. How old are you? 37 5. And just for fun 1956, 1978, 1993, or 2007? :D :confused: (but want to know--I'll read the thread now)
  18. I have a friend who had a c-section with her 2nd and during surgery the Dr showed the husband how thin the uterus was before he cut through. They were advised to not get pregnant again.
  19. Care Credit requires a separate & specific application, so the questions on the doctor's form would not be for Care Credit. They're probably more likely if you are going to carry a balance on your account with the orthodontist.
  20. No. Benadryl (whether it's the pills, liquid (oral), or cream) has Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride. ETA: Cortizone and Cortaid are brand name products containing hydrocortisone. You'll find store brand creams labeled hydrocortisone or cortisone.
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