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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. I don't know. I boil it until the color of the corn changes. How long does that take? ETA: I also don't remember if I start the corn in the water before it boils, or add it after it boils. After makes more sense. You'd get a more accurate cook time.
  2. I've done that before, but it was through a roommate referral service I found in a mall. They also had an apartment finder service. I wouldn't have a problem with it if it's all girls. It would feel safer to me. As far as sharing a small room--2 twin beds--that's not unlike sharing a college dorm room, but you'd have the living room and kitchen, too. It would probably be a good deal when you're just starting out.
  3. A groundhog can't chuck wood. It just wouldn't work in the rhyme. :tongue_smilie: :auto:
  4. If you follow the link, it says "including commissions and bonuses." It might depend on the state, though.
  5. This is what I was going to say before I read your post. Its behavior now is no indication that it is not rabid.
  6. Oh, and she should plan for her rent to be no more than 1/3 of her income. If it costs more than that, she can't afford it. (assuming she'll be paying for a car, car insurance, food & gas, clothing, etc.)
  7. $300-400 was the going rate for a basic apartment, utilities included, in Grand Rapids, MI when I lived there in the early-mid 90's. I rented a small house in the U.P. of MI a few years later for about $350/mo., utilities included. What you describe sounds like a good deal nowadays.
  8. The optometrist I worked for did this along with other "pre-tests" (that was my job, along with some other things) Then this which consisted of having the patient read the eye chart projected on the wall, first with one eye, then the other Then the optometrist would do his exam then dilation, then to the Dr for the internal eye exam (for health of the eye)
  9. When I was in jr/sr high, one of my science teachers had us make a study sheet that should work for math facts too: Take a sheet of lined notebook paper. Fold it in half vertically, then open the paper back up. On the left, write your first question/problem. For science it might be What are the X parts of a flower? To the right of the folded line, write the answer. Leave a space and write the next problem and answer. When all the study questions & answers have been written, the student quizzes himself by folding the paper so he can't see the answers. He reads the question, tries to answer, and then checks the other side to see if he is correct. This would work for any subject with a question & answer, including math facts. I used this method a lot in school. I found that writing the questions (coming up with my own from the book) and answers helped me just as much as quizzing myself.
  10. I'm impatient. Do you ever skip the first rise in a traditional yeast bread? (not the no-knead type)
  11. I worked for an optometrist. His opinion of opthomologists was they were great for finding health issues in the eyes and dealing with those issues, but not always that great at determining the correct prescription.
  12. I discount his opinion primarily because of the merits (or lack of) of his argument. His age/lack of experience shows in his posts.
  13. You don't mind a bit of humor right about now, do you? When I read your thread title I thought we were finally going to get the answer to the age-old question of "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck..." :D
  14. I'd call a beekeeper (do an online search for "beekeeping association" in your state). I just looked it up for Ohio, and there is a tab at the top labeled "Swarm Removal." I'd let them know that the swarm is on someone else's property and let them handle it from there. If property lines are an issue, then they can always ring the doorbell. Check this link for tips. It says they won't necessarily do it for free, as it costs more in time and gas than purchasing bees. I suppose if a beekeeper won't come out, then you'd (or rather, the property owners) need to contact pest control (?).
  15. :iagree: I was going to say this too. We just went on a field trip recently and learned about honey bees. The person who led the tour is the director of some honeybee association in our state. He said to call if we saw a swarm because they'd love to come get the bees.
  16. We don't rent, and are not landlords, but we have a company come and do lawn treatments about 4 times a year. We also are having them come 4 times this year to do a treatment for spiders. They come whenever. A week ago he came during our garage sale, but offered to come back another time. When he did come back I didn't realize he was here until I looked out my bedroom window which looks out into the backyard and saw him. A minute before I had just crossed in front of my bedroom window in my bra & undies. :001_huh: I made up my mind that there was a high probability that he didn't see me. :lol:
  17. I found my brother's contract on the 9th and his says bonuses will be paid *by* the tenth of May. I texted her on the 11th asking again but she didn't reply. I can't find my contract, but I don't remember any exceptions to my bonus, and my brother's contract says: It does sound like it's based on attendance and not budget. There are plenty of companies that base their bonus (and whether any bonus is given at all) on company performance. Dh's bonus is like that. If the company didn't perform to a certain $$ level, no bonus is given. If it did reach the goal, then bonus is calculated as a certain percent of the employee's salary. You will want to see if there's anything in writing (not created after the fact, of course), that this bonus is supposed to be guaranteed, not based on company performance. Your contract may be the only piece of paper that states that. If you should have a bonus coming to you and she doesn't give it, I suppose there's small claims court. I have no experience with that, but I'm sure there's others here that do. I think I read a thread recently here...the "threat" of small claims court may be enough to get your bonus.
  18. So I was just looking around and found this one. It would keep the thumb from crossing over, but looks like the student holds the pencil directly, without something between the pencil and fingers. Some people are curriculum junkies. I may be a pencil grip junkie. :D
  19. I bought a couple of these at the convention. We've used them a little bit, but haven't used them regularly. Every now and then I insist on it, but I often forget to pay attention to how dc hold their pencils. I bought them because I thought "Finally! a way to get them to hold the pencil correctly!" I have several other kinds of pencil grips, but I think dc didn't care for the bulkiness of those. Plus, when you take them away, they seemed to go back to however they wanted to hold the pencil. With the claw, the fingers are almost directly touching the pencil, compared to the other kind that have a much thicker barrier between the fingers and pencil. But we haven't had enough experience with the claw yet to give an opinion on how well it works. I have thought of putting stickers on the pencil to show where to hold it. Or something stuck to the fingers maybe? I don't know. Dd8 tends to wrap her thumb over & past the pencil. ETA: we have these, these (the crossover), and these. ETA: Plus these (which are not for adjusting pencil grip, just for comfort), these, and these (another that's for comfort and not postion).
  20. My mom puts uncooked rice in her salt shaker. I've seen it at a restaurant around here too (that would be weird except I grew up with it at home). The rice absorbs the moisture (don't worry, the rice doesn't get soggy or go bad). I would think it would work with garlic or onion powder, too.
  21. He did start in the forums by asking a lot of curriculum questions. I'm not concerned that he's a troll. He just has no credibility in this thread.
  22. Does Staples offer a teacher discount? I had no problem getting an Office Depot discount card, but I think it's only on copying and copy supplies.
  23. Gardenmom is someone else on this forum. You do not have the experience of years. And why do you tell people not to jump to conclusions, and yet you assume that the guy was drinking?
  24. :iagree: :iagree: I didn't realize at first that you are 15. I can see that in the context of your posts. When you have another 15+ years experience under your belt, you'd interpret things differently. I find your responses very immature, but it's your age--lack of experience. Don't take it personally, it is what it is.
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